Sunday [6 to 9]

(0859) Morning all … bleah out there. (0936) Short break, maybe 1030 return, ok? (1030) Back again, no. 8 being compiled now. (1051)


9. Great training for us just now


It’s really that old chestnut about trust. I was looking at Roy Orbison’s bio and his cheating on Claudette. He was 21 in 1957, she barely 16, so the bond faced challenges, let’s say. From what I can gather, she was still besotted, he was maniacally narcissistic even before he’d had the voice epiphany but there was only so much she could take of his attitude, so she cheated … they were on a motorbike, a truck came through and hit them, she was soon dead … at 25. Nine years of “marriage”.

Did he learn? Nope. Would you trust him with your daughter? Nope. Same sort of thing with Haley. No way.

More interesting though is how many snakes are putting on a pro-Trump face now, esp. as the steal looks like it’s very much on the cards (District 16, Georgia yesterday). Leopard … spots?

8. Waste management

In what was essentially a puff piece in one of the local rags (and why not?), nevertheless there was some interesting data near the end:

Wirral Council is currently reviewing its bin contract ahead of its current contract with waste company Biffa expiring in 2027. The local authority is currently exploring three different options for future bin collections as it prepares to spend more than £300m over the next 15 years.

The current Biffa contract covers all household waste and recycling collections, waste collection from council premises and schools, and street cleansing of adopted highways, pavements and alleyways. However, collection of litter and fly tipping on other council land, including parks, is not part of this contract.

At a meeting in July, councillors agreed to develop a business case to either outsource all services, create a council run company to run all services, or bring street cleaning in house while waste collection is outsourced. Big changes are also around the corner as food waste recycling will be rolled out nationwide by 2026 and an update on the issue is expected in January 2025.

Over the last two years, Biffa’s collected bins 17 million times, cleared 26,000 alleyways, cleaned 12,000 streets, and lorries have carried out over 75,000 trips to the Bidston tip. Since 2006, services have been provided through Biffa for roughly 147,000 homes.

Things haven’t always been smooth since Biffa started working for the council in 2006. Biffa was involved in a pay dispute with union Unite at the end of 2022 which saw strikes take place in the lead up to Christmas. Collections were disrupted for weeks long after the strikes were called off, leading to heavy criticism of the company.

Uh huh.

7. Why do people keep doing the same stoopid things?

During the Canadian trucker convoy thing, people were donating to GFM who allegedly embezzled, froze funds, whatever it was, such that all major pundits said don’t go near them … apparently there’s a better crowd called give something go.

So why the heck would anyone still send to this lot?

Major lawyer, major platform … why on earth would you not heed that?

6. “Par for the course” can sometimes strike a chord

… and then a mental process starts, bumping it up to a much higher place in the pecking order.

Tavern visitors and regulars … consider how much info you process daily now … it’s even biblical … knowledge will increase in the end days … plus there’s 5G damage to consider, WiFi, the constant bam bam bam … for example flooding in Sicily, France, elsewhere … just how much can you take in and process?

And after that … just how much can I, as the bottleneck admin here, post in a given time? What topics? There are two bottlenecks here … my router, and me. This is where you need to be bolder, methinks. If you think something needs publicising, within our constraint of no overt Wokery, then go for it … there are four sites in the herd where you can leave comment … choose your poison. There’s no rule about “on topic”, given security concerns we have at our bottleneck.

But there’s another factor … your own mental health and general health … walks, projects, house chores … they all take the mind off the horrors for a time. By no means would I you expect you’d hang in here getting constant bombardment about the horrors out there. There are parts you just have to shut out for your organism’s own health.

Having said all that … this seemingly par for the course item below … well, it certainly has me thinking.

Why? Because of things we’ve had here, e.g. from DR, on MM for example … and when you retrieve that from your mental and data archives, they do paint a picture. For example, Svali spoke of the tunnels under the Appallachians, others wrote of tunnels under Denver airport … forget not Terminator 3 (ending) … FEMA camps … Annunaki, Nephilim … Toodles’s point about the significance of locusts, literal and figurative … just throw it all on the table, then consider this:

Trump saw, Johnson saw … a clear game changer, yes? I’ll throw in here about the Statue of Ish in NY harbour, similar in Paris … which group donated it? Also, whom are Catholic knights, e.g. Malta, dead against … they immediately say Masonry but that side itself lambasts Loyola and Jesuits. Think on’t and there’s just so damned much we’re missing … chunks of the truth suppressed.

And also … where’s IYE?

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