(1315) Afternoon proceeds. (1334)
21. Welfare

20. Are Canadians more brainwashed than Brits?

19. Who?

18. From IYE’s Miles Mathis link in comments
“Yes, these documents show the CIA was involved, but they are involved in my theory as well: both the CIA and FBI were involved in faking this assassination, so that Johnson could become President without a special election.
Basically the same scenario that happened three times before, with Lincoln, Garfield, and McKinley. If a President dies, the VP becomes President, but if a President retires due to ill health, there is problem, since the Constitution is unclear on how to deal with that. Congress might decide to call a special election, in which case the VP may not win.
Besides, by faking it this way, they had found it was a great way increase the popularity of the VP, via sympathy, guaranteeing national unity in the following months, knocking everything else out of the news, as well as guaranteeing his win in the next election.
That is exactly what had happened the three previous times, and it happened even more for Johnson, whose popularity was through the roof in the beginning, keeping eyes off the Vietnam War for a couple of years.”
Another theory
Robin Ramsay, Who Shot JFK, Pocket Essentials, Bucks, 2007.

Another story has Harrelson in the Dal Tex building with a line of fire down Elm, someone behind the glassy knoll, someone in the Book Depository but not with Oswald … a window further towards the road sign. Another has Wallace in with Oswald. Bush was almost certainly around downstairs.
Mathis says Kennedy was “retired”, (maybe under the Appalachians is my Svaliesque addition) and it was a double in the car. Maybe … I’m thinking the versions don’t clash, except in minor detail.
19. Who? – He won’t like that at all.
21. Welfare – Sir Keir ‘smash the gangs’ Starmer is blowing through £55,000,000 a day on hotel accommodation for illegal immigrants. Lest we forget that’s OUR money. Meanwhile the national debt increase per day is £194,000,000. That is all.