(0808) Morning all, not as foggy out there … yesterday, I saw unrepentant chemtrail layers up there after the fog dispersed. (0926)
3. Rennes University

A fair translation imho:
Rennes 2, ransacked by the far left, cannot reopen its doors! The presidency of the University of Rennes 2 has just announced the total closure of the university for at least 1 week following the ransacking of the university by the far left.
Right … someone like The Donald would send in the equivalent of ICE to track down this far-left and send them to the French equivalent of a Gitmo. Softer people such as I/me would write “learn’ed” philosophical articles about the history of France, the Revolution, 1968, all the rest of it.
I’m actually going to write of my university days … there was a university with its proportion of public school boys and girls … sons and daughters of the rich, the movers and shakers, there was the middle class represented, there were some from working bkgds, often on scholarships.
Guess who the real radicals were? Well let’s just say the key instigator, name withheld, a quite well fed lad, went on, after university post-grad studies, into his father’s firm, ending up in charge of that by then multinational company … hardly one of the starving masses.
I don’t recall what the mass sit-in was about and that’s stated seriously, call it early Alzheimer’s, but the most radical occupied the admin building, taking staff hostage … the actual brass notably absent that day … I understand they all had cuppas from the teamaking machines and presumably their home-packed sandwiches. Lots of chanting … so we could hear from the other buildings.
The ringleaders were suspended for some time later Ron, in the denouement. One thing I vividly recall was the MSM arriving, as if to a war zone and a total scumbag presenter striding into the main square, cameras, mics, entourage, live broadcasting from the scene … the cars and vans had actually torn in and slammed brakes on, ultradramatically … and so on.
I watched that report that evening on the prime news channel … my dad asked if I’d been involved. Not only had I not but the place had been near deserted … students either in lectures, tutorials, absent or in the Union cafe. That damp squib was translated into mass insurrection on the evening news.
Which faction were we then? Anarchist Revolutionary Students in Education … we held our meetings in the bathrooms and sent our demands on loo roll paper. The Fabians, Stalinists, Trotskyists and whatever dismissed us as “unserious” … nous! Cochons.
Yes, I’ve withheld the name of the Chief Student Radical because it sounds quite similar to the luminaries of the Frankfurt School, certain banksters and WEFers and I’d not wish to be calle antiS, would I now?
To the Rennes thing … go on a rampage, daub walls, deface paintings, tear down statues? Nope … we’d certainly have sprayed on an outside wall: “Kissinger out!” or similar. In short, unlike the Weathermen (Obama’s mentors), Baader-Meinhof, the Munich games massacrists etc., we’d never have acted completely OTT, completely out of control with zero respect for anything and anyone from any side … we targetted people like Moseley, Powell … Thatcher would have been a target a decade or two later … LBJ earlier.
So what’s happened since those days? Well … breakdown of families, death of authority, absence of any code of restraint … you could write this article yourself. And all instigated by very bad people behind the scenes over a long period … institutionally. Mark Elias would be one of those in the US … but always one of the myrmidons. The real baddies? Put a zu or von in front of the name, maybe Prince … no different to Buchan’s paragraph in The 39 in 1915. Also read The Missing Children post again. END.
2. DAD
a. (DAD asks what’s at Rennes and Nantes? Answer in Fri 3, a mini-essay by li’l ole me, JH).
b. The End of ‘Palestine’. Donald Trump reminds the world that ideas have sell-by dates.
c. Sen. Marsha Blackburn. I have repeatedly requested a subpoena for the Epstein flight logs……
Sitrep M0nk3yw3rx
“Sanctuary Cities on Notice”
Part 2 of Candace Owens’ dig into Brigitte is also up on YT