Try these


  1. Who died recently? ☝🏻
  2. What famous building was near the (D)al Tex building?
  3. Who’s second in line after Chas III?
  4. 2nd on periodic table … high or low density?
  5. Who’s 4th in line after Pres, VP, Speaker?
  6. Name a famous lithographer.

2 replies on “Try these”

  1. Who died recently? ☝🏻 George Supervisor.

    What famous building was near the Dal Tex building? Tower 4?

    Who’s second in line after Chas III? Wullie’s eldest.

    2nd on periodic table … high or low density? Depends on the temperature and pressure, dunnit.

    Who’s 4th in line after Pres, VP, Speaker? Secretary of Commerce?

    Name a famous lithographer. I name you Lusitania. May God bless you and all who sail in you.


    2. My error … not Cal Tex but Dal Tex.
    4. At STP. It’s been causing trouble in NC.

    President pro tempore of the Senate

    6. Went over my head, me being a thicky. Wyllie?

  2. 2. Book Depository
    3. Prince George
    6. Picasso


    JH: All good, Jack. I was thinking Escher myself but all good.

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