Sunday [1]

(0235) Shall post for a short while, then hit the hay again. (0332)


1. Weather and atmosphere

This I suggest you read yourself, rather than I expand it here:

At the same time, there is this:

Confirmation of these things happening in the “middle” states comes from our Toodles, whose daughter is hunkering down from just such a storm further north.

“This is March storms time. Not from the  Gulf of America. I do not think they were so bad in the past.our childhood and youth. Not saying spring change of seasons didn’t spawn tornadoes and more up in the Tuscaloosa area than down here. Eventually it became part of what is known as Tornado Alley up there. Birmingham area is part of that too.

… Anyway, the storms have become worse and worse through the years. The southern states just west of us up that way are in the alley too. I am telling you 14 years ago, the city of Tuscaloosa was devastated.  Nearby towns up and over that way. Many people unaccounted for even to this day. The whole city looks different to what it did before…well, especially one area. The storm was a  mile wide.

It is so strange that the storm went where and how it did. The area that one would want  bowled down got bowled down. It is an area people would like to invest in for new  businesses such as new fast food places et al. Also, middle-middle to middle-lower class folks lived in that area too …who cares about them?

There is another  nearby town that had gotten rough and strangely all that riff raff is no longer there and many unaccounted for as I said. It has been built back and with slickness.”

Toodles then mentioned that the Senator for the state owned a real estate titles company at the time. Yes, the immediate thought is Pallisades CA.

Now, there is much hingeing on this as you’d know … the same old same old question … total coincidence? Luck of the draw? Just good business acumen, playing the usual hunches? What of North Carolina? And in East Palestine, Ohio with that train derailment right at that spot?

No one is saying here that tornadoes, for example, do not occur fairly regularly … they do. Which does not preclude the other at the same time.

Now, leaving that question aside … the question of could it be so under any circumstances whatever, e.g. the Beijing games cloud seeding … I’d like to look at the moral question, esp. in terms of the Pster S link above. Are you capable of conceptualising in the least that there are some truly criminally insane and human-negligent people in positions of power? Look at our own Beloved Leader and Uniparty.

And again, out of the mouths of babes:

Add these to the mix:

Let me approach this from a different angle … let’s assume that under the normal statistical curve, there is going to be a proportion of saintly people, then those ethical, then those fairly normie, then useful idiots, e.g. the Woke and left liberals, then those of lower moral compass, then utter blackguards, possibly even monsters, the demonic.

Think it possible that the latter two might move hell and high water to use influence to get into key positions, as in the scum also rises? The fish rots at the head? Think it possible that huge, illicitly “gotten” money is on tap for these things?

But go even further on a Sunday … some “humans” are into the very altering of human DNA, for control or killing or just sickening reasons … for control. Why? Could the word we’re avoiding here be “demonic”?

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