Was not sure if this should be item 14 or a separate feature post. Anyway, here’s an intro:
Hmmmmm … if I might add a little here:
a. The cold weather was only a consideration in Newfoundland and similar … they were quite used to it in Denmark, hardly a consideration further south. The hostile, strong natives were certainly a factor, in numbers.
b. As sailors know but possibly not landlubbers … there are trade winds in the Atlantic … one lot go south past Europe from England, then to get to the Caribbean, turn right just past Tenerife … that’s long been known to sailors. To get back to Europe, go north beside the U.S., then turn right where it wll take you through the Azores.
You can go further north before turning right but the seas start getting nasty … even if the winds are with you, so are huge following seas, ice etc. As for going east to west … forget it unless you’re a masochist … you’d not risk your family that way.
a. “Great news for Law Enforcement and American Justice! Dan Bongino, a man of incredible love and passion for our Country, has just been named the next DEPUTY DIRECTOR OF THE FBI, by the man who will be the best ever Director, Kash Patel.
b. USAID and partners funneled billions through multiple “administrative fees,” with DC firms pocketing 56% of contracts while Haitian companies got just 2%.
c. Pope clog popping imminent.
d. Alexander Vindman a USAID recipient, the U.S. Agency for Internal Development provides humanitarian and development assistance to a family who were offered no pardons.
JH: all is within the comments in the sidebar.
12. Germany again
That’s certainly a consideration. There is also the grand collusion to shut out anything remotely “right” by criminal fraud. Then there is Alice W herself … hardly a family oriented conservative. Then there is the Nazi era legacy, very strongly resisted in West Germany.
Other than Peter Hitchens, few in the mainstream British media make plain what has gone on in Ukraine and why.
“So it is not surprising that there is a house in a hip Devon town whose owner put the old yellow-and-blue in the window to show they were on the right side of History (that fictitious god of the Marxists.)
Later they replaced it with a Palestinian flag.
Only the middle class can be that stupid. They take on an idea given them by the official governmental propaganda machine and will then defend it against all comers, including facts and logic.”
I’d call it Woke left middle-class or even Boomer left or neo Boomers … whatever.
… that I for one am so in tune with … high value people, these lasses.
8. There’s a class of person I am quite susceptible to
… let’s call this the Grandmother Class, the old type … they were sassy when young, all sorts of errors, learnt by trial and error, had the time in later years to observe. In Russia, that class is revered … they play a major role in family life. Not the idiot women with purple or scarlet hair, nose rings, doing the whole left-boomer thing over again … not them … I’m referring to the family oriented grandmamas.
A society without that Grandmama Class for a start sees girls brought up wrongly, which in turn causes males who think with their tadgers (mea culpa earlier) to disrespect the easy meat … and girls are just as unwise as they ever were.
Boys? We needed strong fathers, but not right bstds … we needed rocks who would support mums … my two colluded, I’m telling ye … they ganged up on me, the pair of em!
7. Lady’s name is Katie Daviscourt on X
… why not a secreenshot as usual? Because it goes to “see more” as X curtails the text, then puts that horrible, large, black “subscribe” thing up, so I’m forced to go all text … a pain:
“I just walked out of Church. The first time I ever have. The Catholic priest is going off on Trump and his mass deportations at St. James Cathedral. I cant fathom how deporting child s—x offenders, murderers, gang members would be un-Christ like. Once again, I am reminded not to attend the 12 pm time slot. Not all priests are the same. I will be back this evening.”
Think you’ll find, love, that the time slot matters not … it’s the malaise of The Church and its priestly class of luminaries in ritual robes and gobbledegook.
6. Spring springs in thread
A collage full of colour and life. 🌱🌷 Small snippets of details taken from a variety of my embroideries. I hope it brightens your timeline slightly …and a bit of the grey! 😊🪡 🌸🌿🌺🌻 #stitchedart#thesewingsongbirdpic.twitter.com/jl7BmBQH9r
(0658) Morning all, getting light out there … bleah sky. (0720)
5. TDS (url in blogrolls)
4. DAD at 977
a) German results…..
b) White House press corps learns a civics lesson from Stephen Miller.
c) Londonistan. Shocking new figures revealed extent of London’s gang problem…..
d) Some people have qualities that are very useful for their job. This is the case of this police officer from Puy-en-Velay who is particularly good at physiognomy! ……
Just as what’s happening in the US is a reordering of society in a blunt way, which causes great resistance from certain sectors from top to bottom, so we need to reorder our own lives in order to buy ourselves some more years … not to be greedy about it but put it this way … if we do not help ourselves when we can do … that’s lunacy.
So I need to gather some things together from all our previous drops here, plus the reference material they’ve accessed and try to stick to the main points afap, so as to not write a tome.
1. People do not like to be preached at, esp. as we age and get more set in our ways … I’m observing and thinking we could all do with some rethink but coming from within ourselves, not ordered from outside by people heavying us. Thus, if someone preaches at us, first instinct is to resist, rather than incorporate. Some things must never be incorporated. But some might need to be … our choice.
2. We need a code and there’s a ready made one in the core values of Christianity … take it or leave it … it ensures at least a halfway safe society, streets, daily matters, it protects children as no other … it also heightens conscience if you allow it to, give or take. But it’s choice, not coercion. Faith leads to courage leads to comfort … in turn leading to usefulness.
3. We must take care of mental health at a time when globopsycho, down through all echelons of the west are designing ways to sicken, to reduce to despair, to confound (the Yuri Bezmenov warning). Whether you see the enemy as satan, the deathcult, Msinoiz, China or hollow eastern mysticism … there’s no “or” about it, it’s not zero sum.
4. “Zero sum” creates adversarial camps, completely rejecting all points put by the opposite “party leader”. Starmer, strangely, has made some moves, for all the wrong reasons, which nevertheless would reduce bloating, whilst Donny has made errors, e.g. on the vaxxes and they’re blundering their way back to some sort of normality. In short, choose the bits your reordered heart (point 2) knows in the gut are right, e.g. n5 below, but that we want to resist, esp. if preached by RFK Jnr.
5. Exercise or at least keeping physically moving … no rocking chairs longer than it takes to write this post … do physical chores morn to night, never too onerous, never with a view to completing them, just staying active, that’s all it is. It’s a lifeline. Danger is overdoing it while aging. But underdoing it is just as bad.
6. Stay useful to others, rather than focussed on self … the opposite to eastern mysticism. For me, the blog and other socmed does that, even if to quip on X … but never to simp. Reaction to tragedy, horror, drudge … stay useful. … the Satterthwaite Principle from Agatha Christie … you feel your life doesn’t count but have you considered that you staying useful might just be necessary, as in a play, sometime down the track … you know not why, but Someone else Above might.
7. Enjoy … sardonic smiles and grins can ease the burden greatly … memes are great, also useful politically … healthy cynicism, cat may look at a king … everything globopsycho wants stopped … consider it, keep your decision-making switch in good repair, not your blindly-following conduit. With regard to 2 above, still a choice.
8. Everyone is possessed by something … money, greed, lust, fame, perversions, overdoing even good things, e.g. chocolate … everyone makes something or someone his/her god … just choose one with some chance of success. The right one provides courage … a bottle or porn do not.
9. With exercise goes what you eat. Make it yourself, from ingredients you choose, not globopsycho’s additives … do avoid seed oils, all the rest of it … as RFK Jnr says in that loony way … consider the elements which might just be so, incorporate the good bits. Reduce eating out … putting your life in some kid’s hands in a commercial kitchen.
10. Investigate for sure but not absolutely everything … there are so many venus flytraps, sideroads to slavery … deliberately placed there … learn to sidestep obvious traps. As you become more experienced at this, the easier it gets, as Bourne said to Nicky at the end of the trilogy. Avoid mysticism, keep eyes peeled, 270 degree vision. Vigilance, folks.
11. Two from my mate up the road are firstly to be thoroughly organised and consistent … think it out first before jumping, write everything on paper … machines break, internets suddenly go down, so does power source. Keep everything in its right place, so that as your mind starts to fail, instinct takes over. Do NOT change it round, just to be clever.
The second is to train your first reaction to be watchful … confident stillness, observing, in reaction to your antenna sensing danger. Don’t go to parks or nightclubs at night … don’t walk alone, don’t do obviously stupid things out of bravado, don’t try to impress others … do what you know works … be read for fight or flight but from stillness … not from abject fear. Avoid “just”, as in I’ll just nip out to buy sonething … person alone, ambush waiting these days. Train yourself.
The whole idea with others is that they see you have a plan, with a b and c waiting … your whole calm demeanour can throw the savage dog or deathculter. Always act within your competence range … no females flying planes, no males doing things which are not their bag. And all of these things, this organisation, this mind on the job … it all keeps you active … active is good. No more than 20 minutes sitting or lying, except for real sleep time, is a good rule of thumb.
12. Stop foolish pride, as Petulia Clarke might sing … pride in achievement is good but foolish pride is satanic ego … which women do I like? The ones without huge egos, yet are confident enough not to be frightened mice … something in the middle. And normal … Alice Weidel is not normal … something very wrong with her … maybe 20% in Germany paused and hesitated? Same with Marine LePen … something quite wrong with her. Rupert’s ok, Nigel’s not. Karoline Leavitt seems good. So far. Before they lure her ego. Men who act straight with you, look you in the eye, treat you decently … that’s the sort of man I count as a friend.
13. These 👇🏻
14. Take your time … there’s only so much you can do within a given time, stop listening to someone like me telling you what you should and should not do … yet quietly come back late to re-read. Incorporate what seems right.
15. There’s strength in numbers but not openly so that their agents can pick you off. For example, the quiet rightness of Vigano, Orban, resonates with so many, not all Christian, Catholic … but there are billions worldwide who quietly see him as a far more true pope, if there is such a thing. Worldwide church of minds? Yep, but not organised, with a priestly caste talking down to you, incorporating their own Jim Jones and Charlie Manson perversions in their control over you.
16. In effect, this is sort of like maintaining a middle-class, which anyone can join or leave. Middle-class is good … it rewards incentive, prevents lord and serf scenarios. Beloved Leader.
17. Do what you promise to … if you can’t, don’t promise it. Consistent is good but so is cavalier eccentricity … keep em guessing … depends whether it’s a core promise of trust or part of the negotiable.
18. Stay indoors. Sounds stupid but bear with me here … the skies are poison, the weather sickly, there are nutters out there … your home is your haven afap. It’s not? Then make it so.
19. This could go on forever, so time to stop, as I need to make the coffee, write to some people, signpost our main people here at Unherdables.
Active … remember. Take care of responsibilities. Have none? Create some … start a blog or be part of one. END.
This follows on from Bach: Chaconne below … it’s about the relationship between content provider and viewer/reader, with me being both, so maybe I’m in a position to write on this.
Essentially, this chap whom I’ve occasionally posted, with animations of maritime issues, is calling it a day and has “sold his soul” er “channel” and here are some reactions: