Daily Archives: February 4, 2025

Tuesday [16 till close of play]

(1519) Afternoon all. (1756) Evening all.


24. CCHQ asks

“Why did she need to soothe (him) in person? Wasn’t he living alone in Lord (Lila)’s flat at the time?”

23. We could do with a grim laugh just now

22. Not in great nick just now, chaps and chapesses

Shall go through IYE and Steve drops now, eat, go to bed. War Room will have to be read at 959, sorry.

21. Important advice

20. Head Teacher Pender first

19. More of the same over here

18. Nole went after the most uncooperative grifters

17. It’s all coming out now

16. DAD at 959

Wonder of he’s any relation to Guido … brother most like. Also, much from Steve, IYE and Doonhamer … get yerselves over there and check it out.

Tuesday [10 to 15]

(1252) Afternoon all … been a busy morning … we have this house roster you see and it was my turn. Yesterday, one of the guys was painting walls … looking good. (1314)


15. Alex makes a good point

14. Viktor Orban

13. UK energy mess

12. In one

11. I know this stomping ground very well

It appears in a vlog coming up next feature post … just looking at towns plus Hwys 5 and 15 … first the oceanside route, second if you want to get to San Diego quickly, esp. the zoo.

10. Quite on cue … thug army … natch

Tuesday [7 to 9]

(1019) Morning all if I forgot to say earlier. (1249)


9. Something which both annoys …

… plus makes me just shake my head at some colleagues:

Thing is … then Madeline went ahead and retweeted precisely what Manchester plod had done … doing their work for them. She would no way understand how she has compounded the felony … it’s like one of us ranting againt THIS filth, followed by full size, can’t be unseen picture or vlog on some filth or other.

No! No! No! No! You do NOT give the creeps free publicity … why is that so hard to understand?

8. This is turning out to be a very nice account on X

7. IYE at 959




“Trump Shuts Down USAID – What Are H & M Going To Do?”

Tuesday [1 to 6]

(0536) Morning all. (0743)


6. Also on Gab

There’s a distinct anti Zionist tone at Gab which I skip over due to there being so many Brit, US and west-related issues to cover … but many turn that tone into anti-Jewish in general. I see it but as I say, there are too many other west-related things to cover. However, this deserved comment:

… shock at the prisoner release scenes. They had assumed that there was truth to Halevi’s and others’ claims that Hamas was defeated or heavily degraded. It was all talk.

Christians have a most complicated relationship with the Jewish antecedents. When I taught at a Jewish school, I can say staff and chn were friendly, respectful, not at all arrogant but in the synagogue which controlled the managing, finances etc … ah, different matter and the main detractors were the staff, Jewish plus us.

That small politburo were, shall we say, not nice … fanats … quite steeped in the Talmudic side of things, presumably also Kabbalah. There are parallels in the Vatican and in the CofE and other synods … the higher you go, the more they resemble the Enemy.

Regarding Israel since last year … the Iron Dome, per many reports, was switched off, Egypt had warned about the attack … and I’m sure Hamas is far more widely supported than we’re led to believe.

And that’s as far on that topic as I’m going, with other issues starting to pile up to address.

5. Denileriverafter on Gab

Chris Quaglin

“..4 freaking years, they moved me to 8 prisons, i lost over 60 pounds because they didn’t feed me gluten free food, they tortured me and asked me to cooperate for 3 years. They said I’d go home instantly. All I had to do is sell my soul. I refused…” 

2:28 PM · Feb 3, 2025

4. Over at OoL


3. Narcotics

… go hand in hand with the trafficking and paedo … GloboPsycho and Old Nobility make their obscene running funds to a great extent from these, also from unnecessary wars, planned in advance. Since the turn of the century before, Big Pharma has come into the picture.

That’s where we are today, though for once, the upper echelons are being forced to acknowledge and pay lip service to oppose … except for Starmer of course who acknowledges no reality nor lawfulness.

Back to drugs … as a kid way back when, I was into anything going … in primary (elementary), it was smoking and later experimenting with the booze. In secondary, we did hear tales of other schools of various girls putting their services about (coincided with pre-Woodstock by some years) but the songs were starting to be risque.

Actually dancing close or joined had dropped away … the romance died and I was in it for the romance, the chase, not for the final denouement, nice though the latter can be. Around 1974, grass, acid, coke were big time but how far down the age range? Certainly 16 or 17 onwards.

Later, I had a paying lodger who was 18, he had parties and I went out for the night … next morning was pretty rank … that still doesn’t confirm how far down the age range it started. You’d know that more than I. University or college days were certainly rife.

But down into junior secondary or primary? That seems a more recent thing. Rampant? Seems to be but we’re still relying on reports, secondary sources.

2. DAD explains at 959

When I opened https://www.fdesouche.com/ this morning I discovered that people were killed by shooting at :-

Bordeaux: Avignon; Marseille; Villeneuve; and two injured at Orange. It would appear that they are all associated with drug dealing. France is really a Narcostate.

1. Steve at 958

Four: Canada, Mexico currency … USAID … South Africa … Christian mistreatment in Sudan … more….

Three: UNHRC … Mexican talks … Texas guards …. much more…..

Two: Uke sit-rep … correspondents … long range strikes on Russia … more…..

One: Gates depopulation solution … voter fraud in UK … FAA ATC DEI USA … more…..