2 replies on “Thur Mat”

  1. Admission: I’m a big fan of 1950’s US sci-fi movies. The atomic bomb; Roswell; Cold-War paranoia with ‘reds under the bed’, all of it. They made hundreds of these of B-movie classics, including my favourite ‘The Thing from Another World’ – Margaret Sheridan’s pointy sweater fascinates me. Talking of female leads the actress in the featured movie, Joan Taylor, looks a bit like Rosamund Pike.


    JH: Pleased it pleased.

  2. An enjoyable 1950s sci-fi film especially Ray Harryhausen’s special effects. Lots of interesting reviews too and it’s worth quoting from one of them –

    UFO’s AND Joan Taylor: Beam ME Up!!!
    Certainly, the renowned/redoubtable Ray Harryhausen’s special effects are absolutely superb in this 1956 sci-fi film. As several of the previous posters have already pointed out, the late Maj. Donald E. Keyhoe (one-time director of the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenonema, based in Washington, D.C.) served as technical adviser to this film. In fact, Maj. Keyhoe always maintained that alien (?) spacecraft HAD buzzed our nation’s capital, during the summer of 1952.


    JH: Well well.

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