Daily Archives: October 15, 2024

Tuesday [11 till close of play]

(1429) Wonderfully dull and rainy day out there. (1900) Wonderfully dark evening.


17. Steve at 844 … war room

a. Natalie Winters Blasts Mark Milley: “I’m Not Sure You Were On The Side Of The USA To Begin With”

b. Mike Davis: “There Must Be A Criminal Probe Opened On Day 1 Into Crossfire Hurricane”

c. Benjamin Roberts Breaks Down How NGOs And Charity Groups Are Facilitating The Migrant Crisis

d. Caroline Wren: “They Know If Kari Lake Gets In She’s Not Gonna Fund The Ukraine War”

16. Andy

… links to The Slog at 844.

15. Lillian Gish

14. Extracting the joy from your life

13. They’re hellbent on blackouts

… Them’s positively drooling about it:

12. You are forbidden to watch this

11. Lord T

He has a video HERE … plus a url HERE. Shhhhh!

Tuesday [8 to 10]

(0920) Were you to go to 843:5, you’d see an expanded X post. Were you to go to UHC, you’d see one which does not expand, but at least there’s a link for Xers. Were you to go to OoL, you’d see text only as blgr are preventing images or embeds. Therein lies today’s online malaise. (0934)


10. Lastly, before scrumptious late brek

9. Some history

8. Always tell the truth

Tuesday [5 to 7]

(0630) Morning all … pretty gruesome outside, ha ha, have a rip roaring day … yay! (0814)


7. At TCW (blogrolls) … more on medical murder

”IN AN article on citizens’ assemblies on TCW in March, Gillian Dymond described them as ‘choreographed charades’. Readers may be interested in my experience as a member of a Citizens’ Jury, similar to an assembly, on assisted dying (AD) which the Nuffield Council on Bioethics (NCOB), convened earlier this year.

It‘s not my intention here to describe the jury process in detail: an interim report published by NCOB on September 13 does that. Rather I want to offer my perspective as a participant and comment on various aspects of the process.

My involvement began on February 29, when a letter about the jury arrived. It was addressed ‘To the Resident’ and mine was one of 7,000 addresses selected at random. The jury was to consist of 30 people. Those willing to participate were asked to register on the website of the Sortition Foundation, which had been engaged to recruit jury members ensuring they were broadly representative of the population. I registered and it was here that I had my first surprise.

One of the questions sought my views on the jury topic itself, viz whether the law (in England) should be changed to permit AD.” ”

JH: Thin edge. Also, Citizens’ Juries … we looked at that during Brown’s Halcyon PMship … I quoted another who’d gone through the weaponised, rigged process where the “leader” is already chosen by Them and uses NLP and other techniques to steer the “discussion”

Traps for the unwary.

6. Interesting Columbus Day thought

… from a Gab a/c called Geiger Counter … could not possibly endorse the sentiment, more than our blog’sworth …

The “stolen land” people are simply low IQ with zero understanding of history or how the world works … America was not stolen. It was conquered. The Native Americans were not skipping through a meadow when Europeans arrived … They were savages. Tribes constantly at war, taking resources (and land!) from each other. They raided, raped, tortured and literally scalped each other. They were then conquered themselves by a people far more advanced in every quantifiable metric. The natives didn’t even have a common written language, let alone any concept of an advanced civilization. They were living thousands of years behind the rest of the world. America was conquered. The Natives lost. It resulted in the greatest country in human history.

The arguments are furthered here:


5. As in the US … so in France


Goes without saying that the EU is a giant, moneysucking toad across Europe to enrich highly placed communists … no benefit whatever to the people.

Le Pen’s lot win the election on FPTP, Macron refuses to stand down, cobbles together coalitions … the winner is arraigned on trumped up charges … voila the standard playbook.

Tuesday [1 to 4]

(0537) Don’t miss Doonhamer at 841. (0619)


4. JH Notes on the aforementioned

a. The Ev3 report on man breaks silence … this was covered here two days ago with my reporting Mindy Robinson saying who he was … close friend. Now, I just take as read that that lot of normies out there would still be arguing and reporting about the 3rd ass attempt, when we knew here that it was nowt of the sort … and it’s in B&W here why.

All of which goes to show that firstly, people do not go to and then don’t archive sources. Mindy Robinson? Long time MAGA … she’s the one tattooed across her right shoulder/back.

b. Massive oil reserves … that’s long been reported on, stands to reason. However … obliquely … it does not alter NATO’s greedy eyes on Russian reserves, which suggests that this war will be interminable … Them are in next door to Russia forever. Plus EVs are a passing, destructive fad.

3. Steve at 842

Evets 4: Wall Street Journal Mocks Christian Leader for Saying November Election Is Part of a Spiritual Battle for US

Evets 3: Man Accused in ‘Third Trump Assassination Attempt’ Breaks Silence — Reveals Full Story and Blasts Fake Reports Against Him

Evets 2: Foreign (Presumably British) officers killed in Kyiv-controlled Odessa

Evets 1: Trump pushes further into blue America, vows to restore Calif. ‘paradise lost’ 

3. Andy at 843

a. Massive oil reserves discovered beneath the Antarctic ice, in the British sector no less. Hold your horses, our energy secretary hasn’t wet his pants over this. At least not in public, these reserves were discovered by the most evil people on the planet and anywhere else. Russians! Can anyone explain how we get from discovery of a precious resource to blowing up the Antarctic?

b. Wombles v Milton Keynes grudge match details.

1. DAD

a) Young Communists Indre-et-Loire: We say YES to readings of children’s stories by drag queens in Vouvray…

b) On Monday, October 14, 2024, middle and high schools in Indre-et-Loire participated in the national tribute to Samuel Paty and Dominique Bernard, the two teachers murdered by Islamist terrorists. The opportunity for academic director Christian Mendivé to put secularism back in the spotlight.

c) Detectives investigating an assault on a pensioner who was shoved over in a row in a west London bus queue have released a picture of a man they want to trace.