Daily Archives: February 12, 2025

Wednesday [12 till close of play]

(1546). Almost evening all.


18. Tulsi G through

17. Andy at 966

16. Steve at 966

15. A roundup

14. A double

13. Been meaning to ask this for some time

Saw this on soc-med, cannot recall where. This is 2025, right? Ok, go back a quarter century to Feb 2000 … what were you doing? Music? Films?

Right … now go back another quarter century … 1975, February… Steve Harley Come Up and See Me, it was pre-Ramones, pre-Sex Pistols, pre-Stranglers, I was completing a course I was on. Not a lot happening … had been heaps in 74, would be in 76, seemed to be a marking time year. Films? It was pre Three Days of the Condor, cinema had descended into ultra-violence, I dropped film altogether.

All right … I’m too young for this but go back a quarter century to 1950. How many readers here can do this?

12. Steve at 966 on chiselling

Wednesday [6 to 11]

(1141) Tempus again, chaps and chapesses … truly frenetic this morning. (1237)


11. A counterview to the farmers

The name Ben and the name Goldsmith suggest a bkgd, a culture, before we get to the politics. Now, with that in mind, nevertheless, what he says below needs considering whilst we’re supporting the farmers:

Juss sayin, that’s all.

10. Just a reminder about IYE

… at 966:2.

9. Uh huh

8. Also at Churchmouse, Dearieme wrote

Commenting system down? Ah … so it was not just us … quick check of Churchmouse’s url … guess which platform it is. Just one more thought … though unherdables is not specifically Christian … just the admin … Churchmouse is. Hmmmm.

7. Over at Churchmouse (see blogrolls, left column)

6. NOWP this morn

I’m thinking it’s not just us testing things yesterday and today.

My own lessons out of it include that NOWP has its own special place, esp. for unherdable types like us … I’m the first to recognise that HQ, though a nicely working site in itself, does have limitations … one of those is that comments do not expand … that’s an important safety factor from an admin’s-eye view. Not so good for commenters.

See … we are sigmas, we do not wish to be beholden to anyone. At NOWP, our three chaps, plus any others, can freely post … only very, very rarely would I interfere and only for security reasons, plus at HQ, I comment the whole time. The whole point for our “authors”, for that’s what they are, is that they can get their material out without interference, plus I must satisfactorily signpost from HQ as my part of the bargain.

The hijinx over there were also useful in that they showed our Plan B did work, it pointed to all sorts of things I needed to do in the engine room, plus it pointed to how they need to phrase their missives. Plus it pointed out some other things, one being deliberate interference by certain people and we have enough IT behind the scenes here, not mesel alone, to explore that.

I do think it will happen again at NOWP, my further thought is I’d like to see Jstack come into it more as a Plan B or C.

Wednesday [3 to 5]

(0836) Have a good one, cavemen and women. (0956)


5. A wonderful morning segment from Lee

… required watching each parliamentary morning, I’d say. Watch out for those llamas today, ok? Mind how ye go:

4. Two sub-items in the previous post item

a. Drift to the centre

Reform must resist this drift to the centre

Chap’s quite right … it’s something Farage/Tice are prone to and if it’s true, it shows how out of touch they really are with the “rank and file”, plus the majority of Brits as a whole. Here’s the author’s opening remarks:

I HAVE received an email from Reform UK, informing me that my membership is up for renewal. And my thought was, do I really want to renew it?

This may seem a surprise in light of my previous articles in support of the party and active involvement in leafleting at last year’s general election.

I’m not thinking of defecting; Labour under Starmer is just as I expected, and the smaller parliamentary parties are still purveyors of woke stupidity, wilful ignorance and nastiness. The Conservatives deserve nothing other than to wither and die as a political entity.

No, my quandary is the result of incidents and inferences and soundbites during and since the election, a few of which I mention below. Any of these could be dismissed as trivial compared with the mountain Reform is climbing. But taken together, I’m wondering if they are indicative of a drift now the party is soaring in the polls. Is it shying away from the full scope of the promise to its core supporters, of being clearly set apart from the legacy body politic, of saying and doing the things no other party has the courage to say or do?

A few commentators have played apologists for Reform, indicating that it must tack to the centre on certain issues to win enough votes to become the number one or number two UK party. But I’m wondering if this apparent policy of tacit appeasement will become the norm. Will it further compromise its stance to retain power? Will it become more Boris Johnson, and less Donald J Trump?

Quite agree. Only yesterday, MMutR and I were discussing it and I’d remarked that “we” ranged from Old Labour, now dissident, to centre-right, with which he disagreed. He said that because the communist far left had dragged everyone remotely Woke or left lib within the voting age to the far left, while insisting they were still the “centre” … i.e. the new positions they were taking were quite extremist, not at all “center”, while still pumping out “luv everyone”, “hug trees” … while that was going on, it was also pushing former centre-right much further over to the right.

That is … people such as me whose “political position test” decades ago had me at just right of centre … we in fact have shifted in reaction to the rabid Wokerati, themselves manipulated by Globopsycho. In other words, just as Woke psycho are trying to eliminate the middle class itself, so the political middle ground is disappearing.

Now … it’s not unlike Chamberlain and Churchill. Chamberlain, too late, started appeasing uber alles, out of touch with what he was actually facing. Churchill knew what he was facing but there were many question marks over him too … different ones.

And the people? Caught in the middle, as always, bewildered, dismayed.

b. “Wellbeing”

The item on children’s “wellbeing” points out the trap. Feelgood words are always hijacked by these people, prostituted to mean something quite different, e.g. “equality and diversity”, devoid of context.

An example is an ad at Rumble which has some milquetoast wispy-bearded leftist stating, “You are ‘manifesting abundance’ wrongly.”

Whaa? You wot? I know what “manifest” means, I know what “abundance” means … or used to mean. But now, in new, weaponised, hijacked, twisted, connected form, it means something quite different … it’s part of an eastern, Asian cult, including meditation, emptying mind and soul, leaving it open to possession, whilst pretending to bring “inner peace” … in fact it makes the angst worse … hence all the mental health issues brought on by this cult thing overtaking the west … Chinese psy-ops to incapacitate people, turn them soft … compliant Eloi in other words.

But how does one attempt to explain this, let alone get people to wake up to it? Especially when they’re already in a trance?

3. The three letter sites

Wednesday [1 and 2]

(0625) Morning all … looks awful outside, ha ha. Have a good one. (0724)


2. Which brings me to IYE at 0702 (a time, not a post)

He’s put up a piece in comments from escapekeysubstack which I’ll link to here but still take issue with, for obvious reasons, given my world view.

I did take philosophy 101 at university decades ago and am afraid I saw alternative existential explanations as bollox then and still do now … when there’s a far more simple explanation in the two books of the bible. As the author says in the article linked to above … very clever … yes, a quite ingenious explanation of why things are … just the type of thing an intellectual would put, after he’s a priori eliminated God before it even starts.

Why this maniacal need to eliminate God first and foremost? In human terms, it’s not unlike TDS among the Demonrats and RINOs. By which measure of openminded, empirical, sientifik spirit of enquiry is a priori elimination of a possibly key factor openminded? Seems quite closed to me.

Why do people of a certain mindset emphatically insist on no metaphysical influence whatever in human affairs? Look at that Swift creature for a start … what’s her shtick? Same as Bob Dylan, same as the Rolling Stones?

On the other hand

What if the explanation were not intended to be zero sum, not intended to be either/or? What if it were intended to be how God, should he exist, might go about developing humankind?

Ah … now that’s a different question altogether.

Dot dot dot.

It also illustrates yesterday’s political point about the “Based” (us) being far more diverse, more fragmented unherdable cats than are the Woke mesmerised. We argue, get angry, say hurty things, fall out, far more than the zombified sinister left, n’est-ce-pas?

And each of us will disagree with some aspect another brings, though being onside with the overall thrust. Strange bedfellows and allies indeed but somehow … more real imho. END.

1. Weird scenes inside the goldmine

Awoke before dawn, did not put my boots on, nor take a face from the ancient gallery … some of you of a certain age and musical inclination (probably not including DAD nor Steve) will have noticed the song references in that and in the sub-heading.

What I did do was apple log to DAD at 965 … but at least his piece went through. I wrote, over there:

JH at 0615: Humblest apologies to you, DAD … best laid plans etc. … my cunning plan was to wake up around 0430, put up 966, observe how it worked with your drop. As it turned out, I slept through … no rhyme nor reason to my sleep pattern. Ho hum, at least it did go up on its own … how strange of it … but delighted too.

Reference to the DAD drop, not to anything naughty. However, in moving with authority, daring the tardy tide, a la Canute, to do its worst, I saw someone was caught up in “pending” … I wrote, at 965:

JH at 0622: Just finished apologising to DAD for no 966 and noticed that there was one in pending. Whaaa? It was not DAD but Steve. Now I’m going to have to study why it was in pending. These things are sent to try us.

There ya go … how had the estimable Steve transgressed with the WP algorithm or bot or whatever? Am studying that now … after 966 goes up. Perhaps NOWP has a cold, caught the lurgy.

My mind though, in these strange days, wandered back now (0644) to yesterday and a conversation with MMutR about all this going on with the site(s) just now. He analysed and then said something unusual for him: “Of course, there might be another explanation.”

I asked: “Interference?” He did not reply.

My afterthought was … what unusual things have happened to me in the past few days … although IYE has also had issues going back, plus Andy. Anyway, shall continue to study it.

(0652) Glanced through … any number of trigger words in Evets One this time round, plus some interesting email things … hmmmm, wonder if Evets might euphemistically look at that too. Why did Ev 2 to 5 go through? Why did I fall asleep the entire night?

Why are my central heating panels rattling on the wall just now?

Weird scenes inside the goldmine.