Wednesday [9 to 14]



14. Moosh corner

13. Nation’s past and present going down the gurgler

12. It’s nice when compatriots dig in and say no

11. There are posts up

… at UHC and Jstack

10. Confucius says

9. The problem with govts

This is the young Scot’s YT, part one, which goes into three forms of govt, how they are when good (early in the history cycle) and when bad (where we are now near the end of this cycle). Warning … this is a Christian perspective which I support, except his use of “left” and “right”. Left is sinister in my eyes, right is dexter, not the other way around.

He’s presenting a philosopher here who apparently was a bggr for the bottle:

A natural extension of the argument … and the yS goes there … is that there does need to be some powerful force which causes a “leader” or group of leaders … and in turn a people who follow the example … to have a moal compass, an ethical core so to speak … which makes the system work.

You can have the Demonrat “democracy” prevailing by importing hordes and letting them vote but that = the destruction of the system. Alternatively, you can have highminded Founding Fathers, including rats like Jefferson, but the “rattyness” is kept under control whilst highminded people with an ideal are still in charge.

The bottom line, according to the yS and also according to me, is that the issue with governance is not the system per se … it’s those implementing and practising it … what these people are like inside themselves is the crux of the matter. Starmer? Cooper? Rayner?

And that requires a moral code which most tacitly accept. There were many goodhearted people, decent, moral, before Christianity, there have been zillions wearing a cross who are anything but good people since, e.g. the Franks in Constantinople.

An effective curber of our excesses over two millennia has been Judgment Day and eternity.

If you push a philosophy based on Man can do anything, can make his own destiny, is his own brilliant god, which is similar to Woman can do anything, watch me roar … then you are blindly doing the devil’s work for him with this nihilism thing.

And in the spirit of Dirk Gently’s fundamental interconnectedness of all things … once a sufficient number of humans in the society abandon the code, start abusing it, then all bets are off and sodom and gomorrah follow Swiftly after it.

One reply

  1. 13. Nation’s past and present going down the gurgler

    Yeah, this ‘Trinity House Agreement’ Labour just signed with the Germans will see Rheinmetall making gun barrels for the Royal Artillery. Yes you read that right, the Krauts doing what we did but now we don’t because engineering at this level is no longer possible, domestically. Royal Ordinance was the best of the best not so long ago – the Yanks even bought from us. So ‘going down the gurgler’ is an apt phrase for a nation that gave up on engineering artillery barrels ten years ago. Remember in the the Royal Artillery the ‘Colours’ are on the barrel and never painted over. Furthermore the ‘layer’ is the only person allowed to sit on the gun, when he adjusts fire. The joke is all on us.

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