Daily Archives: March 14, 2025

Ladies at Lunchtime


Dearieme mentioned Blackpool Tower in this picture and some others asked who she was … I was sure she was a Charlotte but a different surname to Gill.

Turns out she was not a Charlotte but she was a Gill … Jess by name … one of the new breed of pundits:

Then I saw this:

… and looked beyond her obvious looks and punditry … to her state of dress … as modest and ordinary as the middle girl’s here:

If that’s what’s coming up … then the world will be in good hands. Then I saw this gal, Soph of the Waterways:

… and thought similarly that these are a plus. Then I saw this:

… with mixed feelings. Good pundit but hmmmmm. And of course, we must complete the set today, this “Ladies at Lunchtime”:

I didn’t use the pic of her with Lindsey Graham, giving the thumbs up … just the Associated Press pic above.

Friday [9 to 15]

(0905) Morning all … bleah out there. (1026)


15. Apart from agreeing with her way of political thinking

… as I also do with Witchend, I noticed something with all three of us, which ties in with my earlier comments today about being in it for “what actually IS in reality”, rather than joining this blind loyalty camp or that.

Now that’s using her kidneys, as does Witchend. Result is that if you look at our “followers”, it’s vaguely the same, but if you look at similar but non-polit, small-middle pundits in Brit terms, and they post something, they can have around a few hundred looking at their Xpost … but in Christine’s case, if she fails to worship Donny or Nige, she can have around 11 or 12 views only, from a few thou readers. I don’t mean 11 or 12 likes … that’s a different matter … this means that, for example, X is telling me I have three thou impressions … yeah? Then why less than a dozen impressions on an anti Nige post? The numbers don’t add up.

The obvious conclusion is that something is holding them down, not just disinterest. Three new people followed since yesterday … uh huh … so where did they come from if only a dozen looked at the post, total? Oh, and X itself, at the top of the page, is pushing hard for me to pay:

That’s what this is really about @£28 or thereabouts. Look back at Christine above … no blue tick, unverified, not under control. Witchend though is verified but views are around fifty per post.

14. You’ve heard of being a slave to love

… well, I’m a slave to news and issues … when I wake up in the middle of the night, I’ve no idea which theme for the day will emerge …

… as it turns out today, it’s Wimmin, plus those pundits and AGs who are Slaves to Love … take Isabelle Oakshott for example. As a Slave to Richard Tice in a way, she scarpered off to the middle-east to live and when the Rupert issue broke, she and Tice were both smirking on camera for the benefit of their cash cow Yusuf … it went down very badly with Reform members.

Now that it’s dawned on Dicky Tice it was not so good … thus he put Isabel straight, we get this:

Precisely … bit of a political airhead … well both of them really. Now, with Pammy, we can either think it through or else we can refuse to, out of blind loyalty to blonde honey Pammy. If we do choose to think it through, it’s clear that there’s a close connection between the two:

… she is no MAGA, as her dismissal of MAGArites on TV following Bindergate showed … her loyalty is to a centrist DJT, personally and that’s why she’s in place instead of Matt Gaetz … far easier to give orders to. Loves Red Flag laws etc. I’m not sure DJT the pollie is too crazy for MAGA either now he’s ensconced …

… but that’s for another day.

13. Mr. Ferryman

12. What’s going on with DJT?

11. Can’t for the life of me think why

10. DAD and that total eclipse of the moon

9. PMQs this week … Now and Next


Friday [8]

If you glance at the opening item here today, you’ll see things not altogether complimentary to Pam Bondi and by extension, to the Donald hisself. That can affect “our” people a number of ways.

Most of us like to be “onboard” with a group, with a movement, a project to get something done, wanting to get the job done and I’m certainly of that mind, e.g. with MAGA, with whatever Reform becomes … there’s no backsliding in that.

So what’s with this criticism of “our own”? It’s a bit disconcerting for people who are essentially loyalists, including at our site here … it undercuts momentum. I’m well aware that my criticism of Pam Bondi does not sit well with some chaps, also a picture of Natalie later … her own shot by the way … together with some clearly flattering shots of another gal. (It’s ladies at lunchtime day by the way.)

Another at this site giving “qualified support” for this and that is IYE … but he also delves and looks at the other side of the coin:

In the url


(Plays right into the dark maga agenda, juss sayin’]

Now we do have the horns of a dilemma here. Do I value loyalists? Hell yeah … they’re our lifeblood. But we also need to look at the counter-side, going down rabbit holes for the dirt … if we’re looking for the real “what is”, the “full story”.

But I’d agree it’s disconcerting … disconcerting, I’m afraid, is our stock in trade here. Compare these:

We can go with Mike type stances, and I’m inclined that way … or we can go with Mila type stances … give Pam all the rope she needs, forever, have endless faith in DJT … and then his term ends with nothing much done. Where exactly is that hill to die on?

Friday [3 to 7]

(0517) Nearly the weekend, folks. (0551)


7. Squandering public money on follies

6. China invades China and elsewhere

5. Swatting

4. Harassment and lawfare

3. Steve at 994

  • Jay Bhattacharya’s (he of the Great Barrington Declaration) Confirmation Hearing: A Masterclass in Why the NIH Needs Reform
  • Putin Thanks Trump for ‘Paying Attention to Ukraine Settlement’ … the Vatican says nothing
  • Trump To Invoke Wartime ‘Alien Enemies Act’ Authorizing the Summary Deportation of Criminal Migrants – Including to Guantanamo Bay
  • Radical Leftist Judges Wage All-Out War Against President Trump — 119 Legal Challenges in Just Two Months
  • Putin in Kursk, Sumy buffer. Ceasefire ruse. Elensky sabotage US-Russia talks. EU tariffs on US – Alex Christoforou
  • Putin Won’t Be Tricked – Lukashenko; Russia Set To Reject 30 Day Truce, Kiev’s Kursk Agony Continues – Alexander Mercouris
  • USAID’s overseas labs and reckless research: The real culprit behind disease outbreaks, says biosafety expert
  • The decades-long “climate change” plan to strip away personal freedom, wealth and property
  • Germans Losing Faith in Merz After Policy U-turns
  • (Much more)

Friday [1 and 2]



2. DAD at 994

A day in France; lets start with knives.

According to Vosges Matin, during recess this Tuesday morning, a 9-year-old student allegedly threatened four of his classmates with a pocket knife…..

Progression to choppers and iron bars…..

Then guns…..

1. It’s all in the language

First look at the language here in the Wall Street Apes Xpost:

Kash Patel CONFIRMS Judge Juan Merchan should have never been assigned to Donald Trump’s case Kash Patel:

I’m calling for the subpoenas to be issued to Judge Merchant’s Daughter’s company who made $15+ million dollars from the illicit information pouring out of her father’s courtroom – I wanna know the bank records because money doesn’t lie – I wanna know how deep it is and how much of it went to the family and how much of it is going to the family after this false conviction.

Then we need to investigate the FEC actual violations that this judge and his family conducted Judge Juan Merchan should never have been overseeing this trial to begin with because of the illicit campaign money that was flowing through there and the unconstitutional due process violations are only the beginning.“

That’s not all, here’s more reasons why he should have NEVER been assigned Donald Trump’s case from The Older Millennial: ‘For these type of cases, the way it’s supposed to work is that there is a panel of 24 judges, and they are all put in rotation and randomly assigned these types of cases. Judge Merchan is not on that panel.

That’s because he’s not a judge. He’s an acting judge. The only way he could have caught this case was to be specifically assigned to it. There was no chance of him being randomly selected. The wild thing is that according to the left and the department of justice, judge Merchan was not only randomly selected to be the judge in this trial, but he was also randomly selected to be the judge in the Trump Organization case, and he was randomly selected to be the judge in the Steve Bannon case.

So judge Merchan, a judge that is not in the pool of 24 judges that is supposed to catch these cases, a judge that is not an actual judge, but an acting judge caught all 3 Trump related cases randomly. This is a judge who gives heavily to an organization very plainly named Stop Trump, and a judge whose daughter makes tens of millions of dollars every year promoting Democrats.’ Insane corruption.

Tough language of course, but carefully worded. Look carefully at Kash’s language again:”I’m calling for …”

Yes, we’re “calling for” too.

Now look at Kari Lake’s: “I started the process of terminating …” … different wording, yes? Why?

I’ve been in fact-finding mode at the USAGM, & boy, am I finding a lot of nonsense that the American taxpayer shouldn’t be paying for. Today, I started the process of terminating the agency’s contracts with the Associated Press, Reuters, & the Agence France-Presse. This will save taxpayers about 53 million dollars.

Why the difference in approach? Because Pam Bondi is the boss in the first case, charged with doing nothing except TV appearances, whilst organising stunts such as “Bindergate”, humiliating MAGAs such as Draino. Pam’s response? I don’t care about those people. She’s the bottleneck, the obstacle.

Wake up and smell the coffee, people. One of two things is happening … firstly, she’s a goodi, gathering behind the scenes, preparing for arrests … or secondly, she’s never been meant to prosecute, just holding it over their heads … art of the deal … hold your trump cards back until the right time. Some intelligence greater than Pam’s would be behind that.