(1523) Strange things. First was Steve’s and my links vanishing … twerent me, guv … then Andy disappearing once I posted his ad, ha ha… then this afternoon, having been busy in the morning, I pursued a line after lunch which is in Thurs 13, which sort of killed any film. Not asleep but away with the fairies all the same.
16. DAD at 1005
Sherry Walker has been a commercial airline pilot for almost 35 years. She says DEI has so completely undermined safety standards that pilots are sometimes afraid to leave the cockpit for fear of what their co-pilots will do unattended.
15. Hypocrite

Not running the vid … don’t wish to look at him, let alone listen. Plus this:

14. Here are these two songs
… I need to find out who dropped them in comments.
Found it … Justin:
13. Not usually having much nostalgia time
… except on the blog, today I went down a rabbit hole from the past. There were two questions … one concerning novelty songs and the other concerning people I looked up to (a bit).
Thought was that, following that Sam the Sham song some evenings ago, maybe I could run three other novelty songs here from the 50s/60s … the obvious one for me was the first song I think I ever heard … or at least the earliest I remember … Flying Purple People Eater … listened again … it was fun, went to a list of others … 1910 Fruitgum Company and Simple Simon … I was on an army training course and that played on the radio. Listened again today … nah, not really, not any more. Sugar Sugar … nah. Monster Mash … nah. Ding a Ling … I don’t like sex in novelty songs.
And so on. Hallo Muddah, Hallo Farder. Hmmmm, not today. On Top of Old Smoky … don’t know why but they just don’t do it for me any more. So what would I post this afternoon? Well I had two Mark Knopfler songs but can you remember who posted them in comments? It was one of us … I’ll go looking later.
So to that other question … how come the artists … film, music … I really liked, e.g. Helen Shapiro, the Yardbirds were always somewhat older than I was … maybe ten years, maybe four … always big brother or sister age … almost no one my age. Their outfits were always the era immediately before mine … they looked cool, were dashing and “with it”?
Whilst the friends I had later, say over 40, who were mates, always seemed about seven years younger. Why? It was never planned that way. Same with women.
12. Seems some progress over there
… wonder though if it’s just sporadic little victories keeping hope alive.

Someone, somewhere doesn’t like us talking about this chat room story – the timing leading up to the committee hearing leaves me to still believe the whole thing was a trap. Either that or the entity deleting those comments wanted to erase the truth I put forward about the advertising industry. Whatever the reasoning it deleted my posts across two threads so perhaps they want to shut me up period.