Wednesday [6 to 11]

(1141) Tempus again, chaps and chapesses … truly frenetic this morning. (1237)


11. A counterview to the farmers

The name Ben and the name Goldsmith suggest a bkgd, a culture, before we get to the politics. Now, with that in mind, nevertheless, what he says below needs considering whilst we’re supporting the farmers:

Juss sayin, that’s all.

10. Just a reminder about IYE

… at 966:2.

9. Uh huh

8. Also at Churchmouse, Dearieme wrote

Commenting system down? Ah … so it was not just us … quick check of Churchmouse’s url … guess which platform it is. Just one more thought … though unherdables is not specifically Christian … just the admin … Churchmouse is. Hmmmm.

7. Over at Churchmouse (see blogrolls, left column)

6. NOWP this morn

I’m thinking it’s not just us testing things yesterday and today.

My own lessons out of it include that NOWP has its own special place, esp. for unherdable types like us … I’m the first to recognise that HQ, though a nicely working site in itself, does have limitations … one of those is that comments do not expand … that’s an important safety factor from an admin’s-eye view. Not so good for commenters.

See … we are sigmas, we do not wish to be beholden to anyone. At NOWP, our three chaps, plus any others, can freely post … only very, very rarely would I interfere and only for security reasons, plus at HQ, I comment the whole time. The whole point for our “authors”, for that’s what they are, is that they can get their material out without interference, plus I must satisfactorily signpost from HQ as my part of the bargain.

The hijinx over there were also useful in that they showed our Plan B did work, it pointed to all sorts of things I needed to do in the engine room, plus it pointed to how they need to phrase their missives. Plus it pointed out some other things, one being deliberate interference by certain people and we have enough IT behind the scenes here, not mesel alone, to explore that.

I do think it will happen again at NOWP, my further thought is I’d like to see Jstack come into it more as a Plan B or C.

One reply

  1. 11. I have tried to persuade the anti beef people I know that our grass fed cows are not the problem. They are methane and carbon neutral, the problem is the massive herds kept in pens and fed soy protein to bring them to market quickly. I love meat, dairy and eggs but abhor the conditions some animals have to endure. There should be no need for it and f we use our resources wisely.

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