Friday [7 to 12]



12. Fancy a pint or eight?

11. Let’s see this one play out

10. Green prison, eh? Inevitable I suppose

9. Continuing from Fri 9

To this must be added the Talmudic Zionists … they call for the same on anyone but them.

Which brings me to DM’s comment about fanaticism, tantamount to criminal insanity, which in turn = satanism. However, Steve also had a point about preChristianity.

Inevitably, we must then address the Merovingian Franks and their beserk sacking of Constantinople, way OTT the sick lengths they went to against the ordinary men, women and children.

Just as with Hamas, just as with Gary Brecher and Algeria, which I plan to run soon. Which brings us to Darfur and the monsters Janjaweed, which brings us to the Spanish Inquisition, which brings us to the abortion murderers and selling off of baby parts. Which brings us to murdering David Kelly.

And don’t forget spirit cooking, the paedo high-ups in each country, bound by unholy alliance, the Illumined, the degrees above blue in Masonry … goodness, is there anyone remaining who is NOT a crazy murderer or rapist at heart?

And as for this Sun and Mary worship or this principle of sin all you want because some priest will absolve you … which brings us to Trump’s high priestess suggesting you send her $2000 for a ticket to heaven … and the Protestant synods who are as bad as the globopsychos … worse actually as they pretend to be holy.

So we can go the DM atheistic way, providing zero protection for anyone whatever … or we can opt for a Triune God who overturns money tables but that’s about it, turns water into good wine. Also a ticket to heaven, provided you realise you’ll be a pariah.

Interesting, life … innit?

8. This and Fri 9 need addressing … but how?

7. IYE corner


Stefanik. Smart move by Big Don. Saves losing another R seat

3 replies on “Friday [7 to 12]”

  1. 9. Continuing – I have to be careful with my words here about the exchange in an Amsterdam taxi. Ummah is the cornerstone of Islam. As a Muslim wherever you are it is your duty is build the nation of Islam. Anything else is secondary. You don’t start by trying to convert the state or population you’ve landed in. You grow your population first, slowly displacing those people not of your faith – it’s a numbers game, as alluded to by Muammar Gaddafi some years ago when he said Europe would be taken by the womb.

    Things change however when the Religion of Peace™ reaches dominance in any area. What happens then is happening all over Europe and the United Kingdom: political and religious agitation. Remember the two are inseparable within Islam as it doesn’t recognise laws that are man made. Sharia is what they want and to live under it precludes all else. Muslims will never ‘integrate’ as their ultimate goal is convert all non-believers. That’s why violence runs parallel with the growth of Islam because folk who don’t want to convert usually end up dead.

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