Daily Archives: March 23, 2025

Sunday [16 till close of play]

(1535) Good afternoon and into the evening.


19. Steve at 1003

Hearts of Oak: The Week According to…Callum Smiles

18. Richard Green on Gab

President Donald Trump’s administration’s use of Elon Musk’s DOGE to cut USAID spending is having a deep impact on the United Nations Department of Safety and Security (UNDSS), according to internal U.N. emails shared with Fox News Digital.

In an email sent early Friday morning, president of the U.N. Field Staff Union, Milan Victor Dawoh wrote that the USAID funding cut resulted in “approximately $30 million” having been “removed from the extra-budgetary (XB) resources, resulting in a significant reduction in staffing.” 

Dawoh’s email warns that the U.N. “is currently experiencing its worst liquidity crisis since its establishment. The situation is expected to deteriorate further before any improvement occurs.”

Dawoh said that UNDSS will lose 100 employees and that its presence will be eliminated in 35 to 45 countries, while noting that “regional hubs” will be established “in the remaining 120 countries where UNDSS will maintain a presence.” 


17. Nursing

Links go nowhere I’m afraid … easy enough to type in and find:

16. This young Mander bint


My deputy head was in her mid to late 20s, the lady in the role before me as head was similar in age. Neither was particularly ideological, they were just teachers and certain festivities went ahead as they always had. My nursery head was a Christian.

I can say our board and the overall principal were similar, I was never leant on, ideologically, by them but we were leant on by Ofsted when they started up … they were rabid left, we were quite appalled.

Sunday [11 to 15]



15. Or start employing indigenous men again?

14. The insanity of govt policy

13. It’s all Greek to me

12. String up Midazolam Matt or Boris?

Or just forget all about it, let bygones be bygones?

11. Kathy at TCW

“IT IS an ill wind that blows nobody any good. It’s also a very big thank you to the many kind readers who wrote to me after my last week’s review on the risks posed by the Online Safety Act. I thought opprobrium was going to be heaped on me, but no, I received understanding and sympathy.

Like Dave Hipperson’s email to me:

‘Correct tactics I think, withdrawing the comments section, even if only temporarily. You are in the crosshairs right now; we don’t want to make it worse. A perfect tactical withdrawal as indeed alluded to by the first two ‘Letters of the Day’, which is also a positive and useful addition.’

And so, it has proved! I don’t know why I didn’t think of a ‘Letter of the Day’ before. Granted, it’s less immediately reactive than a comment, but letters are what we always used to do.

In fact, only one reader accused me of caving in without a fight, and only one said that it had finished him with TCW! But I have long learned that old adage: you can’t win them all.”

Not sure what she’s done … removed the comments thread I suppose and gone back to olden days’ newspaper style.

Sunday [7 to 10]

(0721) Mornng all, still in bed again, just lazy, that’s all it is. (0751)


10. From Deeproots on Gab

9. Steve at 1002

  • Special Envoy Steve Witkoff on Tucker Carlson Show: Russia’s Putin Prayed for ‘Friend’ Trump After He Was Shot
  • Chinese Navy Cruises Around Australia and Sends a Message to the World*
  • If Chief Justice John Roberts Is Hobnobbing with the Most Wicked and Heinous People in America at Private, Elitist Functions – How Can He Be Trusted to Make Sound Decisions for the American People?**
  • Swiss Think-Tank: US Intel Investigating Anthony Blinken For Potential Involvement in Romania’s Globalist Coup
  • Trump Revokes Security Clearance of Hillary Clinton, Kamala Harris, and the Radical Leftist Cabal
  • Military Situation In [The] Ukraine On March 22, 2025
  • How Zelenski Is Trying To Sabotage Trump’s Negotiations With Russia***
  • UK Breakfast TV Gives Sympathetic Coverage of Covid Shot Damage****
  • Online Safety Act: The truth behind one of [the] UK’s most authoritarian pieces
  • Much more.


*Retun of the yellow peril


***Head of one Azov brigade planning coup


8. Remember Lockerbie too

7. DAD presents, at 1002

a) Paris yesterday. The left march against racism, border guards, Police, right wing, etc. etc. Surprise, surprise, there is violence.

b) …..but the politicians still can’t see the problem. 

The French Minister of Justice says,

“The is no problem with Islam, the problem is with Islamism”.

c) The British politicians are just as bad.

“Multiculturalism hasn’t failed,” says ex-MP chased by pro-Palestinian protesters

Jonathan Ashworth, who was tipped for major government role, suffered shock general election defeat in Leicester South.

d) The government has published a booklet of items that one should keep ready in case of emergency. The booklet suggests that one keeps six bottles of water; but shows a pitcure seven bottles.

East End dilettante chooses his signature track

(0621) The essential problem with feeling part of people in different places is that they never completely see you as one of them. (0701)


Illustrating this is our Moosh … couldn’t get much more London than her, yet she’s not East End in herself … she’s from near Edmonton, more Spurs country:

Notice that lake by the way? And my own Londoninity is centred on Ammersmiff, Mill Hill and Blackheath, as laid out in my infamous poem Odeon to Ammersmiff. And Blackheath inevitably leads to suspicions that the denizen’s been dallying with rugger, Tranquil Vale and the Princess of Wales. Plus London Bridge and eventually Cannon Street.

Anyway, were you to want to sum up 70s London, you’d do worse than Stiff Records, Ian Dury and the Blockheads:

Which brings me to two of my hobbyhorses … first being the immortal expression “Local not local” which means someone far more local to an area than, say, a Tom Dick or Harry from Grantchester Meadows or maybe Dunfermline but not necessarily local to anywhere else … and the second hobbyhorse being a particular style of music.

This style takes a group of musos who can really play those instruments … key perfect and note perfect … yet they lack a focal point, a direction, a “thang”. Hence they cluster around an eccentric such as Ian Dury or Graham Parker or Willy de Ville or even Jon Fogerty and the result is greatness of a sort … his vision and their consummate playing.

The word I’m probably searching for here is “playful”.

Fitting that bill was Mark Knopfler … when all were on the same page, reading from the same hymn sheet … they were simply great … but once egos intruded, competing ambitions etc. … then just forget it. None are ever as good again out on their own. …/END.

Sunday [1 to 6]

(0314). Sunday is a long day, with almost equal parts day and night and at 0409, I’m ready to go back to bed to catch some more shuteye. Did not even get to our chaps … too much else waylaid your humble blogger, as you’ll see below. Life, laze and gem, is learning until the day we die. Catch you in a while. (0438)


6. Oh well, that’s that a third time

… good reader, need some shuteye after this, I see via ticker that DAD’s just posted.

5. Oh well, that’s that again

4. Oh well … that’s that then

… was it the DEI or the hairy back?

3. Interesting study, these two

Serena is a known-known … difficult to ask a question of, is full steam ahead with her cause, which happens, in many respects, to align with much of ours.

This Bidwell character I looked at. Has all the trappings of being dismissive … the sarco, throwaway lines, the Brit sense of humour … I can’t see him as being anything but Brit … and yet his ideas are bizarre. For example, he had an item up on how our wonderful PM, in his majesty, saw dear Zellie (the Ukraine) and the meeting was as between equals.

I was awaiting for the punchline … but none was to come. Whaaa?

Clearly educated to a point … I was trying to liken him to someone more well known and then it appeared … he did a promo for Private Eye.

Got it … Hislop clone … twisted politics, straight Guy Burgess stuff. Private Eye is weird … does corrupt borough explorations, exposes cant … to a point … yet cannot rid itself of an essentially Labour slant … has all the trappings of being culturally British … and yet is deeply anti-British … the “intellectual” left as it styles itself.

2. Explore, folk, don’t just take as handed from the PTB

1. A reverse order look at a young man

… with his head screwed on backwards … MP Mike Martin. Last page opened first here:


It was an academic study by a member of British Army “intelligence” which the army didn’t like, so he resigned and became an MP … and look where.





All this came about, around 0324, after a good sleep, thank you very much, after seeing this:

And now a word about “Grifty” and “The Grift Report”. Quite intriguing because he (yes he) followed my account early and I posted that here for IYE to see, thinking it was “our” American Grifty.

Having said that, made that error, I then found it was not such an error after all:

Intriguing, as his topics are as ours are at Unherdables, more slanted to one topic, heavily steeped in US-UK, though blogging out of the UK, or Asgard as he puts it. He seems to be quite up with the lowdown.


And that, dear Unherdable patron or occasional, is the type of thing we need to do on every topic we look at. I quite agree though … how is that humanly possible and yet still have a life we could call “living”?