(0437GMT) Still dark out there. (0550GMT)
6. DAD at 857 … expanded with links there
[These clock changes do my head in; and my body.]
a) There is at least one Harris who doesn’t believe in open borders. Donald Harris, an emeritus professor at Stanford University, issued a warning against mass immigration of low-skilled workers in a 1988 …
b) The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) last week asked a Texas court to shut down a lawsuit seeking documents related to the FDA’s licensing of Pfizer’s Comirnaty COVID-19 vaccine for ages 16 and up …
c) As Halloween approaches, some Trump supporters in the Philly suburbs have been getting tricks rather than treats in their mailboxes: threatening letters telling them not to vote for the former president …
5. A cyber curiosity
The strip of four thumbnails below are the last four at this moment in my pics library on the ipad:

Now look at the next strip of thumbnails, which is the compressor machine which reduces from around 11mb to around 40kb size:

Ignore the two with Sadiq and the clock, as they’re in both lists but do you see something missing from the compressor version of my library? I’ve just scrolled through the compressor pics page and that flag ain’t there. Curious. I’ll just check sizes … one moment, please.
All right, I’ve just checked … the missing pic was 130kb, hardly beyond the compressor’s capacity. Yet that single photo of that flag was missing, nor was it anywhere in the library.
4. Steve drops at 856
Evets 4: Appeals Court Rules All Mail-In Ballots Must Be Received by Election Day In Order to Be Counted
Evets 3: New York Post Endorses Trump — ‘the Clear Choice for a Better Future’
Evets 2: Zelensky Rejects UN Chief’s Plan to Visit the Ukraine Because He Attended BRICS Summit
Evets 1: Sasha Latypova: Vaccines cause anaphylaxis, they’re the most ingenious way of poisoning
3. The risk with the new social media
Serious topic … we need to examine what we’re doing … if it turns out to be wrong … adjust our positions.

Hold the horses one moment, hang on … the Space Centre I think it was has issued a statement saying she’s not one of theirs. Do they mean the one at the rally, or the one to the right of that? So let’s leave names out of it for now … Bernie, you’ll recall, mentioned a name and got 2.5 years or whatever it was … arrested and harassed at least … need to be careful with identifying and doxxing.
Which does not excuse the pale green blue tee shirt youngster, white, bawling at a toddler in a pram.
Let’s step back even further. There was a Woke counter demonstration … that lot behind in the shot, marching our left to our right. The toddler in the pushchair, plus dad and mom, plus the older child in mom’s arms … they were clearly demonstrating against the demonstrators or were at their own rally.
What we do know (footage on soc-med) is that blue-green tee shirt suddenly took it upon herself to start shouting at the toddler in the pushchair, until stopped by the black girl as you can see starting. That’s what manipulation does … plays on simple minds with grievances, panders to their “seethingness”, creates a dangerous, threatening loony army. But even that black girl knew the other had gone overboard bawling at a baby … plus the girl’s not a mother I’d say. Dangerous demographic in itself.
Now the two parents … why were those two chn so close to “the enemy” who were in inflamed indignation? And how did that confrontation resolve the issue of Gates, solar panels covering farmland or the hordes of “guests”?
2. This one item from TDS today

Nuff said?
You could put your own compressor on your PC or use a less woke online one.
JH: It’s not an issue at 130kb … just post the original … interesting curiosity though. I’d decided not to do the flags item anyway … looking just now at Knox again, post coming.