Monthly Archives: February 2025

Sunday [1 to 5]



5. This was from Newsmax

”My perception of the supreme Court depends almost entirely on how much Barrett allows herself to be pushed around or influenced by Roberts. Both of those justices are huge disappointments. Barrett is reminding me of Chief Justice Warren Berger, who had been appointed to the appellate court by Ike. Later to the Supreme Court by Nixon. I recall and interview with him when he said he had gone in as someone from the right. But has he saw the court swinging that direction, he moved left to balance the court. He is a huge reason why Roe v Wade ever passed in the first place, despite it being an awful piece of legislation. Barrett has already indicated the same belief, that she feels she almost needs to be a swing vote because she sees the cord becoming too conservative. My question is, when you are nominated based on a set of principles that you put forth, why is it so hard to stick to those. It’s why you were put on the court in the first place. Instead it looks like that she is a moldable piece of Play-Doh. The reality of it is, you either have principles or you don’t. I know that that is an oxymoron in Congress. But I’ve always hoped that steadfastness existed in the SCOTUS. Unfortunately I have been proven wrong too many times.”

In Roberts’s case, there is the Epstein Island flightlog situation, is there not? Motivation plus. We shall soon see. 🍿🍿🍿

4. A plea on X by a distressed westerner

“So it appears that there is a fresh murder spree every single day in Europe. Douglas Murray was right, and before him, Enoch Powell foresaw this. Europe is dying. Our women and children have been thrown like sacrificial lambs to the slaughter, all for the sick ideological goal of open borders, mass uncontrolled immigration and the death of sovereign nation states. We must stop this suicidal madness now, close the borders, and enforce deportations and remigrations by the millions. Then we take back our homes, our towns and cities and our countries. The globalists are destroying us. We need to wake up and fight back to defend ourselves from this evil onslaught.”

3. Child rape victim fighting back

2. Grossly offensive era

Ohio Democrats Propose Ridiculous “Conception Begins at Erection” Bill (969:8) … in other words, three fundamental principles violated:

a. The classical liberal principle that we’re free to do, say, think, worship as we wish, providing there’s no demonstrable harm to others, the issue of course being who the arbiters are of that. It used to be biblical, e.g. Ten Commandments, as reinforced by judges but that’s now in the hands of far left activists and they are wrecking …

b. Public taste and ethics for a start … even the very question of truth and promises.

c. The very notion of reality being aligned with reality. At some point, the overwhelming consensus needs to be what prevailed before this current insane era. For example … mammalian life being the fertilisation of the egg, at latest first heartbeat, which then frames the definition of murder … which of course depends on consensus again but based on what? Different multicultural societies overwhelming a culturally Christian population?

d. Which leads to force and war, slaughter, rule by the militarily strongest.

e. Which of course defeats the Rule of Law, of protection of the vulnerable. Lawless societies cheek by jowl … new dark ages.

All the above is “a thing” or “thang” as they say in America … a set of considerations … but the one out of all of those uppermost in my mind is having to even face, see, confront, that which I see as offensive. In fact, even having to debate that Ohio bill is grossly offensive in my mind … there must be either a retreat for those wanting a halfway decent public space, there being all sorts of perversions rampant in that society … which is a Sodom and Gomorrah situation, even Jericho …

… which is completely unacceptable … or else some form of decency in the public space, e.g. a dress code … and those not adhering are welcome to get a room, as long as only consenting adults … in my view over 21, are involved … and under no demonstrable coercion to be there. As for children … no way known, whether willing or not.

For me, personally, I’ve just reported a Japanese ad at NOWP to ggl ads. I do NOT wish to have to see anything gross like close-ups of body parts, sick or flabby, such ads infesting any conservative news outlet today, all over the page and between paragraphs. The GWP is just such a one and that’s the only reason I refuse to click on it.

But it’s more than that … whilst I can still go about the day to day without confronting filth … if I did wish to, then I’d have to click in or rather would have to second click after a warning … then I can survive, mentally. The completely out of order is having to see vile poster ads in the underground or that vile Hirst statue on a hillside or anything like that.

Also in that category are the white environment killers the wind farms (see 969:5) … grossly offensive to a significant portion of the population.

1. Steve at 969

Four: Trump and Putin Name Their High-Level Peace Negotiation Teams … Saudi Arabia to host summit … another jihad murder … much more…..

Three: Trump and Musk … Federal Judge Rules in Favor of DOGE … National Energy Dominance Council … DEI contracts … much more…..

Two: Uke sit-rep … Vance in Munich … Uke not in NATO, NATO still wants in Uke … more…..

One: “Green energy” harm … US weapons for Uke end up with cartels … Candace … more…..

Saturday [14 till close of play]

(1602) Had a snooze, a repast, ready to go again.


20. Steve at 969

War Room snippets…

a. Natalie Winters Exposes Groups Tied To Anti-Trump Lawfare

b. Brian Festa Discusses Trump’s EO To Withhold School Funding Over COVID Vaccine Mandates

19. This was one of the songs I used to play

… on my radio show in the 70s … days of vinyls and reel-to-reels:

18. Job applications

17. Those names … Spanish? Japanese? Scottish?

16. Something has to give here

15. In one

14. Karoline

Saturday [12 and 13]

(1112) Happy elevenses all. (1252)


13. It’s not just folly … it’s long-planned destruction …

… by globopsychos above, their henchmen (and freeland type wimmin), the myrmidons, the karen army, every little tinpot god in a position of at least some influence … in every field of human activity. Meticulously planned and in-sane.

From the Conservative Woman

“NO ONE WHO is truly awake could now fail to be aware of the tyranny of anti-racism/multiculturalism and the vile assaults on free speech. Yet, following the political activism of the 1960s and 1970s, including the 1968 student-led mass protests, there were worrying developments in the early 1980s: the ultra-Left were invading our major institutions, particularly education, with the specific purpose of dismantling the culture of this country, creating social division, civil strife, and destroying our liberal democracy. That project was then, and has increasingly become remarkably successful, accelerating further under the rule of Starmer.”

I’m leaving it at that … he goes into education, as I could too … esp. around the time of the introduction of the National Curriculum … I’d prefer to keep it to just the far-left, the utter-nutters for now.

12. Well, if I was insulting to the lads earlier

… saying how ugly we were, now it’s the turn of the lasses.

I should have known, really I should. The delivery was organised, the site said it was a girl named Karen … I should have put aside my prejudice towards the ladies and realised there was going to be trouble. The site says four stops, three stops, two, one … then, “You’re next,” plus her name. Uh huh.

Now, rule of thumb is fifteen minutes later, the phone in the top pocket goes, I’ve been downstairs about ten minutes, add ten more now over the phone notification … piece of cake … twenty minutes or so in the cold. In fact, in anticipation, I’d change slipper boots for my steel tipped toecap work boots from boatbuilding days, so tootsies were warm, any miscreants would get steel to the goolies and jaw … all was well.

Fifteen minutes was up.




That’s ok … it’s a girl, innit? Probably got lost. By this stage, I was counting drivers. Of the dozen trucks and vans, all but one was a man. Of the little car drivers, all but two were women, alone, the male drivers oldies with wives. Of the passers-by on’t footpath, all but two were males, one in shorts. One lady walking her dog, plus some gorgeous gal in white blouson who smiled from the other side of the street.

Thirty-five. Getting a bit coldish.

Thirty-seven … phone goes … check … yep, tack ten minutes on. Decide not to be narky, just ask her if she’d got lost.

Forty-seven … her little car pulled in.

”Karen?” Shocked that I knew, that there was actually a system in operation. Lovely grandma type, beaming … all angry feelings drained away in me. “Got lost, did you?”

”Yes.” Then: “I’ve lived here xxxx years and never been lost …”

”Never mind, how many packets?” There were three.

We chatted a bit, came upstairs to do the report … had been planning to moan. Gave her 10/10 … how weak … wwweeellllll. END.

Saturday [6 to 11]

(0649) Please see the warning item 8 below as well. (0800)


11. There’s a self-described Boer on Gab

… and he offered this info … take it or leave it as is your wont:

10. We may have had this one

… let’s have it again:

9. Jack and that still unnamed Thames bridge

Correct sir!

8. It was Yorkshire Wolds Weather who warned me

… after others had also mentioned the “biting” cold. Now, there’s this expression, see, Appalachian England I think, which goes: “Don’t teach yer grandmama to suck eggs!” For those not from either side of the pond, it means don’t try to teach an expert his job, don’t try to act expert when people already know all that … supposedly there are undertones of the insult to it.

Well that’s just what I’m going to do in my overweening arrogance … however old and experienced we are, the older we get, the more inclined we can be to forget our grandmammie’s advice and fail to put the ugg boots straight on when getting out of bed and moping around, fail to keep the thinning scalp and temple covered, the neck and arms … and the result creeps up and grabs us by the … well never mind that.

Even the most experienced old codger, kidding hisself how toof he still is, like a young lad, can fall prey to the Silly Old Fool syndrome and neglect basic grandmotherliness … including, by the way, grandmamas thesselves. One of the most dangerous words is “just”, as in I’ll just go outside for a minute, I’ll just go to the loo, I’ll juss this or that.

No! No! No! Dear tavern patrons and guests … it is precisely that failure to be sensible, sorry, which sinks you. See, there’s this thing called body core temperature and if that dips even just a tad … you can be gone … especially if, as we age, the body mass in musculature has also decreased … we are sitting ducks for that body core drop. Women trying to still look a bit fashionable in the light top or cardy are prime targets, failing to wear the outside hat.

In Britain, esp. England just now, there is this seeping cold, freezing, poisoned fog and even indoors, it seeps in through every fissure, every creaking chance it gets, even if you have the heating on and a fire going … straight to bed you go, y’hear and stay there! Your darling can bring you some chicken soup but he or she must also rug up in order to do it.

Our house here is particularly prone to accumulating cold over weeks … it’s in every beam, every pane of glass, it’s on the landings and in the stairwells … it’s a silent killer, chaps and chapesses.

Here endeth the sermon. ☺️

7. DAD at 969

a) Two Egyptians were tried on appeal this Wednesday for this €29 million scam that allowed tens of thousands of people to obtain a Navigo pass at -75%. And it’s not over…..

b) Thinking of becoming an ex-pat? According to a new study by British insurance firm William Russell, Czechia is among the world’s safest countries to move to for expats…..

c) “Tinfoil Hats Are Not Just For Right-Wingers”: an article by Baron Bodissy.

6. JH: Alright, I admit defeat!

Steve had already sent the Trump Homan DOGE Valentines card which I did not wish to display openly as they’re such ugly muvvers, those two, but now DAD has also done so! So here tis and don’t ever say this is a one man blog … I’ve been outvoted! 😎

And while we’re on the topic of now being outvoted, Isilme did send her Valentine’s card for her Beloved but I resisted yesterday. She assures me it is not a piccy of her hubby … oh yeah, Isilme? Well it gotta be a pic of me then! 😎

Saturday [1 to 5]



5. A Catholic take on St Valentine, on Gab

4. IYE and questionable Trump appointments

3. Steve in HQ sidebar

“Rachel Maddow spews FAKE NEWS and whines about “corruption” saying President Trump gave Elon Musk a $400 million contract to buy armored Teslas. But oops!! It was actually Joe Biden.”

JH: There’s also a meme with Trump Homan deportation as Valentine’s card.

2. Andy at 968

a. More on Nick Delehanty. Including video.

b. A little more detail on the collision in the Med.

1. Steve at 968

Five: Trump mugshot on wall … Biden last minute heist … far left AP barred … NASA and DOGE … much more……

Four: RFK Jnr. acceptance … RFK wellness farms … covid mandates halted … AOC to be investigated … much more…..

Three: EU/NATO meltdown … Uke sit-rep … much more…..

Two: Vance Zelensky … Trump dirt on Zelensky … UAE Trump Gaza … Stargate 2 … much more…..

One: Canadian Vet euthanasia … fossil fuels … methane … loss of pollinators … much more…..

Friday [21 till close of play]

(1739) Evening all.


27. Valentine’s

(H/T Hitched for pic)

Seemed best to keep it general today to all hitched Valentines. Saw a card from Isilme to her beloved but felt I needed to avoid barging into personal spaces … mixed feelings myself, there were some nice ones in the past.

26. The dire Irish situation

Sorry if you’re not on X … it is a series of tweets with info, not a complete article.

25. Getting serious

24. Curiouser and curiouser

23. DAD has the speech up at 968

Eurosektor not happy.

22. Steve at 968

War Room snippet – a warning from the Missouri Senator… Sen. Hawley: “They’re Going To Use It To Take Away Our Jobs Next.”

Plus Hearts of Oak: Ben Habib. A Political journey from Pakistan to Brexit. Nigel, Tommy and the Great British PAC.

21. Conundrum

The issue is that it’s a screenshot from a video via one of us, which is fine in its original form but we ourselves can’t make allegations here at HQ. Not only that but HQ must protect its source, plus protect tech people supporting the site. Why link then? Because it sends it offsite, plus we need a record.

Try these


  1. Bertie Wooster’s middle name?
  2. The sleuth in At Bertram’s Hotel?
  3. Next closest bridge upstream from Old London?
  4. William Wilberforce’s main cause?
  5. Aside from K of the R, England Swings was whose song?
  6. Recognise the song below?