Daily Archives: March 24, 2025

Monday [22 till close of play]

(1536) Evening not far away.


27. Moosh corner

26. Nightmare

25. Tom Fitton

“Trump administration just gave Chief Justice Roberts, Justice Amy Coney Barrett and the rest of the Supreme Court yet another opportunity rein in rogue courts attacking our constitutional structure. The Trump DOJ requested a “stay” of a crazed decision by a Clinton judge telling Trump admin to rehire 13,000 federal workers merely because leftist non-profits might somehow be hurt eventually: “The court’s preliminary injunction thus let third parties hijack the employment relationship between the federal government and its workforce. And, like many other recent orders, the court’s extraordinary reinstatement order violates the separation of powers, arrogating to a single district court the Executive Branch’s powers of personnel management on the flimsiest of grounds and the hastiest of timelines. That is no way to run a government. This Court should stop the ongoing assault on the constitutional structure before further damage is wrought.””


24. Why is Whitty not in prison?

23. Steve being resolute

22. Not totally, altogether sure what Rolf’s ramble was about

… but this part grabbed attention:

“I’ve seen medical execution at first hand, and wrote about it two years ago. The dying ward was brightly lit, the nurses cheerful – not rushed off their feet as in other hospital areas. In their heads they will have been doing the right thing, otherwise they would not have told me so calmly that they were withholding fluids from my friend; that is, letting him die of thirst while so heavily sedated that he couldn’t complain if he wanted to, while his organs were collapsing.”

Read more here.

Try these


  1. Who died recently? ☝🏻
  2. What famous building was near the (D)al Tex building?
  3. Who’s second in line after Chas III?
  4. 2nd on periodic table … high or low density?
  5. Who’s 4th in line after Pres, VP, Speaker?
  6. Name a famous lithographer.

Monday [18 to 21]

(1315) Afternoon proceeds. (1334)


21. Welfare

20. Are Canadians more brainwashed than Brits?

19. Who?

18. From IYE’s Miles Mathis link in comments

“Yes, these documents show the CIA was involved, but they are involved in my theory as well: both the CIA and FBI were involved in faking this assassination, so that Johnson could become President without a special election.

Basically the same scenario that happened three times before, with Lincoln, Garfield, and McKinley. If a President dies, the VP becomes President, but if a President retires due to ill health, there is problem, since the Constitution is unclear on how to deal with that. Congress might decide to call a special election, in which case the VP may not win.

Besides, by faking it this way, they had found it was a great way increase the popularity of the VP, via sympathy, guaranteeing national unity in the following months, knocking everything else out of the news, as well as guaranteeing his win in the next election.

That is exactly what had happened the three previous times, and it happened even more for Johnson, whose popularity was through the roof in the beginning, keeping eyes off the Vietnam War for a couple of years.”

Another theory

Robin Ramsay, Who Shot JFK, Pocket Essentials, Bucks, 2007.

Another story has Harrelson in the Dal Tex building with a line of fire down Elm, someone behind the glassy knoll, someone in the Book Depository but not with Oswald … a window further towards the road sign. Another has Wallace in with Oswald. Bush was almost certainly around downstairs.

Mathis says Kennedy was “retired”, (maybe under the Appalachians is my Svaliesque addition) and it was a double in the car. Maybe … I’m thinking the versions don’t clash, except in minor detail.

Monday [15 to 17]

(1038) Afternoon all. (1205)


17. Will they ever be put behind bars?

16. Spring break and sharks

“I’ve been telling you guys forever, shark attacks are not rare. They happen all the time. Just like cancer isn’t rare. Happens all the time. It’s almost as if they want us to die. 

You will never catch me in the ocean. Last time I went swimming in the ocean was when I was 35 years old. A piece of seaweed touched my foot and I almost had a heart attack and drowned. Never again.”


Yes … good cautionary tale but I have one too

How can I put this politely? The last place on earth I’d wish to be is on that beach, with that lot, to use Richard Tice’s expression. I have my reasons and two of those are syringes in the sand and diseases.

15. Mini golf

Monday [6 to 10]

(0700) Morning all … nondescript out there so far. (0808)


10. Who’dathunkit … that we’d ever see this?

9. “Let’s all pull together” won’t cut it now

One thing which characterises the Reform type dissident is he can be a colleague one minute and suddenly turn savage on that colleague the next if the colleague is part of some “split” as he sees it. He quite ignores the behaviour of the gang of four, plus Oakeshott but the moment the attacked person hits back, suddenly it’s called “squabbling”.

If that colleague would step back one moment and look at him/herself, he/she did precisely this when looking at the Uniparty behaviour in the first place, esp. at the top. Reform attracted dissidents in the first place from the Uniparty. So it’s a bit rich castigating us in intemperate language for being dissident yet again, yet again politically homleless.

The gang of four … Yusuf, Farage, Tice, Anderson, plus Oakeshott … have behaved unconscionably I’m afraid … far beyond a naively thought of “squabble” … we are simply not going through it all again … controlled opposition, duping us with lies, all the rest of it.

There are other snippets as well, for example:

So people ARE soulsearching at the moment and to attack us for doing that can only lead to decision time:

8. Deathjab crims

7. JFK

6. The financial chasm ahead

Monday [1 to 5]

(0503) Welcome, dear reader, to a new week, just awoke at a decent time in my terms, reasonable sleep. (0544) Dawn. (0635)


5. Africa

4. Pammy sit-rep

The Pammy sit-rep is only the start of a far bigger issue … but first her:

Thing with Pam Bondi is she’s everything that a woman is … she’s a real woman, with all the sirenesque elements but also all the flaws, esp. in the brain. I watched her walking with the Don and she was basking in her power over him, walking in a most girlish way … women on a mission know exactly when to switch on the inner gal … sometimes he makes her feel good, nothing nefarious.

Pammy is all woman, a double edged sword … her enemies, who are Donny’s enemies, plus the other women, plus ultra-demanding MAGA, are forces to be met with strategies or dismissal … “I don’t care about them (MAGA).” Interesting, because just as Farage, Yusuf and Tice don’t care about “that lot” … us … and our lot are eventually going to bring them down … ditto over there. Hiding behind the boss is only going to work for so long, if the base is deeply disgruntled.

It all takes time, as she might say about the Epstein files, which our Steve, plus others, might agree with … sounds reasonable. For a certain period of time.

Sorry, but she’s weak. She went out of her way to say she had “directed” Kash and others to investigate … it’s on their heads now. Pammy is not up to it.

Donny and Tom Homan are right bstds, Putin is a right bstd. There are those of us who are too. The mistake Donny makes is he’s taken in by the tough talk, the strongly worded letters, the ultra-femininity of a honey … and I am too. There it is. He loves this creature called Woman. So do I.

In Arizona, there is trouble on the way. Christy arranged for this Karrin to have a fundraiser at Mar-a-Lago, few attended as they know her as a hate-Trumper. Laura Loomer asked who had allowed it to happen. I can tell you who … that gatekeeping woman he employs, the quiet one who stays in the bkgd.

He keeps Laura at a distance, too Mossad for comfort. She finds things out and blabs them. She’s a rottweiler … she’d be great for our “rag” here, though she’d not deign of course. …/END.

3. Over at UHC

Major post on Reform and new party:

This will be taken up further, as and when there are developments … or not.

2. Steve at 1003

  • Spain immig crisis 70% new jobs, natives flee
  • Irish telling truth triggers attacks
  • Gore exposed
  • Ivanka Dad’s new bodyguard?
  • Main folds on women’s sport
  • Demonrat analysis
  • Trump Was Right to Remove Security Clearances for Biden Family, Hillary and Other Dems
  • Uke sit-rep
  • Europe’s Plan To Replace US In NATO Ignores The Interests Of 5 Key Countries
  • Much more.

1. DAD at 1003

a) Here be a Rabbit Hole. FIVE anti Trump judges are involved in a secretive, INVITATION ONLY club for judges and lawyers called the American Inns of Court…..

b) ‘Death blow for the euro’ – AfD’s Weidel slams Germany’s massive new debt package after Merz emerges triumphant from historic vote.

c) German localities are increasingly being forced to cancel public festivals and celebrations due to the prohibitive security costs for protecting them from “terror”. *

d) I think that the Paris police need driving lessons. “It’s a miracle there were no deaths”: in Paris, 13 injured, including 10 police officers, in a pile-up after a refusal to comply.


JH: It might surprise that I’d comment on c rather than a … c is a lead in to a post above later from me.