Wednesday [1 and 2]



2. From IYE

1. Something strange in the online world

Just saw this below, in which I’ve posted the profile as a sshot and the rest in text*:

Well, hello everyone! Yes, it is really me. I am back! As a great number of you had noticed, I have been missing online for almost two months now. I disappeared almost as soon as the trial for the Sport [ma sacre toux**]ended. Public opinion and concern has been split as to why I went missing; between those who thought I had a breakdown after covering [ma sacre toux], and those who thought I had caved to government pressure to stop reporting upon the cover-up. Neither of these, thanks to the strength of public feeling and the support of my colleagues, is true. What really happened? Three days after the trial ended, my X/Twitter account was hacked. My profile remained intact; live but inactive. Except for one thing…My viral timeline […] had been unpinned and DELETED.

This timeline had been collated on the day of [the] sentencing, and detailed exactly what had taken place on that dreadful summer’s day in Sport. It exposed how the […] Government had failed time and time again to prevent this monster from moving about with freedom, and what they and other authorities had done to cover-up their incompetence, and the devastating consequences of their political agenda. This timeline had been see by 50 million people within 3 days – and was recognised as one of the most authoritative records of the [ma sacre toux]. But, just as my account was gaining momentum, and I had the platform to explore the depth of the corruption in this case – including the anti-etihw sentiment of [him] being glossed over by the Establishment and mainstream media – this detailed timeline of evidence was deleted, and I was locked out the account until this morning. (More on this to follow.) I do not know who did this to me, or what caused X to withhold my account from me for almost two months***. But there is one thing of which I am certain: Whoever did this did not want the hideous truth about the [ma sacre toux] in the public domain…


*I, JH, need to establish new formatting rules for sensitive copy. After viewing IYE’s YT (coming up), the critical thing comes down to accuracy, plus posting what we have cause to believe is true. Ultimately, that’s my call.

(i) If I post a screenshot, it’s never altered but is almost always an abridged (snippet). Text though always runs the risk of alteration, if only to insert paragraph breaks.

(ii) If, for example, I leave out great swathes of text, then I need to show you I did … but succinctly. The way to do this is to go to new para and type […], which my keyboard conveniently allows me to do easily:

(iii) If I need to delete whole words, then I still use […] but in the body of the text, without para break … this distinction between (i) and (ii) is important. It will only be some words, not whole paras or swathes done this way and there is always a reason, which I’ll tell you if you ask, otherwise it’s too cumbersome.

(iv) If I need to retain a word such as Sport, as it is essential for meaning, it will be letter substituted or rearranged or even the euphemism I wrote of some time back. This is particularly needed in home news, not so much across the pond or ditch.

(v) If I use the asterisk method below six dots in a line, then I do not also need the JH, as you’ll know it’s me. When not using asterisks, I need to put in JH. With Stevedrops at NOWP, I need to stop inserting lettering, as it does not correspond to the HQ “list” method which seems to be working as signposting.

(vi) If I quote you, then I’d need to put in the JH to differentiate. If still unclear, I’d need to italicise.

(vii) If I use () … no special significance. If I use [], it either indicates subject heading or insertion. That insertion can also be your own, as Steve does with [the] Ukraine. You need give no reason unless directly asked … but the [] is quite significant … it indicates deliberate insertion, for our reasons.

**With the [ma sacre toux], you need to know sufficient French or history. The tale was that Napoleon III had a bad toux or cough, muttered “my damned cough” … but the soldiers took it as “tous” or “everybody” … well, so the tale goes. I’m thinking you catch my drift in her text above then.

Why such convoluted setting out? See the para following * above.

*** “I do not know who did this to me, or what caused X to withhold my account from me for almost two months.”

Interesting question … could be bots/algorithm/key words, could be minions of the WEF CEO of X, could be half a dozen reasons, inc. a homegrown agency sitting over all we write. Could be just a hackster.


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