Saturday [6 to 8]



8. IYE with Kyle Becker

7. Dearieme and Covid

An expert analysis of the lab origin theory of Covid. Conclusion: of course it bloody was.

Hat tip: Jessica Rose, a substacker heroine, a reporter and analyst of the whole fiasco.

6. TCW, Nelson and Cooper


Being the victor of Trafalgar and numerous other sea battles, saving Britain from invasion and helping to secure our safety and supremacy – in short, changing the course of history in the early 19th century – obviously cuts no ice with our dear leaders of today. Such is their contempt for valiant patriotism that paintings of Lord Nelson displayed in Parliament’s buildings have now been taken down, whilst another painting has been put up.

Who is the subject of the exemplary new artwork adorning those hallowed halls? Another military titan, perhaps? Er, no. The canvas depicts… Yvette Cooper.

We’re back to the same old same old again … do we view it generationally, the blame for … or geographically, culturally, ideologically? “A cultural set of edifices” maybe (must have been drunk on skunk, ha ha).

I’d say imported ideology through non Brits is very much the killer now but the rot started from about 1970 in British schools not to revere our history … there were always lefty teachers, yes, esp. in secondary, with primary having more Conservative Party women … but it worsened and worsened until Brit history as we knew it was simply no longer taught, along with the three Rs.

Now, can we pinpoint which generation? Well, let’s go back … Boomers were certainly taught properly … whom by? Not the diagonal generation ahead, our big brothers so to speak, but by our parents’ lot, born maybe 1920 to 1930/35.

All right … what about DAD, one diagonal gen ahead of me? Well let’s ask him … not if he was taught well, coz he was … but did his lot teach their kids well … Gen X I mean? Looking at Gen X, I’d say less so. Gen X was when the one earring in the guy’s ear appeared, acid house, raves, living till middle age with one’s parents. By the time of the Millennials, was education bad news?

Well that’s where I come in, as I was a head teacher by the early 90s and the killer was the National Curriculum … so it was quite sudden. Not with us in the Independent sector but in the State, yes.

Who were in charge of curriculum branches just then, with their Woke leftism? Younger than I was … late Boomer, early Gen X … I met these Osted people … bad news on the whole, on a Woke high. They were the ones. Yes, I taught the three Rs, spelling, about Nelson, Harold arrow through the eye, Agincourt … I was called antediluvian, the prat. END.

2 replies on “Saturday [6 to 8]”

  1. Needs someone to translate this to verity.
    It is alleging that the comedian called JD a b*tch. Would he be that daft?


    JH: Glad to oblige … it was in Ukrainian … slight difference but same word … yes, but without listening, as I canna stand the Clown, it’s usually in the context of sonofabitch, which is western too.

    But swear he did. What an idiot. Trump-Vance a pretty good tag team.

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