(1733) Evening all.
21. Three ditties
Sorry to do it this way again but things came up …
20. Moosh corner

19. Destruction of the Church

18. Canada again

(1733) Evening all.
21. Three ditties
Sorry to do it this way again but things came up …
20. Moosh corner
19. Destruction of the Church
18. Canada again
(1257) Afternoon all. (1325)
17. Reform … disgruntled ex-Tories vs disgruntled ordinary Brits
16. IYE in comments
Re Farage/Reform – “Fool me once, shame on you! Fool me twice, shame on me!” Folks need to remember that when they’re giving them second (third, fourth…) chances.
Title speaks for itself.
15. The ravaging of Canada by Castro and fellow traitors
14. Articles of faith in the church of Reform
13. The Frankish sacking of Constantinople in 1204
It started with exploring this, from the Merovingians to the Carolingians to the Lombards to Venice … to how each had become nominally Christian but were still actually pagan, esp. Venice and its witches, to the promises of plunder, to the Welfs, to the Great Schism and its ridiculous basis, to the very nature of how the creed changed from the Roman rite to Nicea 325 to the Apostles’ Creed, to the references to the three components of the Triune God in scripture (KJV) to the very real displacement within the physical Church from the Spirit’s role “indwelling” in the human believer to being mainly concerned with visible Church structure, buildings, organisation, eventually “conquering”, to the protests against all the abuses, centred around “filthy lucre” … and so on.
Therefore, it was perfectly easy for the Frankish to slaughter, rape and pillage those supposedly of the same faith, as it was not based on shared indwelling but on territory and wealth, on the settling of old scores between nobles.
12. TPA
Perhaps you’ll have seen this coming, perhaps you won’t, but what our findings laid bare was that nearly half of all councils increased their reserves while putting up council tax. 47.2 per cent (150 out of 318) of councils which published accounts for 2023-24 saw an increase in their usable reserves during the period, while 59 councils saw increases in both 2022-23 and 2023-24.
Epping Forest topped the chart for the biggest increase of usable reserves seeing their balance tick up by a hearty £86 million in 2023-24. Hot on their heels were Milton Keynes adding £78.8 million or 29 per cent. In that same period council tax rose by 4.99 per cent. Elsewhere, three councils had usable reserves per resident in excess of £10,000. These were the City of London (£31,414), Shetland Islands (£17,548) and Orkney Islands (£11,512). A further four councils had between £2,000 and £4,000 in usable reserves per resident: Westminster (£3,248), Isles of Scilly (£2,928), Wandsworth (£2,354) and Tower Hamlets (£2,005).
With our findings gaining national attention, lead researcher on the project and TPA policy analyst, Shimeon Lee, was spot on when he told journalists: “Local taxpayers will rightly be concerned that some councils are filling their coffers at the expense of residents. For many years, town halls have consistently increased council tax and justified the rises with claims of financial hardship. These figures reveal that a significant number of local authorities are hoarding cash while local people struggle to make ends meet.” Shimeon followed up with a blog highlighting the ten key takeaways from the research which you can read here.
(0759) Morning all … sunny out there, birds chirping, wasps about to come out. (0815)
11. From Kathy’s comments thread
BB2: “It’s only disappointing if you believed in Reform to start with. If you know their name, they’re in the game (Miri AF).
Please do not ignore the evidence. As people became disillusioned with the main parties, various alternative ones sprang up. Two of them (Reform, and Fox’s outfit) mysteriously got acres of free publicity in the mainstream media. The others did not.
Fox is an actor, funded by powerful backers. Reform – well, we have just seen what it is. They are both controlled opposition at the top and always were. Rupert Lowe was getting out of hand and dropping too many truth bombs which would have led to Reform developing as a genuine political party and maybe becoming real opposition.
There is genuine opposition to Agenda 2030 across the political spectrum. UKIP, the Social Democrats, the Heritage Party (which is my personal favourite), Britain First. But you never hear about them, and Reform would not have got any further if it hadn’t had so much free publicity.”
HMS Lion: “Indeed, in one absurd self-inflicted episode, Reform have revealed themselves as part of the problem, and not part of the solution. Sad, after promising so much, that it should unravel like this, though in fact there have been previous warnings too such as Ben Habib quitting the party, Andrew Bridgen opting not to come on board, and the jettisoning of numerous candidates for the last General Election at the behest of Hate Not Hope and with barely the semblance even of a kangaroo court. There is simply not the time however to start all over again now, and no party will ever be perfectly aligned with every viewpoint, that being impossible except in a party composed of sheep. How the Tories, Liebour and the Establishment must be laughing. Old acquaintances who’ve been quiet about politics for some time suddenly finding their voices and keyboards again. Thoroughly depressing all round at how easy it was to halt the Reform bandwagon. Time perhaps for that B2 USA visa. There’s not much hope left here, just plenty more hate coming for us.”
That comment of Steve’s: “The Reform debacle – endless bloviating on TV/Radio over what Rupert did, or didn’t say, or do. Interest I have none. Take immigration, listening to Lowe and reading the articles he’s written before this row, leaves me to believe he understands we’re in serious trouble, and what Reform say they going to do about it he says won’t fix it. So are Reform UK ‘controlled opposition’ under Nigel Farage? My opinion is politics will not allow us to regain what we have lost. I call it the ‘ratchet’ some call it ‘incrementalism’.
Whichever word you use we were never consulted on uncontrolled mass immigration (because we don’t have an advanced democracy like Switzerland) and we certainly didn’t vote for it. There is zero democracy with regards to who we allow into our country. Lowe knows before this century is out we will have become a minority in our own homeland. By minority he means absolute minority. We’ll be a majority minority first and that is just a few decades away from where we are now.”
10. Seeing as there seem allegorical, prescient things going on
… let me add one more. The whole Unherdables “complex” is anchored to HQ, which is under threat this summer and plan Bs and Cs are being thought through right now. It took a fair bit to set up HQ, it’s doing its job well. So what’s the issue?
Govt pressure on third parties, not least being banking … is one thing, it only takes one insane regulation such as the farmers’ inheritance tax … and an already wobbly edifice collapses. Rachel from Accounts herself is only a cog in a machine, as we know, and that machine wants us crippled, also as we know.
Repeating that phrase … it only takes one insane regulation. There’s also a thing called cascade effect or house of cards. The allegory from me today is how HQ operates. Medically, I cannot sit at a computer these days for long, laptops cause me skinburns, ipads are ok, plus I am starting to feel the cold badly, cold which Gates is providing. I have two ipads which till now have been near flawless in operation … which is why I bought them … money well spent methinks. I can jump into bed and blog, research etc., the various parts of the UHC complex dovetailing nicely, as the aging curmudgeon ages. All good.
The later ipad has started overheating quickly, the charge drops alarmingly fast … the hand burns, even through the plastic cover. The earlier 2021 ipad is going fine … go figure. A single ipad does not allow the tag teaming I need to bring HQ to you and I’m thinking these months coming up are when I need to be on duty so to speak.
I’m suspecting there are things in the more recent Apple products not nearly as good as the earlier versions … a bit like cars today too. There are still months to go before any hard decisions are needed … but am thinking ahead, devising plans B and C. That’s all … nothing dire … as yet. Just looming.
9. Kathy and the malaise of the west
Almost an allegory at TCW … herewith an excerpt …
“TALK ABOUT a depressing end to the week for all who saw 2029 as our last hope to rescue our sick and dying land. The dream of a Farage team swinging into office on a ticket as radical as Trump 2024 has all but evaporated.
I thought that I would be celebrating TCW’s eleventh birthday yesterday, bucked this year by the return of Trump, the death of woke and the end of the catastrophic war in Ukraine at last in sight.
But no, I couldn’t clink the glasses. Not with the country going backwards. Not when we at TCW suddenly find ourselves manning the last defence, when we should be on a forward charge. This is all because of Reform UK’s suicidal public purge of Rupert Lowe MP.
‘Well, there’s certainly not too much professionalism going on in Reform. What an utterly chaotic public show of mismanagement and incompetence. Looks like a set-up, smells like a set-up – it probably is a set-up,’ one of our regular writers emailed me.
Indeed so. When I read Rupert Lowe’s rebuttal to the allegations on Friday afternoon, I tweeted that it could not have been written more forcefully. When I read the Reform UK ‘statement that came from Zia Yusuf, Reform UK’s Chairman, and Lee Anderson, its Chief Whip, I had just one thought: they have just added their signatures to Britain’s death warrant, the fools.
A classic of its genre, every line ‘read’ of the very things they should be fighting. A woke ‘offence culture’ declaration.
Oh no, I thought, this is ‘Hope not Hate’, ‘Me Too’ and ‘subjective hate crime’ rolled into one!”
This would ordinarily be the time for a “feature post”, which might be Baroque music on a Sunday morn, might be London trains. In the pipeline is indeed some Baroque but a history graphic from six years ago appeared and methought hmmmmm … were you to re-read Steve’s long comment in the sidebar, then look at this graphic below, then bear in mind Sun 1 to 8 so far, then “watch” the Baroque later in the morning …
… you might come to some conclusions about the west and where we’re headed. The main question then is to despair … or not to despair? Also note my op ed about my ipads later, followed by a reminiscent ramble from me which I generally do not do. Also Kathy today.
Enjoy …
8. Op Ed … what grabs from all the aforementioned?
a. Poor sods in Syria (sods not meant in a derogatory way) … phew! Poor sods … lives of whole families entirely in the hands of advisers with agendas and/or false or incomplete advice themselves. The reality block in their minds as well, just as with us, is that ancient cultures are being swept away, overrun, not unlike the vandals, barbarians at the end of Rome … and no one can get to grips with the impending reality of complete cultural destruction … people don’t wish to? Minds simply can’t take it in?
b. So much evidence in all theatres of trouble right now, that certain topics are prevented from being aired, for different reasons … anything about Christianity,for example … people immediately skip over, click out … why? The other is the massive pressure, even from Farage, certainly from WEF puppets, to NEVER mention the murderous deathcult. We know why. Westerners are as soft as putty, plasticine, blancmange, concerned about ultimate irrelevances whilst facing a quite existential threat.
More later
7. DAD at 989
a) The French State has provided Tablettes for all prisoner cells. Surprise, surprise, they are being ‘misused’…..
b) It all begins with a report from a Marseille investigating judge who is looking into a large-scale traffic in false papers…..
c) No food or drink during the day during Ramadam….but drugs are OK. The man, an illegal North African, is checked. In his bag, the police find various wrapped packages, with writing on them. They contain cocaine and grass…..
d) French President Emmanuel Macron has been left facing criticism from both the Left and Right following his 13-minute speech on Russian threats and new geopolitical order…..
6. Steve at 989
Four: Dozens of Foreign Mercenaries Reported Dead … Trump Cuts Off Aid To Anti-White South Africa … more…..
Three: Speech Advocating for Women Too Much for Petulant Dems Who Storm Out … Department of Agriculture Yanks $600K for Absurd Study of Menstrual Cycles in Transgender Men … more…..
Two: Uke sit rep, esp. Kursk … more…..
One: Ireland vaxx push … USAID funded Soros who funded far-left agendas … AfD Fights Merz’s Plan to Bypass Parliament … much more…..
(0426) Giving the “big picture” first thing in the morning requires “fair” selection of the stories as an investigative pundit first attends to correspondence, then soc-med macro and micro. The first few items today are an attempt to paint the picture of what’s concerning people this Sunday a.m. (0502)
5. Two from Gab
4. Nightwatchman Andy
3. UK news, in no particular order
2. US news, in no particular order
One item? One US item, given the dozens I usually run? It’s not deliberate, it’s what’s there this morning.
1. Syria, in no particular order
From the BBC. Not “no” coverage then.