Daily Archives: October 19, 2024

Saturday [16]



16. Weather

Here’s Catania, which I know well, having been there quite a few times:

And in Limony, en Ardèche:

Uh huh … and in Liverpool?

Map shows ‘wall of rain’ as danger to life ‘likely’ in Storm Ashley’s 80mph winds, Met Office warns

There is “a good chance” of power cuts in that area which could affect mobile phone coverage and buildings will probably be damaged

Met Office meteorologist Aidan McGivern said on Friday evening: “At the time of recording, Storm Ashley is on the other side of the Atlantic and a relatively shallow area of low pressure.

“It deepens rapidly as it gets picked up by the jet stream during Saturday and ends up as a particularly deep area of low pressure, with a widespread swathe of gales and wind gusts in excess of 60mph for many western and northern parts of the country.”

Uh huh-huh. Here’s our forecast today:

To be a tad more honest, this is us tomorrow morn:

Wish I’d understood

… just how much inventiveness had gone into engineering even relatively simple 50s/60s songs … as yoof, we just enjoyed them, even the reversed lyrics, the obvious tricks … but it was only after seeing this tech analysis of Rain (below) did I really start to understand what it took.

The Beatles fab version itself, imho their best song

Grace Haylor’s multi-instrumental version … also fab in its own way

Many reviewers keep referring to the drumming and bass on that song and as a devotee of good bass, I was on clover.

As for Grace H … I’ve been with and/or seen hundreds of girls over the years of immense talent, which Grace H has in full measure … but I do suspect another influence in there and my best guess is daddy influence, as in “would do anything for daughter”, just as it should be. This was borne out in one of her duets with dad … cough, best he stick to engineering and producing.

Anyway, here she is on two other great choices from the era:

… and here:

Which brings us finally to the era … I was way too young to understand just how innocent it was compared to the vile things now. Don’t think we were simple and innocent in our aspirations … we were into anything going … and yet, comparatively, it was innocent, safe … free!

Saturday [7 to 12]

(0907) Bleah out there, the sky. (1026)

12. EU – US

11. Bananas

This might possibly apply only to the US:

10. TDS (url in blogrolls)

9. DAD at 848:2

China’s property crisis is expected to get worse as sales of new homes plummet and indebted developers struggle to find funds to complete projects. (Video)

8. Just on the related subject of Christianity

7. Nothing whatever to say about Laura Dodsworth


Clearly that’s her biz, as one of the 40% (her stats) … I can only pray that things sort themselves out on the marriage front … besides, my own messes in the past are hardly a position from which to preach.

Goodge Street and Ike


 Yerkes keeps on “bussin'”

One thing about Jago is that he’s oblivious to any history or politics apart from London railways and that of selected other British stations, he has no concept of the mess which is HS2 and he makes statements such as, “There’s little difference between literacy rates then and now.”

Gulp … pardon? With literacy taking a backseat to Wokism in today’s schools, plus the massive influx of “guests”, the standards of the late 60s have indeed plummeted. Jago is articulate, so he had a reasonable standard of education but after that …?

Saturday [2 to 6]

(0717) Just awoke from a fine sleep, apart from the one fly buzzing around. (0817)


6. And lastly for this post

a bit of light reading with your Kellogg’s breakfast this morning.

5. DAD drops for Saturday at 848

a) The Cuban energy ministry announced that the [whole] grid had gone down hours after the Antonio Guiteras thermoelectric plant had ceased operations, at about 11 a.m. local time Friday.

b) DAD – loves graphs. Violences sexuelles en France – has the increase been because of the ‘Me to’ movement making the complaints more open?

c) Vigilance in schools. One example.

d) According to the latest figures from the UK government’s National Health Service (NHS), one thousand English people are now being diagnosed with cancer every single day.

4. Some quotations to start the weekend



3. WaPo warning

a. Andy sent yesterday

Yeh I know it’s the Wa Po but this carries a little more information about the internet archive. | https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2024/10/18/internet-archive-hack-wayback/

b. Now DAD has sent, via the tom-tom grapevine

Electromagnetic waves are a disaster for some:

In 2019, he began getting sick. And then sicker. Brain fog. Memory issues. Difficulty focusing. Depression. Anxiety. Fatigue. Brandon was pretty sure he knew why: the cell tower a quarter-mile behind his shop and all the electromagnetic radiation it produces, that cellphones produce, that WiFi routers produce, that Bluetooth produces, that the whole damn world produces.

2. We open today with Juan dela Cruz

At the risk of rolled eyes:


KINGSLEY, Iowa (KTIV) – Back on Saturday, Oct. 5, a Kingsley man lost his life in a farming accident during the harvest season. It happened near his family’s home in rural Kingsley. Fifty-eight-year-old Dana Sitzmann was working on harvest when he was struck by an unattended wagon and suffered fatal injuries.

Less than two weeks later, a group of over 70 farmers came together to help the Sitzmann family finish the job. Chad Isminger helped coordinate the Harvest Bee and described Dana to those who didn’t know him.

Plough him into the good earth, lots of nutrients?

Via Knuckledraggin

Saturday [1]



1. Rather than reprint Steve, I’ll point to specific sections at NOWP

    • 847:4c (Alex Chr)
    • 847:4g (Victory plan)
    • 846:7b (Merz)

    Point was made that so far, the west has been putting its own red lines, then crossing them, whilst funding and supplying the psychoClown. Merz changes the game somewhat … staunch anti Communist Catholic, viable German candidate for Chancellor in 2025 … he seems to be one of “our side” until you realise two things … firstly, he’s Merkel’s man, so what’s with this Catholic anti Communist bit? Just words?

    And secondly, he is implacable in delivering to the psychoClown Taurus missiles, capable of striking deep into Russia, crossing Russia’s final red line. I’d suggest that what we have here is a highly dangerous mix of eschatological Christian theology twisted and mixed in with neo-con-ism not seen since Stalingrad, along with brinkmanship of the Cuban missile type from 1962.

    The whole point of eschatology is that it is interpretation of endtime events, just as this post is skirting around the edges of … but not actively bringing it about, which is what Merz is in the mindset to do, twisting German populist feeling into a diabolical kill the hated Russki insanity. I’d remind those of a historical bent that Stalin, Churchill and Kennedy prevailed in those conflicts in what turned out to be quite Pyrrhic victories.

    It’s quite diabolically clever … ostensibly a man of God (Catholic), he is in fact an utter nutter, delivering planks of the globopsycho platform (communism) in depopulation, turning society against Christianity (which this nutter uses the language of but is actually playing for the other side, as are Bergoglio and Welby), plus plunging Europe into poverty, misery, atrocity and fear. Possibly the end of things but 🍿🍿🍿.

    What it also does is put the nail in the coffin of populism, of the “low tax, pro family, leave us alone to create an inheritance for our children” type … that inheritance becomes doomed Dresden.

    Oh and then there is Iran-Israel and the millions-strong male murdering and raping invaders on top of that. Yep, Globopsycho has done a grand job so far.