Wednesday [12 till close of play]

(1546). Almost evening all.


18. Tulsi G through

17. Andy at 966

16. Steve at 966

15. A roundup

14. A double

13. Been meaning to ask this for some time

Saw this on soc-med, cannot recall where. This is 2025, right? Ok, go back a quarter century to Feb 2000 … what were you doing? Music? Films?

Right … now go back another quarter century … 1975, February… Steve Harley Come Up and See Me, it was pre-Ramones, pre-Sex Pistols, pre-Stranglers, I was completing a course I was on. Not a lot happening … had been heaps in 74, would be in 76, seemed to be a marking time year. Films? It was pre Three Days of the Condor, cinema had descended into ultra-violence, I dropped film altogether.

All right … I’m too young for this but go back a quarter century to 1950. How many readers here can do this?

12. Steve at 966 on chiselling

4 replies on “Wednesday [12 till close of play]”

  1. 1959 – it was Elvis and Clif Richard. Mother liked both. 🙁 Think there was Tommy Steele and Lonny Donnegan in there as well – Last Train to San Fernando? “Bee-dee bee-dee bom bom to San Fernando”. No, I don’t remember lol!

  2. Born in 1954, earliest music memories are few. My sister always listened to Alan pop pickers Freeman. She had a collection of those “signed” photographs. It was a different country back then, hardly a car to be seen on the estate, half hourly double deckers into town, always full with some standing. I remember being dragged from MacFisheries (strong smell of fish) to Sainsbury’s (strong smell of cheese) to the butchers (making patterns in the sawdust). Back home for tea when dad got home from work.

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