Thursday [4 to 7]

(0641) Morning all, not up yet. 0709 … up now, might as well have stayed in bed. (0932)


7. A mild rebuke of the gals

Call me out of order … but boys, when faced with a drop dead gorgeous gal, are programmed to cease thinking with the curmudgeonly brain. Look, I’m as guilty as any but … but … but …

Start with Isabel Oakeshott … doesn’t marry Tice, then scarpers off to Qatar or wherever, from there has a smug interview where she grins about the Brit Reform voters who are not happy with Farage Yusuf … bad optics … not a serious person, blind female loyalty to Tice.

Now Pammy. Blind female loyalty to Donny, not to her country (look at her past doings), loves being on TV … that’s doing her job in her eyes … presumably she has underlings doing her job for her. Dismisses MAGA, saying she doesn’t care about them. Bad optics. Bindergate.

Now Alex Phillips … not a clue in the Farage treason affair … still laughing and cawing on TV, her natural habitat. Bad optics.

Now Paula London … wants to be taken seriously as a pundit, so starts wearing lingerie and cutaway swimsuits, cunningly covering her “lady bits” as she put it. Bad optics.

Now Natalie … much beloved by the boys, full of herself, abetted by Bannon who thinks not with his brain when it comes to Nat … she starts this standing in front of the building, flashing her thigh from a split skirt, posing this way and that. Bad optics.

And now this:

No darling, you do not seek approval that way … bit of a giveaway. You were doing a grand job, better than Alex Phillips by the way … no argument there … but you let womanliness intrude. Bad optics. Like Kristi Noem at the scene of the immolated girl, having hair coiffed on a bench before photo op. Bad optics.

Nothing wrong with a gal being a gal but if you wish to be a hardhitting pundit where gender does not come into it … you catch my drift? And yes, I still love all those gals and yes … they should continue on … but … but … but…

6. DAD

a) Life in France, today 1. On Rue Marx Dormoy, telecom stores line one another, some completely empty, with almost no customers and no salespeople. Almost no stores sell food. This neighborhood is the focus of much attention from the police headquarters, which wants to combat what are called “front businesses,” these ghost businesses suspected of being used to launder drug trafficking money.

b) Life in France, today 2. Eric and his partner* moved to Impasse Sainte-Cadenne five years ago, hoping to find a haven of peace in this alleyway in a neighborhood south of Bordeaux. Reality quickly caught up with them. “There was drug use in front of our house every day, at all hours,” he recalls. Heroin, crack cocaine, syringes littering the ground… the alleyway had become a regular place for drug use.

c) A North Dakota jury on Wednesday found Greenpeace liable for millions of dollars in damages to a giant pipeline company in relation to protests against the Dakota Access Pipeline nearly a decade ago.

d) Now for the best news of the day/week/month/year….**



*Not wife? Always “partner” these days. Whither the western population?

**Sommit to do with the Tour de France?

5. Steve at 1000 (an NOWP number, not a time)

  • Author and JFK Expert Reveals a Critical JFK File That Was Not Released to the Public and Still Remains a Secret
  • Radical Leftists Launch Chilling Website Doxxing Private Tesla Owners*
  • Is Mahmoud Khalil a British Spook? He Worked at British Embassy in Beirut – Had Security Clearance**
  • Judicial Coup: Radical Leftist Judges Wage All-Out War Against President Trump and the Nation
  • Chip Roy Urges Congress to Defund Radical Courts as Senate Impeachment Requires 14 Democrat Votes***
  • Military Situation In [The] Ukraine On March 19, 2025
  • Zelensky angry at Putin stance … whoopee do
  • Pharmaceutical companies violated the UK code of practice on 53 occasions
  • Despite state efforts to reverse it, Russia’s birth rate declines. What do Russians believe is the cause?
  • Much more.


*It’s a good litmus test … we go for deportations, jail time of various wrongdoers … the left always go violent against the person … they physically attack people, usually the defenceless … we see that as gutless.

**Why oh why is the establishment here so deathcultish … FCO and its iterations before it always was … why? Very low quality people.

***I’m thinking Chip Roy is just the man to pull this off … certainly not true MAGA, cavalier, like Massie … he might be the one to persuade if he can keep his mind on the job.

4. A most interesting Now and Next today

“The Speaker began by welcoming his guest the Mongolian parliament’s Chairman as an observer in the gallery. 

Dashzegviin Amarbayasgalan is the 43-year-old social democrat who swept into power in 2016 at the head of the Mongolian People’s Party. His small (3.3 million people) country is developing ties with various ‘third neighbours’ (after China, its largest trading partner, and Russia.)”

The rest of Rolf’s article is here.

There are two chaps of yore, from the old blogging days so to speak … that above is Rolf’s new(ish) blog, t’other is as Sackerson. Then there is Capitalists at Work, with Dominic, now largely the pseudonomous Nick Drew, anti Brexit and pro EU, which is no reason not to visit one’s old colleagues.

They’re still largely within the Westminster, Guido milieu, the old school so to speak, of which I was an honorary associate member stationed in the corridor, again so to speak, awaiting whacks in the headmaster’s study.

This was the old Britain, immediately pre-Blair through to maybe 2009/10, after which I largely went more radical … there was a chap called Wolfie some might recall. Tom Paine too. So I read Rolf’s article through those Bunter specs of mine, then took them off, put them into their case, which I put away … and got on with today’s Unherdables.

Not sure where AK Haart and Dearieme fit into that spectrum but I’m glad they do.

2 replies on “Thursday [4 to 7]”

  1. “ED raids Bengaluru companies that received funds from George Soros’ NGO”

    “Bengaluru: The Enforcement Directorate (ED) on Tuesday raided eight locations linked to three Bengaluru-based companies that received funds from the US nonprofit Open Society Foundations (OSF) in alleged contravention of FEMA rules. ”

    {That machine been used – the one with a hot wash and spin-cycle?]


    JH: ☝🏻

  2. ‘that spectrum’

    An oily specimen once said to me “You are truly a Renaissance man.”

    I replied “Are you accusing me of being a dilettante?”


    JH: 😎

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