Daily Archives: March 5, 2025

Wednesday [19 till close of play]


24. More on Barrett

Tony Seruga:

Many conservatives believe Justice Amy Coney Barrett deliberately lied and intentionally misled the vetting team during her confirmation. But it isn’t just about her ideology, though.

It is becoming very obvious Justice Amy Coney Barrett is also compromised out of fear for her and her family. After Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s potential assassin was caught, Justice Amy Coney Barrett lost it. Many thought she was about to resign. She was genuinely scared to death.

The Biden Admin and dem Senators ignored Justice’s pleas for help. Protesters were allowed to get very, very close to Justice’s homes. This was intentional. And if you don’t seriously believe these judges are scared to death to rule against the administrative and intelligence states, you’re simply not paying attention.

Look at what happened to SCOTUS, Justice Brett Kavanaugh, on June 8, 2022, Nicholas Roske traveled to his home with zero difficulty, with plans to break in Kavanaugh’s home, kill him, and then commit suicide.

They and their families are being intimidated daily. Even the Senate Majority Leader, Chuck Schumer threatened the court with zero repercussions. “You have released the whirlwind, and you will pay the price,” the senator from New York said of SCOTUS Justices.

And when protestors began harassing Justices at their homes, pretty much NOTHING was done.

https://x.com/nrsc/status/1235597730443079681?s=61&t=zczLy14zne1hD7ChEni0vA https://nypost.com/2022/06/15/feds-indict-california-man-nicholas-john-roske-found-with-gun-near-kavanaughs-home/

From a gal I’ve quoted a few times:

I replied to her and she back:

23. DAD on a Macron address to the nation

Macron has spoken. Nothing new. Stress on the French nuclear arms. Graph showing expenditure on the military doubled since 2016 (but no allowance for inflation). Russia is BAD, BAD, BAD; US is questionable; (The) Ukraine is Good – needs our support. Nato generals to meet later in March.

Usual bollox, but it will convince many.

22. Steve and War Room at 986

a. Scarlett Karoleva: “More And More The EU Is Becoming A Tyrannical Superstate.”

b. Eric Teetsel: “America’s Entire Approach To Economic Growth Has Been Dependent On War.”

c. Ben Harnwell: Watch out for Zelensky weaselling his way back into the US’s protection via minerals deal

d. Mark Mitchell On State Of Democrat Party

21. Some local news for a change

20. The WHO

19. Two more on SCOTUS

Wednesday [18]

(1913) Evening all.

Right, now fully awake and have explored all four things in Wed 17 … couldn’t be bothered with Zelensky, awaiting a reply from Toodles, IYE has dealt with the Epstein thing, which leaves the biggy:

The unconstitutional SCOTUS move

First a mini-bio of Mike Lee: Senior GOP Senator for Utah, longtime serving … here’s his Xtweet:

Darl P is one of our fellow Xers.

Mike Davis, DJT’s key lawyer, about 1738 our time today wrote:

Dear Congress: The Supreme Court just allowed an activist DC Biden judge to sabotage the presidency and spend $2 billion in foreign-aid money over the President’s objection. The Court refused to allow the chief executive officer to exercise his core Article II power to take care taxpayer money isn’t misspent on waste, fraud, and abuse. The Court refused to allow the commander-in-chief to exercise his core Article II power to ensure the money isn’t misspent against our national-security interest, like funding terrorism in Gaza. So it’s time to offset that wasted $2 billion from the federal judiciary’s $9.5 billion FY2025 discretionary budget. https://uscourts.gov/sites/default/files/fy_2025_congressional_budget_summary.pdf

Before getting onto other commentary on this, I’d like to look at the SCOTUS composition itself.

Roberts we know is compromised and sides with the demon three. Officially, the count is 6-3 but Trump knew about Roberts. What’s his thing? Well, rightly or wrongly, true or fake, pre-“AI”, we saw pics of Obama and Roberts at Epstein Island.

Next issue is Barrett … they have something on her for sure, or else she was always a quisling. There must be something which has her joined with Roberts in voting on crucial issues. And that makes up the five.

Right … Kavanaugh. He can sometimes vote conservative but not on all things. Ditto with Gorsuch.

Which leaves the true conservatives Alito and Thomas … no issues there. Let’s look at some more Xes.

All right, they’re the ones crucial to the issue, before moving onto Wed 19 till close of play.

Conclusion? There are two things going on across the pond … first is the rampant corruption where the division of powers is not clear. The second is that each branch is claiming for itself further powers and will stop at nothing to get them. Johnson is a case in point … he goes with DJT only so far but then falls in with Thune.

Nuff for now. Major things in the US just now, which does affect the Ukraine, Russia, China, the UK, France, Canada, Germany, plus the egregious EU.

Wednesday [17]

(1753) Special report by Unherdables landlord (1846)


Laze and Gem … three quite disturbing things happening out there and one other here:

a. The one here was that I must have crashed about 1500 our time, waking just short of 1700, to an email from Toodles about something written twice … seems something to do with the film I posted earlier. That one seems to have been repaired … no idea how that occurred but parts of the review had doubled and tripled up. I’m being hit by emails at this exact moment (1815) by someone I think is Toodles but who can be sure just yet?

b. There was a comment, purportedly by IYE, I need to check that out, claiming the first batch of Epstein files have now been dropped. I did spend about fifteen minutes skipping through the breathless report, to conclude it is bollox … and redacted bollox at that … blacked out parts of the original Bondi flight log release which we saw when that binder debacle occurred some days back.

Now, IYE himself would know that that’s all it is, so I can only conclude that someone pretending to be IYE has posted them. More on that after a far more worrying thing …

c. This is all over X and there is a date and timeline:


Here are some screenshots of the thing, first from Publius:

That will suffice for now.

d. Zelensky appears to have reneged yet again on any peace deal with Trump. That one as and when.

Interim conclusion at 1818 our time

As you can imagine, being rudely awakened by all sorts of pinging from an unscheduled sleep, to be hit by the above, I’m still scrambling, at 1820, to fully awaken in order to make sense of what’s going on.

My initial conclusion on the supposed Epstein drop is shelve it until there’s some other source corroborating … Zelensky forget about for now … Toodles I’ll reply to after this.

Which leaves the SCOTUS vote a real, extant issue and a truly horrible one, if so. I’ll explore and get back to you. END.

Wed Mat


When rummaging through the Bs available online, there has to be a bit of give and take, plus much patience. This might do for today:

“The Card must have been an interesting if somewhat painful film for Alec Guinness to make. This might have been the most autobiographical piece of work Guinness ever did.

In The Card, Guinness plays the son of washerwoman who learned early on to keep an eye out for the main chance and always strive to improve yourself by whatever means. In real life Guinness’s mother should only have been a washerwoman In fact she was a prostitute who never married his father, whoever that could have been. In real life Guinness overcame bigger obstacles than his character in The Card ever did.

But I’m sure he drew from real life in playing Denny Machin. Guinness in 91 minutes goes from a humble clerk to a position of real power in his area of England. The story is how he did it, the legal and extralegal methods employed and the people he used. When you think about it, The Card is a kinder, gentler version of Room At The Top.

Guinness courts two women on his way up, Valerie Hobson the widow of a local lord and dancing instructor Glynis Johns. Glynis is quite the climber herself as we learn when the story unfolds. In fact she nearly steals the film from Guinness, no easy task.

The Card which was released in the USA under the title of The Promoter is a good followup to such other Guinness everyman roles like he had in The Lavender Hill Mob.”

Ash Wednesday [13 to 16]

(1213) Afternoon all. (1306)


16. Just three more, then a break

15. DAD informs us at 986

President Emmanuel Macron will make a speech on Wednesday, March 5, 2025 at 8 p.m. He will notably discuss the international situation, he announced on social networks.

I’m so excited … about dinner time then … can’t wait for dinner.

14. Rare to see it in print

One of things I was always dismissed for writing was that Smith’s death was untoward, ushering in the two WEfers from 1997 to 2010, followed by the Tavistock pig lover. We’re still under the thumb of these crims now.

13. People being remunerated for work done

Wired, the Woke Left tech rag, is trying to hit back at Trump and Musk:

From the least likely sources

… come things to give us pause.


It’s pretty obvious from the cranked up pace we go at here at Unherdables that something is driving us on … which is why the two songs below are quite at odds with that frenetic tone … and yet they had great meaning for me “back in the day”.

Just as I wrote that now, Lord T sent an mp4 which is an AI version of the Trump-Zelensky exchange, at odds, in itself, with the said songs below. And even the songs are at odds within themselves … I for one do not really like country music anyway as a genre, so how come I play so much of it?

Answer is it’s human … all about human folly, emptiness, unrequited love, misery … and my politics and yours are simple … for people to make a life for themselves without being lied to or the govt and left stealing from us to give to the feckless … plus we are for those who are real, not pretend victims. Pretty simple politics, when shorn of right and left designations.

The ten year periods which impact me most now were 1922 to 32, 1955 to 65, then the 1970s. The latter saw quite an experimental age arise, plus the start of the western destruction and I was coming of age just then, going to the concerts, tearing down highways, motorways, doing whatever was going.

Why do I not like these songs below? Too soft for mine, too womanly, too regular in verse, plus I do not like Henley and Frey, how they act(ed) towards anyone, plus their version of Desperado has that annoying drum BANG in what’s meant to be BANG a poignant ballad BANG that the sound engineer BANG needs taking away and garotting.

So the version of Desperado to post could not be the badly mixed Eagles version but had to be between Linda Ronstadt and Karen Carpenter. And yet Karen Carpenter gets the words wrong in her version, these being Linda R’s:

At least it needed to be sung by a woman … a man would not look at another man and talk that way … so let’s say she’d like him to settle down with her … that makes more sense.

In mentioning that these songs meant a lot to me, personally … again it does not mean the lyrics necessarily apply to me … for a start, I’m no desperado, just relentless, pressing on at pace, keeping my distance … also no regrets over the way things went … we reap what we sow, don’t we, and there’ve been lovely times, moments along the way … at times even part of noteworthy history … a worthwhile journey.

Think we need to stop with this regret, victimhood thing … we made choices, some things did not work out … there ya go. And the disasters have not stopped either … more coming up in summer. Face them as they come, together with a prayer or two.

The second song has an attached story in RL … a young guy (nice fella too by the way) trying to insinuate his way with my gal, gave her the album, she didn’t like it and gave it to me … there are some nice songs on it. Chris Isaac is too spivvy for mine, coiffed hair etc., ladies melting before him … yet this song has meaning for me because of the sigma nature of the subject in it, plus I count myself lucky too in the way he got lucky:

Back to the Eagles and:

Oh yes indeed … they have … they still are right at this moment, even at this site … got nuffink to complain about … but we do have a fight on our hands as you know … so be it.

Wednesday [10 to 12]

(0800) Morning all! A bit Gates sky out there, planes must have been out. Have a good one today now. Housework here. Please check two from IYE in comments. (0954)


12. Pancake logic

11. Another thought on the SOTU address

10. TDS

Lead item:

Lord Gavin Barwell was the Chief of Staff for Theresa May – in a field with numerous candidates, probably the worst British Prime Minister in living memory. Reacting to a recent Daily Sceptic article that laid out the science surrounding carbon dioxide, he pounced on an X repost by “Toby and his mate [yours truly]” and stated: “I suspect the next generation may pursue people like him who sought to delay action for damages.” Barwell’s comment is as silly as it is sinister, but it indicates considerable elite derangement as members observe their Net Zero fantasy falling in flames. Net Zero was only ever an elite luxury belief backed by 30 years of lies, fake science and constant climate scare forecasts that never happened. Removing all hydrocarbons from industrial societies will lead to economic and societal collapse. Removing hydrocarbons from the developing world is just plain wicked.

Wednesday [6 to 9]



9. Could not be any clearer

Screenshot only … you get the idea.

8. Clearing the dead wood

7. Clown news

6. IYE from last evening

Short House is ready to sign peace deal.


“That didn’t take long”

Somebody had a light-bulb moment and realised for all their fine words UK, France + 2 couldn’t do without the USA. 🤣 Shorty being made to eat a huge slice of ‘umble pie in double quick time.


Ash Wednesday [1 to 5]



5. Not having the MSM in this abode

… I’m wondering how many got to know about this yesterday …

4. Andy

The knitted D-Day display is to be mounted at Peterborough Cathedral. I think it was supposed to have been at a US Airforce museum but was refused by the local authority. |  https://www.englishcathedrals.co.uk/events/peterborough-the-longest-yarn/

3. Steve drops at 985

Four: Kristi Noem Leads ICE Raids … Rep. Anna Paulina Luna Tells Matt Gaetz She’s ‘Not Confident’ About AG Pam Bondi’s Release of the Epstein Client List … much more…..

Three: Trump and Zelensky Set to Sign Historic Minerals Deal … Polish PM Confirms US Military Aid to [The] Ukraine Has Been Suspended … much more…..

Two: Uke sit-rep is pretty much this item today.

One: Covid … solar power … German and Austrian Governments Block Populist Parties … Deep Church traffics children … more…..

2. DAD drop at 985

a) France recorded 243,623 abortions in 2023 compared with 678,000 births. 1 in 3 babies killed.

b) Tesla dealership set on fire near Toulouse: 12 cars destroyed and at least 700,000 euros of damage.

c) Weak, wet and woke Macron will not stand up to Algeria. He is frightened at tha backlash from the large Algerian population oin France.

d) Prisons in France are overflowing. The alternatives used are:- Community service (TIG) and home detention under electronic surveillance (DDSE) are two key measures aimed at providing alternatives to incarceration in France…..

JH: Not transport ships in the Seine, bound for Australia?

1. SOTU address

Seemed to me, waking and checking it out this morning, that after his key remark, I’d zero in on one issue, not a multiplicity of what he covered … and that issue was brought by the sourfaced demonrats themselves:

President Trump just got brutally honest about the Democrats: “I look at the Democrats in front of me, and I realize there is absolutely nothing I can say to make them happy or to make them stand or smile or applaud.” “I could find a cure to the most devastating disease, a disease that would wipe out entire nations or announce the answers to the greatest economy in history or the stoppage of crime to the lowest levels ever recorded. And these people sitting right here will not clap, will not stand, and certainly will not cheer for these astronomical achievements.”

And so to the demonrat stunt:

He covered a range of issues, many which will be covered throughout the day here. Toodles takes it up:

Lizard woman (Pelosi) is scary.

Right now we are hearing about all these old people in our country…all the way to something like 350 years old who are getting money from the government.

He mentioned at some point that were he to help bring about a way to cure a horrible disease the Dems would not even clap for that!

Cuddles just said, the Dems are getting a spanking tonight!

Something to the effect….’Biden said we needed new legislation to fix the border. Turns out all we needed was a new president.’

Great line from DJT!

Also his list of common sense. 

Great. Pray we will stay focused and that the people will be patient. 

This is all (I hope for your sake) I will say tonight.  Oh and the oldest person receiving $’s is 360 years old. Wut?

Prayers for the western world I’d say, chaps and chapesses.