11. Ain’t nature wonderful?

10. Same the world over

9. End of a Narrowboat Xer

She’s been kicked off X apparently, not for this but for quite furious comments about Starmer. She says she was given the option of takedown, she refused … given a termination date. So she says, someone called her a bot … she seemed real to me, conversing at times.
8. Fort Knox is not the only vault

7. Two topics in passing

6. From TCW today
“THE collapse of family identity in modern society is not merely another social trend: it is a fundamental cause of our cultural disintegration. From digital tribes to ideological extremism, the repercussions are pervasive.
As a father of nine, I have witnessed first-hand how the erosion of family bonds leaves children feeling rootless and vulnerable, prompting them to seek belonging in artificial communities. The stakes could not be higher: without strong families, civil society itself begins to deteriorate.
In our household, family rituals – simple acts such as preparing dinner at the same time each evening – have become the cornerstone of our togetherness. These moments, though they may seem mundane, embody what philosopher Roger Scruton described as the creation of our ‘first-person plural’ – the ‘we’ that unites families through shared experiences and mutual understanding.
Yet over the past 25 years I have observed a troubling shift. The systematic erosion of family bonds has created a void that children are now desperately trying to fill. Where they once found a sense of belonging within the family unit, they now turn to digital communities and ideological movements, seeking the connection and identity that family life once provided.”
That’s that issue and we can discuss this for days. However, there’s a second issue imho triggered by the image the writer or Kathy G chose to employ … for a start, why not a little guy, a spotty herbert such as I was? Moreover, this might sound a bit rich coming from me.
Going to start here with my pinned tweet at X:

Regulars at Unherdables are well aware that it’s my hobbyhorse … calling out those inflicting precisely the filth on us which we’re railing against … for example, I do NOT wish to see constant Xs by good people full of shots of Pelosi or Waters or Biden, posted as part of those good people’s takedowns of those creeps.
Point is that those pics still stay up on the timeline and unlike on a blog … there is no choice, in order to remove those pics, but to block the X account entirely … X give us no way to edit the pics out.
So no, I do NOT wish to block the good people themselves … but X gives me no other option.
Look at it this way … I repost things of beauty … landscapes, old scenes of better days … with some polit comment … why on earth would I wish unremovable vile things interspersed with that? Too many good people just don’t think this issue through I’m afraid.
Right … and in a similar way, I do NOT like constant pictures of little girls around … this is why any of our guys posting them, however innocent … I’ll just not retweet, not run them at the blog. Little girls belong to their dads and mums, or grandparents, not as poster pics for the general public, which include paedos.
I’m well aware that they’re meant to tug at the heartstrings but I’m not sure they should be used that way in the first place, however noble the motives.