Saturday [1]



1. Rather than reprint Steve, I’ll point to specific sections at NOWP

    • 847:4c (Alex Chr)
    • 847:4g (Victory plan)
    • 846:7b (Merz)

    Point was made that so far, the west has been putting its own red lines, then crossing them, whilst funding and supplying the psychoClown. Merz changes the game somewhat … staunch anti Communist Catholic, viable German candidate for Chancellor in 2025 … he seems to be one of “our side” until you realise two things … firstly, he’s Merkel’s man, so what’s with this Catholic anti Communist bit? Just words?

    And secondly, he is implacable in delivering to the psychoClown Taurus missiles, capable of striking deep into Russia, crossing Russia’s final red line. I’d suggest that what we have here is a highly dangerous mix of eschatological Christian theology twisted and mixed in with neo-con-ism not seen since Stalingrad, along with brinkmanship of the Cuban missile type from 1962.

    The whole point of eschatology is that it is interpretation of endtime events, just as this post is skirting around the edges of … but not actively bringing it about, which is what Merz is in the mindset to do, twisting German populist feeling into a diabolical kill the hated Russki insanity. I’d remind those of a historical bent that Stalin, Churchill and Kennedy prevailed in those conflicts in what turned out to be quite Pyrrhic victories.

    It’s quite diabolically clever … ostensibly a man of God (Catholic), he is in fact an utter nutter, delivering planks of the globopsycho platform (communism) in depopulation, turning society against Christianity (which this nutter uses the language of but is actually playing for the other side, as are Bergoglio and Welby), plus plunging Europe into poverty, misery, atrocity and fear. Possibly the end of things but 🍿🍿🍿.

    What it also does is put the nail in the coffin of populism, of the “low tax, pro family, leave us alone to create an inheritance for our children” type … that inheritance becomes doomed Dresden.

    Oh and then there is Iran-Israel and the millions-strong male murdering and raping invaders on top of that. Yep, Globopsycho has done a grand job so far.

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