Monthly Archives: February 2025

Friday [18 till close of play]

(1626) Good evening, readers.


22. Uke sit-rep

21. Steve at 981

20. One can only hope

19. Yet some are still heavily into denial

18. Housekeeping

Good reader, our league of extraordinary gentlemen has left copious links in the sidebar … I need to advise that there were issues even getting them posted there. When that happens, they’re best left in situ … I’ve just been through … and I do suggest you save the valuable ones to file, remotely, or use IYE’s advised method. Do you have a USB stick or external hard drive? Not expensive, detach when not in use.

Friday [17]

(1452) This is one where the hours are dragging, not fugitting.


17. The frustrating thing is not so much the crims

Crims are crims … they think crim, have zero conscience, stop at nothing. Combine that with an agenda or what you might call a global plan, necessitating the fooling of millions of simple, trusting souls, such as political normies or the apolitical, combined with those seeing themselves as experienced ultra-rationalists, nothing gets past them … so they firmly believe with a condescending smile.

Even if you can get through their wilful ignorance, precisely as in the Poirot episode earlier, they’ve truly never really dealt with violent crims who’s goal is the money, plus never being caught … and they most certainly struggle to comprehend utter depravity … as they are not depraved themselves.

The very notion of running an insurance scam days before 911, combined with wiping out a cultural set of edifices, at the small cost of a few thousand lives … collateral, fun really, as long as they’re western lives … together with requiring the pretext for the “Patriot Act”, plus the next step in the anti-nation-state agenda … well you just do it … pay billions, otherwise threaten, kill off.

Far, far from it being “out there”, “left field” … those who can see these crims in all their horror have very strange minds themselves … they can think crim themselves but something stops them … they become soooooo impatient with those still trying to hang onto some vestige of civil dealings, of cultural underpinnings … even those seeing themselves as tough nuts, such as Pam Bondi, turn out to be hopelessly naive.

The saddest part is how essentially good people, dear friends, just can’t get the head around other people they essentially like being outplayed or even with skeletons themselves … it’s a slow, grudging, rude awakening at each new point. They speak about the baddies as baddies, yes … good … but the depth of the depravity … well unless you’ve seen it, it’s so difficult to match that face, that person, with those deeds.



I for one really do not like vlogs … even the good ones are usually too long, could have covered it in half the time, one cannot go at one’s own pace, waiting on the vlogger to stop with the bullsh … plus the thumbnails are more often than not sensationalist, hyperbole-oriented and inaccurate once one wades through the sludge. Plus the hard sell at the start, before even seeing the content.

This one is half and half.

Friday [11]

(1032) Not impressed, Mr. President


Though this is the main thing annoying us:

… it’s not the only one … there’s Trump caving to Starmer on Chagos, plus that ridiculous theatre with Draino and binders … so smug … which turns out to be rubbish.

Thing is, we are being treated as low-info midwits instead of 24/7 vigilant new fourth estate who scour alt sources for any snippets and are sick to death of being lied to, misled, promised … plus those above seem to be non-comps showboating, esp. Bondi.

We. Are. Not. Impressed.

Friday [6 to 10]

(0922) Morning all … watch out today for jihadis, plus poisoned air, water food, awful cacophony they call “music”, stasi at the door, plus total nincompoops … other than that … all fine. (0943)


10. Moosh corner

9. Why are the other levels simply not operating properly?

8. Brekky

7. “Relentlessness” is our job as the new fourth estate

6. IYE from last evening

Friday [2 to 5]



5. Steve at 981

Five: Pentagon Is Removing DEI Material … Obama … bureaucracy cuts … Arizona … much more …..

Four: Pam Bondi Reveals Thousands of Epstein Files Still Withheld by FBI … tarrifs on Canada, Mexico March 4 … much, much more…..

Three: Uke sit-rep … Georgescu … much, much more…..

Two: Georgescu again … Euro Iron Curtain … stupid Canadians … much more…..

One: RFK Jnr. … jabs … climate bollox … multicult … more…..

4. And so to DAD at 981

a) French Prime Minister François Bayrou has announced that France will push for a “complete review” of the 1968 agreement with Algeria, a deal that granted Algerians special immigration privileges.….

b) ‘Insult to injury’: What’s behind the rising tensions between France and Algeria?…..

(JH: Going to dig out my Gary Brecher article on Algeria … eyeopening.)

c) Sarah Knefo is a one (wo)man DOGE. (She was named as one of Zemmour’s campaign directors for his presidential campaign bid and Reconquête party. On October 3, 2024, the Paris prosecutor’s office closed the complaint for “spreading false news” filed by the Algerian state…..

d) Anne Sicard writes….Monsieur le ministre, The far left imposes a climate of terror in our universities: assaults, kidnappings, roadblocks…..

3. My quick quiz question

… as a result of one of DAD’s quiz questions:

Who was the PMG when it all ended? This man was PMG 1968/9.

2. Those returned VCs … from TDS newsletter today

“In a sign of the times, the Imperial War Museum has announced that it is closing the gallery devoted to Lord Ashcroft’s personal collection of Victoria and George Cross medals. They were displayed so that anyone could see them and read the stories of astonishing bravery involved. The scandalous decision was made without even bothering to tell Lord Ashcroft.

The Telegraph has the story:

The billionaire businessman said the museum “had not even the courtesy” to inform him before the public announcement on Tuesday of its decision to close down the landmark gallery displaying his £70 million collection of 230 Victoria Cross and George Cross medals.

The Lord Ashcroft Gallery was opened in 2010 following a £5 million donation from the life peer and the medals were loaned out for 15 years.

However, the museum has since announced that the gallery will permanently close on June 1st and the entire collection will be returned to Lord Ashcroft.”

I’m afraid I must return to one of my hobbyhorses again … not male-female but just how long do we commemorate for? Years back, I’d look at putting a number on it, e.g. a century … later, I’d look more at generations, another hobbyhorse of mine … now I’d mix that in with family and upbringing, plus its mixing in with schoolteaching. Needn’t dwell on that in this post … nuff said about Gen Zee and Alpha commemorating anything worthwhile, non-Woke.

I used to tell the chn that though, despite appearances, I myself was simply not around in those huge, worldwide conflicts, my parents were and thus we needed to show respect and gratitude forever. And the response from the chn was pretty good to be honest. Thing was though, no other staff did similar and they were Gen X, a generation with less or no reverence, but still half-educated.

After Vox’s attack on Boomers, which had me initially defending, then thinking about it … it slowly dawned he was referring to the lefty, hippy lot … I was certainly an Eve of Destruction civil rights type, far less so a Dylan or Who type … My Generation was aimed squarely at us and we liked the song but didn’t feel it deeply … we were still fairly onside with our parents, being told not to be.

Although we could see through pernicious pollie authority.

Sorry to move away even further from the returned VCs but this morning, in a late, prewaking nightmare, I was thinking at what point in my life were the genuine windows of opportunity I’d either missed, or more accurately had not sustained, to make a regular lifelong dynasty … agewise there was certainly one way too early when I was 15, the first true pairing off at 22, next at 29, through till 37, then from 43 till about 49 … that was really the last hurrah, certainly not unfulfilled … it pretty much died on the vine though when I returned here, unsuspecting that it was over and a fellow blogger told me, “You got no hope,” of anything really … times had moved on. The issue was now more in me though now … jaded, didn’t think I was in any position to, knew I wasn’t … however never say never, eh?

Coming back to the end of the “VC commemoration era”, let’s call it … well Northern Ireland was still quite alive in the 90s, those soldiers were, (doing a quick calculation), in the 1970 to 76 range, say, birthwise, if too young to fight, then well aware … I’m thinking that was pretty much the limit of true remembrance … remember Canary Wharf, (which situation I was in the middle of)?

So, looking at 1996 and our feelings about Fenians .. there were the kids, born maybe early Millennial, their parents … take 23 years perhaps, born late 60s, making them early to mid Gen X … those kids were certainly not commemorating WW2 nor Suez, nor Rhodesia … to a point Mandela featured now in their consciousness, later Hamasland. I entirely missed Blairtime here, at ground level, stayed in touch via the net, returned to an entirely different Britain.

The very day I flew into Gatwick, the cashier in a WH Smith refused my tenner … no longer legal tender. I’ve no idea where I’m going with this, so had best stop.

Pre-Friday [1]




Loretta Fuddy, who certified Obama’s birth certificate, was the only one who died in an airplane crash into the water in Hawaii, shortly after leaving Kalaupapa Airport. There was footage on Dec 14, 2023 of a diver holding her.

Breitbart was working with Arpaio on Hawaii, former died the day before a scheduled report. The latter mentioned a Johanna Ani, born in the same hospital as BHO, 16 days apart. A second cert from Coast Province GH was signed off on Aug 7, 1961 after the recorded event, by a man named Odongo. Cert sent by a brother named Malik.

People associated with BHO later inc. Alaweed Bin Talaal, Bill Ayers, Bernadine Dorn, Huma Abedin, Valerie Jarrett.

June 2024, DOJ SDNY office filed a declaration to keep the Epstein files secret. Maurene Comey, one of the lead prosecutors of GhMax in Nov 2021. James Dennehy is in charge of the FBI field office New York. 

Liz Wheeler, DC Draino, Aryanne Wexler, Jack Posobiec and Chad Prather were chosen to receive the Epstein binder … all are connected to The Wellness Company. Draino’s and Prather’s Xes afterwards were word identical.

2017 was the year that the Democracy Alliance hired Archana Sahgal, a former Obama White House official, to help the new anti-Trump groups.

Indivisible which is currently active as the 2025 resistance, has also received funding from the tech entrepreneur Reid Hoffman, as well as foundations or coalitions tied to Democracy Alliance donors, including the San Francisco mortgage billionaire Herbert Sandler, the New York real estate heiress Patricia Bauman and the oil heiress Leah Hunt-Hendrix.

Democracy Alliance resistance … Soros, Obama, Eisen, Brennan, Planned Parenthood, ACLU … no real surprises there.