(0314). Sunday is a long day, with almost equal parts day and night and at 0409, I’m ready to go back to bed to catch some more shuteye. Did not even get to our chaps … too much else waylaid your humble blogger, as you’ll see below. Life, laze and gem, is learning until the day we die. Catch you in a while. (0438)
6. Oh well, that’s that a third time
… good reader, need some shuteye after this, I see via ticker that DAD’s just posted.

5. Oh well, that’s that again

4. Oh well … that’s that then
… was it the DEI or the hairy back?

3. Interesting study, these two

Serena is a known-known … difficult to ask a question of, is full steam ahead with her cause, which happens, in many respects, to align with much of ours.
This Bidwell character I looked at. Has all the trappings of being dismissive … the sarco, throwaway lines, the Brit sense of humour … I can’t see him as being anything but Brit … and yet his ideas are bizarre. For example, he had an item up on how our wonderful PM, in his majesty, saw dear Zellie (the Ukraine) and the meeting was as between equals.
I was awaiting for the punchline … but none was to come. Whaaa?
Clearly educated to a point … I was trying to liken him to someone more well known and then it appeared … he did a promo for Private Eye.
Got it … Hislop clone … twisted politics, straight Guy Burgess stuff. Private Eye is weird … does corrupt borough explorations, exposes cant … to a point … yet cannot rid itself of an essentially Labour slant … has all the trappings of being culturally British … and yet is deeply anti-British … the “intellectual” left as it styles itself.
2. Explore, folk, don’t just take as handed from the PTB

1. A reverse order look at a young man
… with his head screwed on backwards … MP Mike Martin. Last page opened first here:
It was an academic study by a member of British Army “intelligence” which the army didn’t like, so he resigned and became an MP … and look where.
All this came about, around 0324, after a good sleep, thank you very much, after seeing this:

And now a word about “Grifty” and “The Grift Report”. Quite intriguing because he (yes he) followed my account early and I posted that here for IYE to see, thinking it was “our” American Grifty.
Having said that, made that error, I then found it was not such an error after all:
Intriguing, as his topics are as ours are at Unherdables, more slanted to one topic, heavily steeped in US-UK, though blogging out of the UK, or Asgard as he puts it. He seems to be quite up with the lowdown.
And that, dear Unherdable patron or occasional, is the type of thing we need to do on every topic we look at. I quite agree though … how is that humanly possible and yet still have a life we could call “living”?
TRG Grifty uses the TRG handle on X. We nickname her Grifty. I have no idea who the one is which you link to sometimes. I have been disappointed with her video efforts recently but everyone has their off days.
JH: Well yes … she has the opposite of TDS … extreme Trumpophilia … women do that … just look at Pammy and Alina. The thought processes can go strange for awhile.
If I recall correctly, she didn’t appear to have any political bias in the early days of her channel – the opposite, in fact, wanted to keep politics out of it. Think she even said she wasn’t pro DJT. Then suddenly she was full-on Trumpism. Seemed like someone had flicked a switch and given her permission. It didn’t seem organic, imho. But I am suspicious by nature. 🙂
1. Have you looked closely at The Grift Report’s header at X? The Last Supper with Donny as the central figure.
Not just women who have him for a saviour.
Such folly.
JH: 🍿🍿🍿