Daily Archives: March 8, 2025

Saturday [16 till close of play]

(1711) Evening all.


19. Coming back to Rupert Lowe here

… also to Steve in comments … there are two things going on here … one is what Steve wrote and indeed everyone knows about it … but then there’s a more personal matter … someone being stitched up for exposing it … just look at Tina Peters for example.

There’s a macro agenda going on, a global push by an enemy of the nation(s) and whilst I’m angry about that in a seething sort of way, it just requires fighting … it’s war. The other thing though, the dishonesty of stitching up … that sticks in my craw more.

Ditto with me … I’ve been betrayed by a few women over time but in my mind, that’s all fair in love and war. A fellow man though … that’s not good and that’s what I think has happened here … a real stitch up. Twice when I returned to the UK, having been away, I was stitched up, each time by a woman at a different govt dept … I was thinking whaaa … woss goin’ on here? It was the Landy syndrome (Bourne) in reverse … wrap it up and hang it around someone’s neck.

In both those cases, it was pathetic … but what if it had not been poorly done? What if it had been a very clever man, purporting to be a friend? With an agenda? A bit chilling, that.

18. We don’t want any of it, we weren’t asked

17. Complete coincidence

16. Steve and War Room

a. Mike Davis: Perkins Coie Has Proven It Can’t Be Trusted With Our Nation’s Secrets

b. Mike Davis On DOGE And The Trump Admin: “It’s Gonna Be A Bumpy Road, But It’s Worth It”

c. Unanimous Opposition : Sheffield And Schilling On Democrats Refusal To Protect Women’s Sports

d. Shalli Kumar On How US Strategic Relationships With India And Russia Will Gut The CCP

Women’s Day Mat


Yes I know we’ve had it twice, with that creep in RL playing a creep of a character, but this has a strong female presence throughout, which is probably fitting for today. I realise not all are crazy for the Mason films either … oh well, there it is. And yes, the killer looks just like someone I was involved with.

Saturday [10 to 15]



15. This was from Toodles long ago

14. I’ll just leave this here, shall I?

13. As most readers, Xers and Gabbers know

… I heavily retweet ladies of MAGA and Reform, Christian ladies too, because I am in tune with how they think on things. To them … happy women’s day. To mothers too:

However, I do not extend that to rabid feminazis, the vacuous, purple haired rainbow SJWs and ecowarriors, crying rape etc. … instead I pray for them. This is a case in point:

So clear the two sub-species in women … the Tracy and Katherine type I’d defend to the death … and the Harman and other Labour types, Demonrats too, RINOs … who hate us men and are destroying society, along with bad men such as Sir Charisma Bypass.

12. The Reform debacle

Lee Anderson has made matters worse by putting out a defence of himself and the others in the Gang of Four by stating utter bollox.

… and so on.

Queen Bob weighed in:

And this lady:

It’s perfectly obvious who the key issue is and his poison, under the guise of funding the party, has spread like a virus.

11. IYE in comments


Andy reports link broken … check in comments thread itself.

10. Texas insanity

TEXAS Governor Greg Abbott is right to oppose a proposed sharia-controlled MUSLIMS-ONLY community near Dallas – Vicky King

“But will he be able to stop it? A planned exclusive Muslim community, EPIC City, is set to be developed in Josephine, Texas, about 40 miles northeast of Dallas. The project, led by the East Plano Islamic Center (EPIC), aims to create a sharia-infuenced Muslim neighborhood featuring a mosque, Islamic schools, Muslim clinics, stores, nursing home, and over 1,000 homes for Muslims. (Of course, FAIR Housing laws make it illegal to ban non-Muslims from purchasing homes in this complex, but what non-Muslim in their right mind would want to live there?)”

Women’s Day [5 to 9]

(0612) Morning all, many ructions out there. Meanwhile (0639) ….


9. Bleedin’ Eurovision

8. Uh huh

7. More Bondi trouble

6. Just a few more on Reform

5. DAD at 988

a) Who is the ultimate arbiter of the law – Parliament or a Judge? Giorgia Meloni writes on X….

b) The ‘End of Life’ [Euthanasia] Bill and the ‘Palliative Care’ bill have been examined by two sub-groups in the French parliament…..

c) Inside the Centrist battle for Europe: Is Macronism on its deathbed?

d) According to a study by Public Health France, published on Monday March 3, cancers are on the rise among 15-39 year-olds….

Saturday [1 to 4]

(0354)Amazing what a decent sleep can do for the old landlord. (0449)


4. Steve at 988

Four: DOJ (should) Investigate if Biden’s Cognitive Decline Allowed Staffers to Make Decisions … Musk … Tusk … Orban … much more…..

Three: Introduce “Voting Only Through English Act” … Noem … the Chinese … much more…..

Two: Uke sit rep … mainly that.

One: Sentencing guidelines … Net Zero insanity … Maidan massacre … much more…..

3. Seen elsewhere, including our Andy

It behoves Unherdables, imho, to be pointing to other pages and sites, otherwise some gems are certainly lost … Andy:

When is lard not lard? Same question goes for beef dripping. It pays to check all food labels. |  https://agfundernews.com/breaking-mission-barns-secures-fda-approval-for-cultivated-fat-gears-up-for-us-launch

Still with the food motif … at Churchmouse (url in blogrolls):

2. Over at OoL


1. Chap called Eddie Hobbs 1215 at X

”EXPOSED: After 4+ years of research, I’m breaking my silence on what’s REALLY happening in Ireland. What you’re seeing in your neighborhoods isn’t random chaos. It’s a calculated global agenda using Ireland as ground zero. Here’s what they don’t want you to know:

Think these are unrelated? • Unprecedented mass migration • Draconian “hate speech” legislation • Radical gender ideology in schools Wrong—they’re coordinated attack vectors on Irish sovereignty. Why Ireland?

1. Our homogeneous culture is easier to reshape

2. We host Europe’s biggest Big Pharma & Big Tech hub (perfect testing ground)

The street-level chaos? That’s a DELIBERATE DISTRACTION from the larger operation orchestrated through UN policies & global institutions. The global elite chose Ireland as their laboratory for social engineering. Once you see the full picture, you can’t unsee it.

The first step to protecting our future is understanding the full picture. We’ll discuss my findings in three FREE public meetings you must attend. Starting March 20th in Cork, Ireland, at the Radisson Hotel, Little Island, T45 WF53, I’ll connect the dots on a global control grid’s construction, showing who’s behind it and its implications for Ireland’s future.

The evening starts with an informal meet and greet, followed by my presentation and interactive Q&A session from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM. Bypass Ireland’s North Korea-like information blockade and join a community of fighters against the totalitarian control grid.”