Friday [12 to 16]



16. Public notice about Heathrow and Brummeland

JH: Probably need to come live up here, southerners and midlanders. No, come to think of it, stay where you are. 😁

15. Here’s an interesting one from Martin Cole

14. Lisa yesterday

At least it’s a “she”. I think.

13. A conversation last evening

… plus this item here:

… brought on the realisation that info is fleeting, ephemeral … something the evil muvvers, Them, know full well. Just sit something out a day, a week, month, year, decade, two decades and people have forgotten, never knew, never read our site or it’s a new generation and the digging and ferreting must be done over.

Meanwhile, Them have taken measures, e.g. changing algorithms, stealing sites … all sorts.

GHWB was truly an evil muvver, as was Barb, one of the high priestesses of the cult … not going over everything, can’t even recall if it was his inauguration or farewell, but they use those things as highly symbolic gestures, for example the Bergamon thing for Obama with the Ish*** Gate … straight satanism among the illumined … and for “watch my lips” … it was the 1000 points of light. In plain sight. Throw in the symbol on the dollar note.

Result … the Gulf War, the “smart weapons war” among other things … oh and that certificate the soldier received about GWHB’s New World Order. Fast fwd to the pre-ordered 911, Patriot Act etc. In those days, the start of my online activity by the way, it was all Rense, Henry Makow, MK Ultra, along came Bohemian Grove, there was the 2005 NAU, later renamed by the CFR the SPPNA, superhighway, plus Jnr and Kerry both members of Skull and Bones, plus that Geronimo’s skull thing.

The words which sprang to mind, after you’d got past being called a “whackjob” by a whackjob, were that these people were “criminal psychos” … still applicable today. Kerry wiping out that village for fun in SE Asia … Calley eat yer heart out. Any evil cause … there was Kerry up on stage. Of course, Jnr and climate change Gore, Gaia and all that claptrap, had a tussle … the corrupt SCOTUS awarded it to Jnr … quicker devastation.

And the normies, with it all at their MSM fingertips? Sigh. Poor, duped sods. Icke became a dirty word but was not entirely wrong, except on the Jesus bit. Annunaki? Who knows? An article came out on How the West was Won, things about the Hyksos, the basis of Masonry, Hiram Abeth (I’ve forgotten the exact name) … it featured on the JFK whack day … the three Js on top of the overpass at the end of Dealey Plaza.

’Mac’ Wallace … check him out, one of the killers, maybe the chief one … the LBJ connection today fairly well accepted around the world … check out Cliff Carter and Madeleine Brown. Check out the building across the road, other side of the entrance to Dealey Plaza. Nuff!

12. Nice, on the topic of hockey-stick Mann

at AKH’s place:

In the last few weeks the judge reduced the damages awarded from $1million to $5,000, ordered Mann to pay massive legal costs, and has now sanctioned Mann for lies presented in his evidence. The climate change hysteria and its authoritarian net zero agenda preceded Mann’s flawed hockey stick ‘research’, but Mann’s work and influence have been a major factor in accelerating the UN/WEF Agenda 2030 of ‘you’ll own nothing and be happy’ while being cold, unable to travel and dining on bugs.

6 replies on “Friday [12 to 16]”

  1. 16. Public notice about Heathrow…

    See how easy it would be to cripple this country. Counter terrorism police are investigating. Did the back-up generator kick in? There were two explosions in close succession. One took the substation out the other the diesel generator – the flames and black smoke indicate a fuel fire. Coincidence?

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