Saturday [5 to 11]

(0741) Beware the Ides of March and the Blood Moon. (0841)


11. Moosh corner

… are we heading that way again?

10. Per diem for all pollies

Beach Milk

9. From the U.S. Executive Branch

8. Hush, Drew, Donny told us she’s doing great, very strong

7. £900

6. Fly with confidence

5. Wisdom takes many forms

4. Aphorisms

When is an aphorism just a quote? Well, in mine eyes, when it’s that Lenin quote or the one on democracy which goes on for paragraphs.

When is a quote a meme? Well, in mine eyes, when it has an attached visual, e.g. the apartheid or Lincoln quote ones.

This post item is meant to be just some aphorisms but a few are a bit long. As you’d gather, I’ve saved quite a few over time … shame they’re not re-used. I did think of an auto-display but that militates against simplicity, plus I don’t wish to rewrite them into a box. Here are a few:

3 replies on “Saturday [5 to 11]”

  1. Did they really spell it “fuze”? I’m confuzed.


    JH: I’m fuzed myself about which item it is.

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