Monday [5 to 8]

(0601) Continuing the theme of eccentricity and madness. (0708)


8. Quickly … ship the defenders of these isles

… off these isles … thousands of km away fighting some pointless war …

7. Today’s TDS

… which acronym has another meaning across the pond …

Looking at the first item:


… we see:

The CDU is the party of fiscal responsibility. His Triviality the Pigeon Chancellor Friedrich Merz presented himself throughout the campaign as an unusual fan of Germany’s constitutionally-anchored debt break. He told everybody that he could not imagine ever borrowing in excess of 0.35% of annual GDP, so interested was he in limiting the tax burden of future generations.

All of the while, Merz and his advisers were scheming in secret about how they might overhaul the debt brake, firstly because they could not give the slightest shit about the tax burdens of future generations, and secondly because they spent the months since November 2023 observing what happens when a government that has no ideas is also deprived of money.

“I have no ideas,” Merz said to himself during this time. “What happens if like Olaf Scholz I also end up with no money?”

Part of the Bezmenov four points was that only greedy, ambitious no-hopers get into any power role in the latter stages, e.g. Cressida Dick, Rowling, Rachel from accounts, various DEI airline pilots plus ATC … and they’re the ones trying to work out what to do before the induced crash and following war.

6. Before going to any of the news items

… I’d like to go back to Yuri Bezmenov from the mid 80s … former Soviet agent at an unspecified level who gave a series of lectures which were interesting to the John Birch in particular. I have the key one on demoralisation of a society somewhere on some usb stick I think, was dreading trying to find that today but then I found this:

… which is a summarising of YB’s main points on how a subversive force, e.g. the Soviets, or the deathcult maybe today, or the WEF, or China … whoever … would go about it.

There it is. We could go back to the French Revolution, to the infiltration of Masons into America (statue of Ish*** in NYH and copy in Paris), to the infiltration of Masonry itself by the “Illumined” (see Weishaupt’s 1776 steps to abolition), to the Lincoln School and Wundtian principles, to the Frankfurt School, to 1997 and Blair/Brown after the bumping off of Smith, to the current horror of Starmer … and so it goes on.

Now, good reader, in the light of the Bezmenov principles above, please read ahead for today’s delights gathered in the early morn. Have a good Paddy’s Day.


Addendum from DAD:

6. ….”(statue of Ish*** in NYH and copy in Paris)”…..

Member of French parliament demands U.S. return the Statue of Liberty.
Sure dumbass, when you return our soldiers from Normandy.

5. Andy at 997 wrote

The other day at the other place American folk music was mentioned. I always had a problem with folk music. To my mind it was 50% protest songs, 50% hippy, 50% nostalgia and 50% good music. Need a Venn diagram for that. Anyway, this appeared on my tube recommendations. |

That’s interesting as at the same time, I was exploring The Animals’ House of the Rising Sun and that’s as folksy as it gets. That follows Dearieme’s American folk offering Sunday evening, in “jazz”. There’s a post coming … but when … the cab rank is backed up here just now.

3 replies on “Monday [5 to 8]”

  1. #6: sure, dumbass, when you return the bodies of the French soldiers and sailors who won the Battle of Yorktown for you.

    In my experience Americans are generous and hospitable but their ignorance of all history, including their own, is jaw-dropping – at least until you appraise their ignorance of geography.

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