Daily Archives: October 25, 2024

Try these


  1. On what did landau bars originate?
  2. Another word using only the letters of “listen”?
  3. Who is he? Wears a mask and stops people getting home.
  4. Palindrome for race car?
  5. 1st letter, 3 letter verb, moved to end => its past tense?
  6. Give an example of a phrasal verb.
  7. What are duxelles, as applied to prissy restaurant dishes?

Friday [14 onwards]

(0200) Cunning plan did not include this post, quiz at 1500.


16. The interest here is not so much in what it says

… those on our side of the ledger already know … but that it was in the left-liberal Quora:

15. Bobbie and a very special coin

14. Andy at 854 and the religious fervour of local councils

Friday [10 to 13]

(1104) Cunning plan will be this post now, Ladies at Lunchtime around 1230, a quiz around 1530 … no film most like. (1139)


13. TCW (blogrolls)

12. It seems some had fog earlier on

YWW was kind enough to allow this:

I replied:

11. There are trigger words here too

How can I put this yet again? The relevant words are not post text.

10. The ongoing problem of trigger words

If DAD would just look at this:

There are therefore keywords and key footage which are verboten to the algorithm, which then blacklists me as the admin and if it goes on, it results in an ONO 18th bday situation, which I need to avoid on behalf of all Unherdables here.

The way around it is this thing called euphemism or cryptic codewords … and in the case of footage … don’t run it at the site itself but point elsewhere to see it. All our readers are seeing this now and noting it.

In my own case, I have more room to move, in that I can use screenshots as I’ll do shortly. Bottom line is that certain trigger words Them are hypersensitive to right now … all right, we shall use euphemisms instead, as cryptic as necessary. As for footage, some links will be blocked by the algorithm … no point us being Don Quixote, tilting at windmills as it just creates aggro for me, the admin, meaning the site itself, meaning our readers as a whole. In short, we lose the site.

Friday [4 to 9]



9. Moosh corner

8. Ed Lamon

7. Shoolie

6. TDS (blogrolls)

5. This was on Gab just now

Starmer says those with assets are ‘not working people’ – paving way for possible tax rises The prime minister is asked to give his definition of working people after Labour promised in its manifesto not to hit them with tax rises.

4. With the US election 11 days away

… if we glance at these two items:

Ballots Found in Florida Storm Drain Were Stolen from Mailboxes with USPS Master Key

31% of Interviewed Residents at One Apartment Complex Admit to Being Non-Citizens Registered to Vote

There was also a tweet by one of the bigger players, forgotten who, asking if we ustd that Harris is not campaigning … why not? Well yes, she’s incompetent but there’s another factor too … they don’t need to.

When was the last time the candidate had no need to campaign? Think about it.

Now, let’s look at two scenarios … firstly, that DJT gets in, albeit narrowly, when it’s obvious his support is massive both America wide, plus in the swing states. He could do it with lower % vote but with a majority in the Electoral College. If he does, then those around him need scrutinising … the Mattises, Kellys etc. He also needs to up his personal security.

It’s not unlike Brexit … the real % was around 65% but cheating all over brought it back to 52% … enough.

And so to the second US scenario … late night ballot drops, dead voting, illegals, the new crim armies imported from overseas jails. There’s every chance imho … every chance. They have the chutzpah.

For the sake of looking at 2024/5 … what then? I mean beyond a whole lot of noise from us and then acquiescence? See Brazil’s last election. Mass demonstrations, eventually coming to nought? Unlike in Sri Lanka. Crims will retain power no matter what … the alternative is execution or incarceration.

So … there it is. Just what can anyone actually do about it? Small, patriotic militias, possibly FBI infiltrated? What will the Donald do? Tell everyone again to go home and thanks?

There is, of course, a third scenario which is premature … that a series of preordained events, planned for, funded, trained, now take place, ostensibly spontaneously but actually factored in … and all sorts of strictures follow under martial law, inc. the booby-trapped dollar.

Naturally, academics, non-Woke clergy, pundits, soc-med … they’re the first rounded up and shot.

Last thing to remember is it won’t be a Nov 6 declaration … this thing will go on for weeks undeclared, esp. if they’ve managed to be heavily defeated on known polls but the machines and late night drops effected the steal.

After that, we look at Starmer, von Leyen, Canada, France, the Antipodes.

Friday [1 to 3]


(0657) Dark out there, what will it be this Sunday? (0822)

3. Steve drops at 853

Evets 4: Ballots Found in Florida Storm Drain Were Stolen from Mailboxes with USPS Master Key

JH: That and “b” I’ll be looking at in Fri 4, next post.

Evets 3: Anderson Cooper Drops Bomb on Kamala Harris: You’ve Been in the White House For 4 Years. Why Haven’t You Done Any of This Already?

Evets 2: Putin, BRICS trade outside USD. Austin, North Korea troops in Russia. October surprises fail – Alex Christoforou

Evets 1: Euthanasia during the Covid era wasn’t limited to the elderly

2. We’re being spammed

The nice thing with our new cyber-arrangement is that we can send spammers down blackholes should we want … also, it’s nice watching WP system in motion and it’s a very good system indeed … word on cyberstreet is that their backend is one of the two best just now … however, their woeful “block” frontend is just that … woeful. We opted for a good backend … make of that what you will, dear reader.

1. Of euphemism and the cryptic

It’s all very well saying “be manly, call a spade a spade” and when we write cryptically, asking “are you a man or a mouse” but there’s also WC Fields who said “if at first you don’t succeed, try, try and try again … then quit … no point being a damn fool about it”.

As admin here, I subscribe to both those views but with an edge … yes, quit the current course which can only recreate Bernie and Lucy and take a different course, find a way around it, another way through the playing field.

The timing in the screenshot below is significant here:

What do you see there? Well if you’re a super-regular, you’d recognise that site, plus you’d also know that our “senior member” usually drops around 0530. And it wasn’t there. Obvious conclusion was check that it’s in spam or trash and if not, then is our senior member ok or has Micron got to him?

As it turns out, I just needed to refresh the site but when I did read it, I saw 18th bday ONO repeating itself all over again, as there were clearly proscribed terms in there. Now, my view was to either go gung ho and be damned, martyr to the cause or else be mindful of my agreement with WP, esp. free WP, regarding specific vilification. So far, they’ve played fair, I’m not minded to test out that goodwill.

Why not? Because there’s something in the engineroom there I don’t want lost … readers don’t know about such things … plus it stops the blogging, as you saw with 18th bday, plus I carry the can, not the author, plus it impacts other droppers … you’ll notice IYE has gone and that’s a massive loss. Plus I’m sure our third main dropper is reading this and mentally noting.

It’s also a known-known that I’m loathe to censor, it ain’t my thang … yet the starmerati are looking for pretext to shut down comment … do you see where this is going? My solution is IYE’s … to euphemise, become more cryptic, just as they had to in the USSR and in Soviet Germany. You’re still making the point.

Also, if you look at that post today, you’ll see the links are anything but self-censored … we might have to go to an embedded HERE method in order to not be direct. It’s also unnecessary for us, the regulars or most reading us, to be direct … we know the issues, we’re not looking for increased traffic, far from it … it’s more like a club of readers without officially being one.

Therefore, our droppers need to euphemise or be cryptic with key words the bots will pick up on … these are the starmerite times we’re in, in the UK, 2024 to 29. It’s the current lie of the land. And better you euphemise than I distastefully interfere. Thanks, chaps and chapesses.