(0741) Beware the Ides of March and the Blood Moon. (0841)
11. Moosh corner
… are we heading that way again?

10. Per diem for all pollies

9. From the U.S. Executive Branch

8. Hush, Drew, Donny told us she’s doing great, very strong

7. £900

6. Fly with confidence

5. Wisdom takes many forms

4. Aphorisms
When is an aphorism just a quote? Well, in mine eyes, when it’s that Lenin quote or the one on democracy which goes on for paragraphs.
When is a quote a meme? Well, in mine eyes, when it has an attached visual, e.g. the apartheid or Lincoln quote ones.
This post item is meant to be just some aphorisms but a few are a bit long. As you’d gather, I’ve saved quite a few over time … shame they’re not re-used. I did think of an auto-display but that militates against simplicity, plus I don’t wish to rewrite them into a box. Here are a few:

9. From the U.S. Executive Branch – to U.S. Central Command..
Did they really spell it “fuze”? I’m confuzed.
JH: I’m fuzed myself about which item it is.
I refuze to write it with a letter ‘Z’.