(0300) Just the one post for now, then more shuteye. (0310
What’s wrong with being fragmented anyway?
Think we should pause and consider these three postings:

What is “the right” anyway? Does it not mean today the dissidents unhappy with the country being sold down the river? There are two words which I find useful in understanding what “we” are … “unherdable cats” (first saw it at Orphans in 2012) and “ragtag”, as in Lord of the Rings … it suggests people from all walks, from former Conservatives (dries) to former Old Labour. UKIP used to have that.
A wise man I call MMutR* has said for decades now that we’re so disparate that we’re always going to fall out over this point or that … thus we keep it to two or three points in a manifesto and leave off with the others for the moment … argue them later.
Come election time … council through to GE, we look, within each constituency, at who embraces these key points within the candidates and then all of us agreeing on these key points get behind this local, e.g. UKIP, Homeland, Heritage, whatever, and get that particular person elected. The whole point is backsides on benches at Westminster or at council meetings.
We’re currently fixating on Party because that’s how the Red Blue Yellow Green and now Light Blue Uniparty stays in power … we have numbers out here but not inside Westminster … we can never make a Party, which requires massive funding, but we can certainly watch constituencies, see what talent there is and promote it … as long as we don’t try to “combine into one party under, say, a Farage”.
This is far more in line with what we have available (hint … it’s not money), plus realising that the enemy is seeking to shut down, incarcerate with deathculters, silence us in the open, e.g. at rallies. I’m suggesting that those things are impractical for most people either aged, with family, still with jobs, whatever … we’re easy targets for funded and organised thugs the Uniparty sends out there.
Silently, anonymously, seems the way the 80% or 52%, whatever, can do it … irregular tactics. I’m suggesting, Laze and Gem, that we start thinking this through, then act consistently within what we do agree upon … those few key points.
* MMutR = my mate up the road