Monthly Archives: February 2025

Thursday [1 to 5]

(0437) Possibly the best time to be up, get all the checking/procedural work done. Thing is, as many of you know … sleep can be erratic these days … we each have our methods. I’ve had to take my own erratic sleep patterns into account in order to keep comments open here … continued in housekeeping below … (0709)


5. TDS (blogrolls)


4. DAD descends on 961

a. France has a budget; both ‘votes of no confidence’ fail, as expected…..

b. As part of the settlement after the war in Algeria, requirements for immigration were relaxed…..

c. French Housing Foundation has warned that France was “sinking into a housing crisis“…..

d. Europe’s gas crisis is back with a vengeance.….

3. The Gaza Riviera

… over at OoL:

Plus an extension into mystical realms here. Yep … the Book of Revelation (drumroll).

You see, laze and gem … if you have any eschatological knowledge, you will know about the antiChrist, about the ten northern nations attacking, of their defeat, presumably of the Mussies too, by this omnipotent returned Messiah, of how the conquering hero then goes into the rebuilt Third Temple and does the abomination of desolation … it was all a trick.

Some versions have this three and a half years through hell on earth, with the last three and a half years of the world to follow … extermination of Jew and Christian, the two witnesses in the street and so on.

Now, my personal view is that I have not a clue where and when … might be now, might be a long time away (many generations), might have been in AD70 … so many interpretations (correct me if I’m wrong).

Mind you … the notion of Gaza Riviera … phew, talk about a surefire way to set off Armageddon … the nutter deathculters would go out of their skulls over that, Russia of the ten northern nations would involve itself, as would China.

Now, you already know about the rebuilt Karakoram Hwy through China, around Tibet (current home of Djwahl Kuul), through Pakistan, down to Israel … used to be called the Silk Road. Crosses two rivers, the Tigris and Euphrates, rivers of blood, passes Babylon by the way, ends up at Har Megiddo. Just mentioning it. 200 million troops by the way.

Juss sayin’ like but the Gaza Riviera is very much an odds-on certainty to kick all that off. Za fun vee haf, nein?

2. Steve at 960

Four: MTG Bills to Abolish USAID and Make English The Official Language … Musk on Far-Left Politico Unable to Make Payroll … much more…..

Three: Pam Bondi Orders DOJ to Stop All Federal Funding to Sanctuary Cities … CIA Offers Buyouts to Its Entire Workforce … much more…..

Two: Uke sit-rep … Trump Gaza Riviera to protect Nethan (?) … Zelensky bye-bye (?) … more…..

One: Rising aggression and hallucinations in teenagers is linked to early smartphone use (?) … Canada failed state … South Africa aid … much more…..

1. Housekeeping continued from 960 across the way

… meaning my comments there under Andy’s and Steve’s. Now pls look at this one moment:


That’s from UHC (see navbar above). Readers tend to have their fave one of the four blogs to comment at and that’s fine … sometimes it’s coz you can’t get a comment through at the others … the vagaries of commenting. It’s useful to have that in the arsenal for regulars here at the “combined unherdables”.

Is there a designed pattern to where I post of the four? Not really … my own posts tend to mainly be here at HQ, always checking over at NOWP … constantly. Sometimes I’m mainly over there reading/watching, e.g. this morning.

Also don’t forget the sidebar comments threads at the three WP sites, such as the screenshot just above here. Doonhamer can often be found there, other guys plus Darl Pattison at Jstack (below the post). To my mind, it’s nice that way … always feel free to comment on something over at another of the four in the stables, even if it’s on a post at one of the other four.

I’d just ask that you’d be so good as to clearly signpost, esp. the number of the post. Something signposted as Thur 1 could only ever be here, 961 could only ever be at NOWP, a Jstack post would say that, ditto a UHC post would say UHC.

That’s also the fallback/failsafe order too, should any site of the four go down.

I do ustd that this whole palaver can be a pain in the bleedin’ neck or posterior … readers prefer just to drop into the one site per blogger … end of … then onto the next in your rounds. Yes … agreed, I’m a reader too, don’t forget … but do consider John Ward (The Slog), who relied on the one trusty site … easy target I’m afraid in 2025. That’s why I do it this way. Things change? We’d need to too.

Wednesday [25 till close of play]

(1725) Evening all … much happening. Quick housekeeping note … you may have noticed “screenshot” still below some pics … these are where there was a link or Read more or Show more or part of a text seems to be missing. It’s meant to indicate that yes, I did see the request to click, did in fact click and look. If worth posting … saved. If not … short form here. We can always go back if readers want. Have a lovely evening. (1859)


34. Last for this evening


(1911 GMT) Eric Dondero: “Minutes ago… Pam Bondi just froze all federal funding to sanctuary cities, 200 in total. She has also filed charges against sanctuary city officials.”

33. Better they did have 2020 stolen

32. Can DJT and Nole legally do as they’re doing?

A legal opinion:


31. Via Wendy

Opinion: The Biden-Harris Administration is Stealing from Medicare

30. Moosh corner again

29. Naughty boy, Two Tier … might be your end

28. USPS and China


27. Ozempic


26. Steve with War Room at 960

… with another below that over there:

25. Opening with Andy


One last gasp for the early 90s


Garage bands have always been interesting if they’re any good, if they can play. Experimenting with roles can be even better … for example, all guitars but bass laying down the rhythm section with drums … the bass and soft vocal, not alpha, dominating, playing lead.

Such was noise pop or shoegazing from 1989/90 which the song below is from.

Just setting the scene … we generally start, at this site, in the pre 1920s, a bit of ragtime, we heavily play the 20s, not going too far into the 30s when it went too orchestral. Big bands don’t do a lot for me … 30s/40s, occasional songs being all right. I particularly dislike squeaky new jazz such as the felonious monk.

It started coming good again in the 50s, then the music just died. The 60s had some fun early but became druggier and druggier, the flower in the hair thing was take it or leave it. British invasion had some good pop … almost completely missed mentioning jive, much which was fun.

Woodstock was the nadir for me … drugs, thots, over complicated sounds from bands fancying themselves as almost classical … many will disagree with me on Floyd and the like. Metal began, which to me was humourless, postulating noise with no rhythm. I don’t mind noise if melodic – see song below.

70s fashions were awful … flares, tight shirts unbuttoned to the waist, chains … the music though was experimental and fun again, punk was a phase we had to have, some of those bands came through and were great, late 70s saw some good things happening, musically, though forlorn like Joy Division. Around 1980 saw ska … fun again.

Glam and techno arrived, also awful, the 80s were pretty dire for music, with some exceptions. The late 80s picked up again with early rap, or pseudo with Betty Boo. The late 80s/early 90s saw some experimentation again but there were also dire boy bands … by 1997, the pop music scene was pretty much dead, with autotuned horrors, adenoidal voice throwers and so on.

Thus, if you take maybe 1917 as my start point, ending about 1997, then that’s eight decades of variable popular music. I’m not expecting anyone to like Pale Saints, not least because it is noisy, loud, but with soft overtones which certainly offer counterpoint. What I like are the drone, the use of bass as lead, the voice almost as instrument in itself, the highly melodic tone, not unlike with the Strangler’s Skin Deep.

Sadly, the phase, which had also seen New Order, died … had kids changed? Had they been ruined by then? Actually, who would have listened to this song apart from me? I’m thinking someone born in the first half of the 70s … still children in 1980. What Generation is that? Maybe later Gen X. Do we at this site actually know any later Gen X? Doubt it. Not expecting our readers to like this:

Wednesday [20 to 24]

(1351) Afternoon all … don’t miss the smash hit carol:

Oh yeah. (1421)


24. Medical mandates

23. Matt today?

22. Chagossian blues

21. Gaza … tourism mecca

And a very good idea too … develop waterfront property, rake in the cash for the area, then some agriculture as it moves inland, non-jihadi Palestinians as workers, vetted, slowly develop the entire area.

20. Misseth not our sidebar links, good reader

Screenshot only here

Wednesday [14 to 19]

(1057) There’s quite a bit in the pipeline ready to redact and post … and that’s after deleting two-thirds of it as reiteration or iffy, confirmation-wise or now outdated. (1117) Sam Bondi confirmed 54-46. (1120)


19. Battery power the solution? Not really …

18. Nice

17. Was going to run her in Ladies on Friday

… but thought best not … best run her in “politics” today:

I’m afraid the anti-Enemies of Britain lot, supposedly us, are going to have to use this, in the same way they got Capone in the end … on a secondary issue.

16. The Black Hawk “missile”

15. TCW

That first question again won’t go away 👇🏻

14. One to explore if we get time

Wednesday [11 to 13]

(0841) Some brek and training coming up … hope both are efficacious. (0938)


13. Moosh corner again

12. The vlogging experience, such as it is

It’s not just that … it’s the fixation of drowning out the narrator with unwonted bkgd noise … it’s those awful ads (and nearly all are appalling) interrupting a piece of music for example … it’s the sanity, the voice, the thoughts of the narrator.

With the Uke three vloggers we use … Christoforou just wanders around the outskirts of some town in some Med country, putting a new point every ten minutes, sardonically … spinning it out … things we know already, Gudadze does show maps and give a Russian perspective, strange manner, the other was good but seems to be off air.

Kissin and some of the current and old GB News are ok, mostly, but when they start the empire building … give me money for my wisdom … bye bye … we have our own thang going here. Vox has insights still, so does the Z Man, occasionally:


When Trump halted all funding payments from USAID, for example, ninety percent of “independent media” in Ukraine had to close. Most of the pro-Ukraine accounts on Twitter suddenly fell silent. This is just one example, but it points to the enormity of the corruption centered in these quasi-government organizations. Much of what has been presented to the public as “democratic politics” has been theater staged by this swarm of not-for-profits and non-government-organizations.

One of the least surprising aspects of this is the realization that the people endlessly yelping about “our democracy” have been part of a system that works to prevent the will of the people. Similarly, it is no surprise that the lunatics screaming about fascism in the streets were underwritten by a network of organizations funding by the government and corporate donors. USAID was big into “gender” politics, for example. It was all a show, but also a massive fraud on the people.

The Z Man we mostly seemed to dump after his true colours showed quite a while back … but that doesn’t mean he can’t be right on some things.

11. Sooner or later, in the birthright citizenship question …

… each participant in the fight must come clean on certain issues:

  • Is being born into a certain nation, culture, heritage … a “thing”? That is … are you of the “stock” of that nation? This is complicated, in Oz and NZ for example, as they’re not original stock but are that of the longtime masters of that land.
  • How long is “longtime”? A century, two, five, a millennium? My feeling is that conquered peoples certainly have a case, just as the Englische did post 1066 under the Normans. Bloodlines? However, there’s such a thing as a long time. Moors in Spain? Ah but they were booted out.
  • What of language? Well, as someone a long time in Russia, with passable Russian language, half Russian in amused Russian eyes … I was ok … plus useful, needed by sectors. Speaking the language passably is certainly a thang imho, plus being au fait, sympathetically, with the land’s history. Most certainly not protesting over some other country.
  • Longtime? I’d say a millennium is fair. In Br and Oz, I understand you needed to produce a grandparent … I’d say that that should be great-great-grandparent before feeling secure.

Anyway, that’s debatable … consider this:

In 2025, America is an outlier among developed nations in offering unrestricted birthright citizenship. Corporate media outlets will remind you that we aren’t alone, that around 30 other countries do the same. But what they usually don’t report is that those countries are the likes of Grenada, Nicaragua, Trinidad and Tobago, and Barbados. Not a single European country follows our lead. Nor do Japan, Australia, New Zealand, South Korea, and the list goes on.

Only one country in the world with a per-capita GDP anywhere near the United States’ matches our policy — Canada. And Canada historically hasn’t had much to worry about on the illegal immigration front, because their only land border is shared with us.

To my mind, birth plus other factors come into it … looking at the invaders … ah, but which factors?

Wednesday [6 to 10]

(0653) Morning all … some sleep always helps. (0759)


10. Under duress or eagerly?

9. Making sense of the nonsensical

Similar situation as Djoker in Melbourne with the vaxx … someone in govt was involved, for some reason, with politics in the home country, donor, whatever => visa revoked just like that.

8. TDS (blogrolls)

This is one of those situations where we can only imagine her own situation (item 1), if we accept for now the truth of these “14 medical experts” … even that is jaundiced today.

Recently, I was reviewing reaction videos to the first three Bourne episodes and there was one conversation which went along the lines afa I recal: “If Blackbriar goes south, we’ll wrap it up and hang it around Landy’s neck.”

What had been her crime in their eyes? Same anywhere, any big organisation … the one with sound values in real terms, with a conscience, is targetted as a bunny … were she a Nuland or that kind, protected at all costs. As a Landy, dangerous … might stumble upon, might let it get out.

7. Carswell corner

Remember Wiki will give a left-jaundiced account of him

6. DAD at 960

a. (Richest tycoon) Bernard Arnault has sharply criticised Macron policies…..

b. Poll suggests Bayrou right to talk about ‘migratory submersion’……

c. Former Communist: “There are places here, it’s not Germany any more. It’s not even Europe…..”