(1226) Afternoon all. (1253)
17. Lord T asks
… does anyone have more on this? Maybe it should be followed up?

16. And one more time for now

15. And once more

Malcolm Roberts is a bit like the Oz Nigel Farage, except not wavering like Farage on key points. Elly Melly and he are similar antiWokists.
14. More of the same point we’ve been making all morning

13. This from Vox (url in blogrolls)
… is a bit more than the usual fair use fragment, as it is a “whole” to this point:

Good point about Europe being a continent, not a sovereign political entity. Britain and France, the USA, Russia, China are sovereign political entities.
12. IYE and a quiz q from me
RFK Jr and the measles jab “U-turn”
From that link came this, concerning RFK Jnr. …

My quiz q is … what’s the difference between him approving a measles jab and an mrna jab?
And I see all the difference … why?
17. Makes of these what you will.
Notice the dates.
This is an iffy source.
Again notice the dates.
Hopium is as bad as doom pron.
JH: Ta greatly, IYE.
And…. into the mod bin I go….. 🙂
13. This from Vox – I have a theory. Obviously Trump likes to deal with countries that are able to make decisions for themselves. That’s one reason why he doesn’t like the EU. The second – and I’m referring to what I said yesterday – is he can see what’s blindingly obvious to most, that the EU is extremely bad for indigenous Europeans. In fact it’s so bad it could well end Western Civilisation as we know it on this side of the Atlantic. Take those two and his determination I think is to shake the EU to pieces. The whole sclerotic mess cannot continue past this decade. It’s become an abomination.