Beware the return of the sausages
You may have noticed, in Sat 9, Fri 25, Ladies at Lunchtime and Thur 19, an ongoing joke … some wag suggested that Penelope Keith killed JFK … a document was altered in a parody. Russell Brand believed it … the gag was born. The lady focussed on is a long retired English actress, almost a Grande-Dame.
Where the gag falls flat is for those from another land … and we have a few of those at Unherdables … I did send a clip of The Good Life to Toodles … but where the gag holds up is in its “repetition ad nauseam”. It’s not enough to repeat it three or four times, as the net and our dear readers are discovering … the key point is ad nauseam, ha ha.
This is slightly different to The Streisand Effect, which Wiki explains this way:

The Streisand effect is an unintended consequence of attempts to hide, remove, or censor information, where the effort instead increases public awareness of the information. The term was coined by Mike Masnick after Barbra Streisand attempted in 2003 to suppress the publication of a photograph showing her clifftop residence in Malibu, taken to document coastal erosion in California, inadvertently drawing far greater attention to the previously obscure photograph. The effect exemplifies psychological reactance, in which the attempt to hide information instead makes it more interesting to seek out and propagate.
The difference between that and doxxing is that in doxxing, there is no way the victim would want it published, has taken no steps to do that and the action of doing it is malicious and intended to actually harm, not just to mock … which I suggest is also the difference between the left and the right.
You might remember the superinjunction phase in Britain when everyone knew who was bonking a chap’s brother’s wife … the name was common talk around town … and yet the injunction remained at that point. Someone on HIGNFY may have broken the law by breaking that.
There are many examples of the power of the net, once something goes viral but there’s also TV at issue. Years ago, downunder, there was a nationally shown football talk show (1994 to 2019 apparently) and in boy culture, one never claims something not-so if one wishes to avoid a bollocking or merciless grilling.
When it becomes a Streisand or Penelope repetition though, ad nauseam, not only is it very, very funny, except for the one who slipped up, but everyone knows it will go on and on and on …
… and when the one pilloried is a buffoon anyway, trying to claim he’s tough when he’s not … he’s just asking for it. In this clip, there is a second footballer of the time, in the studio with them, called Nathan, a good player it seemed, who suffered broken bones in a collision … well just watch the clip.
Compounding it is that the buffoon being pilloried was also porking the ex-wife of one of the panellists … not a nice man at all.
Try to sit through this because it gets better as it goes on:
It then went countrywide viral, even to other shows:
Once you try to return those sausages, it’s stuck on your CV forever … better to have just ridden it out.