2. Destructive and dissembling mendacity
A simple example is “climate change” where the mendacity is compounded by the agenda … Giorgia Meloni has just banned ground-laid solar panels, so she’s declaring that these panels have nothing to do with the stated purpose … energy production … but are to attack farmland.
We each have our own immediate reaction, depending on our hobbyhorse or where we’re coming from and mine is the dissembling itself, which goes beyond the actual lie or being slave to the ideology where one trots out such things as how ground panels are all to help combat climate change … enough of us know it’s simply not so.
But I go further … I focus on the dissembling mendacity itself, the pattern, the destructiveness, the constant rolling out of highly divisive measures which are all to do with destroying humanity, nothing to do with saving it. Focussing on that person doing it, going along with it.
Perhaps I should have prefaced the phrase with “diabolically clever”, as it anticipates all possible opposition and designs the criminalisation of the obvious concerns, using the old “-phobia” gambit, for example.
At the end of the noughties years, there was a huge “libertarian” push and so many “libertarians” west-wide were all for “don’t touch my personal freedom to do whatever I want” … which interestingly was the Anton Lavey (satanic church in the US) mantra reworked … “do as thou wilt”. This was a hijacking of the clear intent of many “libertarians” which was far more “stopping State encroachment on private matters”, e.g. the No2ID push, which of course I supported … No2ID.
The yes to ID pushers were trotting out “protect the children” as the justification, whereas most westerners saw that as nowt to do wi’it. And so to this one:

There was a clear agenda with this Principal, once appraised of what was going on, a war being played out in how many schools across the west? The defence is that kids have nascent and latent sexuality … so what? What’s that to do with adults such as that librarian or that Principal, particularly as the school was not advertised, in the prospectus, as some sort of Bohemian Summerhill? Just as Starmer never advertised what he was up to … which fooled, not just the normies, but almost everyone in his gross mendacity.
There’s a far more insidious agenda going on, as most Unherdables know, a global agenda which includes dividing the sexes to an irreparable level, thereby wrecking the west as it was, over two generations or maybe three, including all sorts of fertility issues involving food, drink, the air etc. If your own agenda is the bringing together of the opposite sexes of the same stock, in holy matrimony, in order to perpetuate the species, of that stock … if that’s my agenda, then think how all the rest of it above must look? Also to that parent.
But let’s leave the sexual thing for now and look at this one:

Whoever even thought that that was an acceptable thing for children to be engaging in needs to be identified and made public. The arguments they would certainly make are specious and wholly opposed to the way western nations are starting to think on these things, too late perhaps … but JD Vance certainly had it right: