Friday [9 to 15]

(0905) Morning all … bleah out there. (1026)


15. Apart from agreeing with her way of political thinking

… as I also do with Witchend, I noticed something with all three of us, which ties in with my earlier comments today about being in it for “what actually IS in reality”, rather than joining this blind loyalty camp or that.

Now that’s using her kidneys, as does Witchend. Result is that if you look at our “followers”, it’s vaguely the same, but if you look at similar but non-polit, small-middle pundits in Brit terms, and they post something, they can have around a few hundred looking at their Xpost … but in Christine’s case, if she fails to worship Donny or Nige, she can have around 11 or 12 views only, from a few thou readers. I don’t mean 11 or 12 likes … that’s a different matter … this means that, for example, X is telling me I have three thou impressions … yeah? Then why less than a dozen impressions on an anti Nige post? The numbers don’t add up.

The obvious conclusion is that something is holding them down, not just disinterest. Three new people followed since yesterday … uh huh … so where did they come from if only a dozen looked at the post, total? Oh, and X itself, at the top of the page, is pushing hard for me to pay:

That’s what this is really about @Β£28 or thereabouts. Look back at Christine above … no blue tick, unverified, not under control. Witchend though is verified but views are around fifty per post.

14. You’ve heard of being a slave to love

… well, I’m a slave to news and issues … when I wake up in the middle of the night, I’ve no idea which theme for the day will emerge …

… as it turns out today, it’s Wimmin, plus those pundits and AGs who are Slaves to Love … take Isabelle Oakshott for example. As a Slave to Richard Tice in a way, she scarpered off to the middle-east to live and when the Rupert issue broke, she and Tice were both smirking on camera for the benefit of their cash cow Yusuf … it went down very badly with Reform members.

Now that it’s dawned on Dicky Tice it was not so good … thus he put Isabel straight, we get this:

Precisely … bit of a political airhead … well both of them really. Now, with Pammy, we can either think it through or else we can refuse to, out of blind loyalty to blonde honey Pammy. If we do choose to think it through, it’s clear that there’s a close connection between the two:

… she is no MAGA, as her dismissal of MAGArites on TV following Bindergate showed … her loyalty is to a centrist DJT, personally and that’s why she’s in place instead of Matt Gaetz … far easier to give orders to. Loves Red Flag laws etc. I’m not sure DJT the pollie is too crazy for MAGA either now he’s ensconced …

… but that’s for another day.

13. Mr. Ferryman

12. What’s going on with DJT?

11. Can’t for the life of me think why

10. DAD and that total eclipse of the moon

9. PMQs this week … Now and Next


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