Daily Archives: February 7, 2025

Friday [14 onwards]

(1757) Evening all.


22. So entertaining just now

… if it weren’t how sad it all was, the situation as it was under the demons:

21. Interesting conversation yesterday

… how to track things and prevent it using sequences, blank spaces … point is that it was tech which exposed tech:

That was one of the shots in IYE’s latest in the sidebar. Still thinking how best to display IYE … safer in comments, more troubled if I copy to post. Steve drops at NOWP tomorrow morning as usual.

20. WHPS

19. Interesting things happening just now over there

Also … look at the way the cars are parked.

18. The nasties in the bkgd interfering, manipulating

This was a newsletter from Gab, unabridged although curtailed at the foot at the point of asking us to consider going premium … nothing wrong with that as long as we are not severely disadvantaged, which would be a form of censorship in itself.

Posting it here? Think it was interesting in its content for many readers. (Not coloured teal below so as not to overly highlight it.)

“The Trump administration and Elon Musk’s Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) have recently launched an investigation into the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), alleging misuse of taxpayer funds for left-wing causes. President Trump has claimed that billions of dollars have been stolen from USAID and other agencies to fund favorable media coverage of Democrats. The administration has taken swift action, placing senior USAID officials on administrative leave, locking employees out of internal systems, and seizing control of critical databases and financial management systems.

DOGE representatives, reportedly acting on behalf of the State Department, have moved to take over USAID offices, escalating tensions within the agency. Elon Musk, who has been actively involved in the restructuring efforts, has called USAID a “criminal organization” and stated that it’s “time for it to die.”

The investigation has uncovered that a foreign company, Moonshot, was paid nearly $1.5 million to target and monitor alternative platforms like Gab. A significant portion of their research focused on analyzing social media data from platforms such as Gab and scrutinizing online discourse surrounding offline events. These findings were used to “inform threat assessment frameworks and produce academic publications.” Gab has long suspected that bad actors were being paid to monitor, troll, and defame us, but now we have definitive proof that our own government was funding a foreign company to do so.

Moonshot, founded in 2015 by Vidhya Ramalingam and Ross Frenett, claims to use technology to disrupt and end “extremism” and other “online harms.” The company has received substantial funding and support from major tech players like Google and Facebook, collaborating closely with Google’s Jigsaw on projects like the “Redirect Method,” which uses search advertising and YouTube to deter potential “extremist recruits.” Moonshot employs artificial intelligence to identify vulnerable individuals online and develops software to analyze digital footprints and encrypted platform data.

This revelation underscores the lengths to which the establishment will go to silence dissent and suppress free speech. Gab remains committed to standing against this tyranny, and we need your continued support to keep this fight alive.

We have faced relentless opposition from the entire system as we’ve fought to defend free speech online. Shockingly, our own government has been funding foreign-owned companies like Moonshot to target, track, and smear Gab. The countless “academic papers,” hit pieces, and attacks on our community over the years were bankrolled by taxpayer dollars.”

17. We’ve had it before … yes

16. Shoolie

15. As one does

14. Steve drops at 962

War Room:

– Natalie Winters: “Every Person Who’s Been Appointed By Trump, Especially At DOJ, Is An Absolute Killer”

– Ben Bergquam On Deportations So Far: “It’s Not Enough To Stop The Bleeding”

– Todd Bensman On Confronting The Cartels: “I Think Things Are Gonna Go Kinetic”

– Catharine O’Neill Breaks Down President Trump’s EO Targeting Anti-Christian Bias

Hearts of Oak:

– Tommy Waller – The Vulnerable Grid: Protecting and Rebuilding America’s Energy Infrastructure

Friday [8 to 13]

(1416) Afternoon all. (1555)


13. The three letter sites today

12. The question is … how to make it so?

11. This 👇🏻

10. IYE seems to be hard at it today in the sidebar

9. There are a couple of a/cs just now which seem impressive

… to li’l ole me … No Context Brits and Amuse. Amuse seems to be privy to some inside information at times:

8. Classic case we were discussing

… at least, I was discussing with MMutR … that of links here at HQ and formerly at … t’other place. Thing is, some readers like to be spoonfed and if that link they see before them does not go directly to the required page, they become miffed … yessiree … miffed I say.

This is the complete intolerance of any delay whatever in this online era … gimme it all now or I’m leaving. Matters not if I explain that there is only so much one aging man can pack into a day’s blogging, whilst trying to keep the reader from having to go to an older page … in other words, putting abridged versions up to avoid space wastage … endless scrolling down.

Plus these days, certain links are verboten … bots look out for these, certain things happen to the site, esp. if British, as we’re under a communist regime right now … incarceration etc., ten plod at your door early morn. Why do you think I use the word Nole for my favourite Martian? Our reader droppers get it … sadly, some of our reader “fly in, fly out esteemables”, worthy souls all … don’t quite get it.

Take this one for example:

Now, I do see how difficult it is for a backend techie to take that half url and find the article … it takes anything upwards of two clicks … but I’m relying on our boys to be able to do it, seeing if there’s anything worth following up. If so … then we follow it up.

Friday [4 to 7]

(0928) Morning all again. (1023)


7. IYE in the sidebar

6. Kat Ballou at Gab

“East Hampton officials reassure wealthy residents that officers won’t deport illegal migrant maids, landscapers and nannies:


I for one am in two minds on this … illegals? Well ok … deported … but as hard working labour, as distinct from our own indigenous, entitled lazybones? Hmmmmm. Where I live, the hardest workers are EU on work permits … the most feral are British on benefits.

Against that … why are the young British in this house not working? Phew … that’s mixed, not all the young Brit males’ fault … not at all … it’s highly political. Phew again.

5. For Andy

4. Steve’s gone overboard at 961

… six parts indeed! All fabulous stuff.

Six: [The] Ukraine Ready for Peace Now (lol) … challenge to the Biden pardon … Bundeswehr currently undefended … Mandleson … much more…..

Five: How Gaza would work … leftist woman sterilises herself … Trump to eradicate anti-Christian bias (JH: hmmmmm, really?) … much more…..

Four: Rubio G20 … USAID whistleblower … Trump Evicts Ultra-Woke Former Coast Guard Leader … Kash Patel delay … more…..

Three: Uke sit-rep … US admin split on the Ukraine … much more…..

Two: Darren J. Beattie … laundering censorship … flooding the zone … much more…..

One: Pfizer test horror … EU chairs selected, not elected … much more…..

Friday [2 and 3]

(0808) Morning all, not as foggy out there … yesterday, I saw unrepentant chemtrail layers up there after the fog dispersed. (0926)


3. Rennes University

A fair translation imho:

Rennes 2, ransacked by the far left, cannot reopen its doors! The presidency of the University of Rennes 2 has just announced the total closure of the university for at least 1 week following the ransacking of the university by the far left.

Right … someone like The Donald would send in the equivalent of ICE to track down this far-left and send them to the French equivalent of a Gitmo. Softer people such as I/me would write “learn’ed” philosophical articles about the history of France, the Revolution, 1968, all the rest of it.

I’m actually going to write of my university days … there was a university with its proportion of public school boys and girls … sons and daughters of the rich, the movers and shakers, there was the middle class represented, there were some from working bkgds, often on scholarships.

Guess who the real radicals were? Well let’s just say the key instigator, name withheld, a quite well fed lad, went on, after university post-grad studies, into his father’s firm, ending up in charge of that by then multinational company … hardly one of the starving masses.

I don’t recall what the mass sit-in was about and that’s stated seriously, call it early Alzheimer’s, but the most radical occupied the admin building, taking staff hostage … the actual brass notably absent that day … I understand they all had cuppas from the teamaking machines and presumably their home-packed sandwiches. Lots of chanting … so we could hear from the other buildings.

The ringleaders were suspended for some time later Ron, in the denouement. One thing I vividly recall was the MSM arriving, as if to a war zone and a total scumbag presenter striding into the main square, cameras, mics, entourage, live broadcasting from the scene … the cars and vans had actually torn in and slammed brakes on, ultradramatically … and so on.

I watched that report that evening on the prime news channel … my dad asked if I’d been involved. Not only had I not but the place had been near deserted … students either in lectures, tutorials, absent or in the Union cafe. That damp squib was translated into mass insurrection on the evening news.

Which faction were we then? Anarchist Revolutionary Students in Education … we held our meetings in the bathrooms and sent our demands on loo roll paper. The Fabians, Stalinists, Trotskyists and whatever dismissed us as “unserious” … nous! Cochons.

Yes, I’ve withheld the name of the Chief Student Radical because it sounds quite similar to the luminaries of the Frankfurt School, certain banksters and WEFers and I’d not wish to be calle antiS, would I now?

To the Rennes thing … go on a rampage, daub walls, deface paintings, tear down statues? Nope … we’d certainly have sprayed on an outside wall: “Kissinger out!” or similar. In short, unlike the Weathermen (Obama’s mentors), Baader-Meinhof, the Munich games massacrists etc., we’d never have acted completely OTT, completely out of control with zero respect for anything and anyone from any side … we targetted people like Moseley, Powell … Thatcher would have been a target a decade or two later … LBJ earlier.

So what’s happened since those days? Well … breakdown of families, death of authority, absence of any code of restraint … you could write this article yourself. And all instigated by very bad people behind the scenes over a long period … institutionally. Mark Elias would be one of those in the US … but always one of the myrmidons. The real baddies? Put a zu or von in front of the name, maybe Prince … no different to Buchan’s paragraph in The 39 in 1915. Also read The Missing Children post again. END.

2. DAD

a. (DAD asks what’s at Rennes and Nantes? Answer in Fri 3, a mini-essay by li’l ole me, JH).

b. The End of ‘Palestine’. Donald Trump reminds the world that ideas have sell-by dates.

c. Sen. Marsha Blackburn. I have repeatedly requested a subpoena for the Epstein flight logs……

Friday [1]

(0148) A middle of the nighter again, main thing is not to worry … continued below … (0241)


The importance of kidding ourselves plus not kidding ourselves

… in fairly equal measure. There’s a balance we must strike. Things we must do, attend to … silly not to … do them at the time, then switch out, expunge thinking about unpleasantries, do not dwell, can’t stress that enough … think of nice things, friends, laughs, get enough sleep overall in the 24 hours, liquids, exercise, watching the vulnerable bits.

Mine are knees … they’re in good nick and I wish to keep them that way … no twists, turns, brain way ahead of bod … not to have mobility does not bear thinking about, it simply does not. What we eat, liquids, looking after ourselves. We’re not much use to our family and friends otherwise.

I’ve some ongoing trouble coming up in RL, we were discussing it yesterday … might be terminal to the blogging and soc-medding, might not. To a person used to anticipating, thinking ahead, difficult shutting things out, constantly shoring up perimeter defences … what we can’t control though, we then need to shut out … that is … kid ourselves things are ok.

Within our citadel itself we are ok, providing we did our routines right, checked our defences.

Then turn to the pleasantries such as writing to you. I’ve written before about mental health … Them wish to impair it, impair us ourselves, kill off our life in this land … they’re not going to win, that’s that. Is this kidding ourselves?

What I’m trying to get at here is yes, we need space to withdraw for sure but … but … but … only once we’ve shored up our defences, taken care of what has to be taken care of. The worst possible thing is to dwell on horrors, even on what we must do tomorrow, next week … as long as we’ve done what we can, then shut it out, let no one drag us back to it until it’s time to do it.

Refusing to dwell in some sort of perma-despair is the best thing we can do … it keeps the mind clear, able to help others who need us. I’m quite categorical about this … yesterday, we made a time to discuss all these things, MMutR and I … we then did that … I now shut it out until the time to address it again and turn to other matters … a mix of reporting the world’s horrors, plus time for pleasantries … was looking for Christmas cake to buy, no luck, settled for muffins … 3 for 2 deal. Nice coffee here.

Having a sort of ongoing diary is good … make notes to do this or that on this or that day … plus actually do them, that’s the buzz of “being on top of things” … so be realistic … and the lovely thing about notes is we can leave them in the tray, secure they’ve not been lost, relax, mind clear … next week, close to the time, bring them out, skim down, address whatever it is.

Someone wants to drag it all back up in the meantime? Nope. Flat no.

I’d obviously suggest the help of our Maker in this … look, you dismiss or consider that statement as is your wont … I’m just saying it’s an enormous comfort and if we’re comforted, able to be, then those who know us can feed off that too, a bit.

The tavern idea of this blog is very nice too, the chapel in the grounds as well … sounds crazy coming from me but I enjoy returning, seeing who’s said what, dropping back to sleep, just checked out NOWP, will do the rounds in a few hours.
