Thursday [9 to 15]

(0846) MfuTR visiting today, part biz, much to cover … shall switch to one of the three films late morn … interesting that … never rains but it pours. (0956)


15. Other iffy “aid”


13. Moosh corner

12. Poor sods

11. TCW (blogrolls)

10. Just changing timers on the clocks

Seasonal thing. Went to lights off at 0745, on at 1645. Conclusion? This lengthening of days is not at both ends equally … sunrise and sunset. Sunset is “latening” daily in leaps and bounds, whilst sunrise has only “earlyered” about half an hour since the solstice.

Also, there’s a peasouper out there right now … the fog right over our road. No wonder so many, inc. our Julia, are down with lurgy (last I heard, must check).

9. From DAD drops at 961 … BNE link

“The EU entered this year with 5% less gas supply, following the expiry of the five-year contract covering Russian natural gas transit through Ukraine on December 31. This has already triggered major supply shifts, as buyers in Central and East Europe have scrambled to find alternative supplies. Russian gas supplies through the TurkStream in January were up 27% year on year and 4% month on month, reaching 1.56bn cubic metres, as Hungary imported more gas via the route to offset its lost deliveries through Ukraine. Slovakia, which had relied on Ukrainian transit to cover roughly 60% of its demand, is likely to follow suit in using TurkStream, importing via Hungary.”

6 replies on “Thursday [9 to 15]”

    • More.
      “The House of Representatives impeached President Donald Trump on December 18, 2019, after a White House whistleblower went public with evidence that Trump abused his powers by withholding military aid to Ukraine in order to dig up dirt on his rival, Joe Biden.

      In the complaint, the whistleblower claimed to have heard from White House staff that Trump had, on a phone call, directed Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to work with his personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani, to investigate Joe Biden and Hunter Biden.

      The whistleblower who triggered the impeachment was a CIA analyst who was first brought into the White House by the Obama administration.

      Reporting by Drop Site News last year revealed that the CIA analyst relied on reporting by a supposedly independent investigative news organization called the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP), which appears to have effectively operated as an arm of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), which President Trump has just shut down. The CIA whistleblower complaint cited a long report by OCCRP four times.
      The OCCRP report alleged that two Soviet-born Florida businessmen were “key hidden actors behind a plan” by Trump to investigate the Bidens. According to the story, those two businessmen connected Giuliani to two former Ukrainian prosecutors. The OCCRP story was crucial to the House Democrats’ impeachment claim, which is that Trump dispatched Giuliani as part of a coordinated effort to pressure a foreign country to interfere in the 2020 presidential election, which is why the whistleblower cited it four times.

      In a 2024 documentary that German television broadcaster NDR made about OCCRP’s dependence on the US government, a USAID official confirmed that USAID approves OCCRP’s “annual work plan” and approves new hires of “key personnel.” NDR initiated and carried out the investigation with French investigative news organization Mediapart, Italian new group Il Fatto Quotidiano, Reporters United in Greece, and Drop Site News in the United States……….”
      Read the rest here:


      JH: Shall post this and others a tad later, preparing for visitor just now … cyber and house. Ta.

  1. So the ‘workers party’ (stop sniggering at the back) under Kweer Stoma has realised we ain’t gonna have enough lecky with just renewables. Go back 20 years when the heads of nuclear power generation were telling the Blair creature we need to build at least three new power stations ASAP. Same old same old and now it’s too late. Get them candles ready.

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