Friday [5 to 9]

(0727)(5 to 9)


9. Think I get the gist of the list now

Admittedly, it did take the clip I buried, obliquely, last evening somewhere in the Unherdable complex, to finally understand about the Epstein lists. Even if you do find it, it links to X footage. Not sure how long it will be up, just quietly.

It ties in with what one august pundit observed online today … there is no list … that’s precisely why they’re hiding it … firstly, the names are already out there, I’ve had a list of about 70% of them up for weeks … secondly, any list is obscured anyway, quite apart from black line redacting … the name was never put on one flight list, it was put on another to confuse the issue … that’s just an example. Big names were never put on … this girl spoke of them within her story but that’s her and it brings us to the third near impossibility … this is difficult to explain to straight thinking people.

Look at three political divisions … globopsycho, the Woke left … and us. Talking here about the slightly naive X pundits demanding The List and I joined in with that, as if it was one list full of all the names … it never was … even within the timeframe of it all happening, the honchos were being cagey 24/7, people were being shifted around … if they wanted to do for one person or other, they were written in and we know them … but key names of globopsycho … nope, never appeared. Globopsycho are as twisted as snakes. Some of us can be too … those of the second type of Unherdables reader mentioned yesterday.

But then, fourthly, the things this girl was coming out with were truly bizarre … now and then, IYE tries them on us … let’s just say they’re so left field, so way out there. Only a “type two” reader has the mind to encompass this, oh, also a well grounded biblical Christian in the OT plus NT combined. I’m driving here at the mindset you need. You want the reality? Not sure you could really handle it, if this girl was even 80% right.

A good trial run is to go back over (mainly) IYE’s comments thread at N.O. on pizza.

I have a collation on a hard drive, long lost but think I could find it, of girls’ testimonies, from Brussels back to that Cathy and Sue Ford, inc. Alisha Owens. These girls are seriously off their brains, fragmented, not comprehensive. Dead easy to guffaw at. It’s possible they’re consummate actresses playing their part in the great agenda … so out there in their claims that any miscreants are as safe as houses as against the average normie. One of them, Joey Heatherington, ties in Bob Hope … another ties in Kristofferson. Most people remotely digging seem to accept Hanks at this stage.

Svali wasn’t off her brain though … why? Coz she was a perp. How come she stayed alive? Well obviously, it suited Them’s book to get it out in plain sight … easier to refute later. Gary Webb did not stay alive. This girl in the clip mentions these sorts of things. Rh negative is an interesting bloodtype by the way.

Now let’s come back to Pam Bondi … what the heck did she think she was up to, saying she had “the files” on her desk? Was it to intrigue the perps who knew darned well what it was about? A Donny play?

Where’s this post item going? It’s not. It’s not so much names which are being protected, apart from agency people at the top level … it’s what was actually going down. Not just the eggs, the first borns, all that … it was the presence of something altogether different … consistently there … the Queen did make oblique reference to it.

Nope, that’s never going to be released … on pain of snuffing it … which explains ACB very well … a very shaken lady is she. What’s abuse from us to a lady in very real, extant danger or more to the point … her children are. END.

8. Whatever is Meloni up to?

Those on the sane side of politics were delighted when the new direction started across the pond, it even inspired Giorgia Meloni to refuse to send troops. Well yes … there was Pam Bondi and the outcry agin her but that was about it.

Then came the Kristi Noem coiffed photo op in front of the carriage of the burning girl … tacky … and now Meloni has reverted to a ridiculous position, displaying zero understanding of red lines. The only way to stop the Russkies firing is to get NATO, in any form whatever, out of the Ukraine. End of. Trump ustds that at least.

7. Small v large corporate farms

6. DAD at 987

a) Since 1950, the “plume” sign has identified newsagents. It is reinventing itself in 2025, accompanying the transformations of the profession. The Ministry of Culture supports its deployment…..

b) Influential libertarian accounts on social media in France are under government surveillance, it has been revealed…..

c) France’s encryption crackdown could break secure messaging for everyone…..

d) Telephone salesmen (and women) may become redundant. The persistant ‘cold calling’ should stop. The politician are, at last, going to take action.

5. Steve at 987 last evening

Five: Dellinger-Trump … NZ diplomat out … drug cartels … chickens at home … much more…..

Four: Karoline Leavitt Slams the “Party of Insanity” … Burchett Says Epstein Files ‘Don’t Exist Anymore’  … much more…..

Three: Uke sit-rep from various angles…..

Two: (JH: Does not appear to be there.)

One: Chas 3 switches faiths … EU migration pattern … Starmer TLC … more…..

7 replies on “Friday [5 to 9]”

  1. 9. Re the bizarre behaviour of some of the witnesses, if this in the video below is a thing then it explains a lot. Saw it a few days ago but held back on leaving it in the tavern because I’m not sure of the person commenting. However, so-called recording stars have been known to glitch in public, either mid performance or in press interviews – Britney Spears for example, Katy Perry for another. Chances of this “thing” being used in other spheres is not remote – see Manchurians.

    Would not be surprised if this kid disappears from public view for a while to be reprogrammed.

  2. “Their protection is provided by the Supreme Court Police, one of the smallest federal agencies.

    The Supreme Court Police is led by the Marshal of the United States Supreme Court. The duties of the Marshal are similar to the court officer aspects of the United States Marshal in any of the 94 United States judicial court districts. This said, This Marshal has no association with the United States Marshals Service. In the history of the position (created in 1867), there have been ten Marshals. By statute, the Marshal is appointed by the Supreme Court and serves at their discretion.

    The force itself, currently numbering about 125, is responsible for security of the court building, its inhabitants, and it visitors. Additionally, they provide personal protection to the Justices at all times. In many ways, their mission, training, and authority is similar to that of the judicial security role of the United States Marshals Service. I would fully expect that a large number of the members of this force have been cross-deputized by the Marshals Service to increase their authority and jurisdiction….”


    JH: Uh huh.

  3. 5. Steve at 987 last evening – to set your mind at rest 3 should have been 2 which make the total 4, not 5. Apologies James I deleted a drop of six that I was going to go with but changed my mind at the last minute. At least I think I did 🙂


    JH: You were just keeping me on my toes, weren’tcha!

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