Sunday [8 to 12]

(1344) Just checking the timepiece, hmmmm => this post, then around 1545 some jazz. Thinking out loud, it might be chantoosies today, shall see. Last politpost maybe 1715, into the evening. (1459)


12. Privacy

I’ve two mobiles, two ipads, one active laptop and some resting ones. On the mobile phones are address books … anyone not on that list does not get through. The govt can get through whenever they wish and they do so, often, as I have a good personal relationship there but a different one on Starmer and Co. My utilities can also text and I call back.

The X and Gab accounts are not closed but there are maybe three dozen blocked. They’re happy venues for me, X and Gab, as the riff-raff gets blocked and only the good remain. As for nourishing unherdables, as I’ve come to call it … regulars know that readers can always become regular and are welcome and protected under our umbrella but Woke nutterati are not … so don’t bother.

Juan asks where to leave comments? Wherever he likes. The very fact it’s up means he’s persona-grata to start with. And that’s how things run around here.

Last from me on privacy is to ask … why do people answer their phones or click on net invitations? Anything I’m invited to click on, I don’t, never ever, even if I may have been interested … there’s this thing, you see, called “they see you coming”. My phones are currently off, recharging.

11. At 840:4 and also in comments at HQ

… are the attacks on TIA, also mentioned here:

10. IYE at 840

a. The Walz thing I can’t print here, though I’ve read it. If you get a chance, do read it.

b. Weird weather is at 840:8 … best seen there.

9. TPA weekly thingy

“With the budget less than three weeks away, Westminster is awash with speculation of what might be included. Having abandoned the widow’s tax for now, and bound by their election pledge not to hike taxes on workers, specifically income tax, national insurance, or VAT, the chancellor is scrambling around to find ways to pay for her spending plans. 

The thing about national insurance though is the two elements: employee and employer contributions. We’re all very familiar with employee national insurance – I certainly grumble each time I see it on my payslip – but people often don’t think about the employer contributions. For every employee on the books, a percentage of their salary is paid by the company to the treasury.

So naturally, when the topic came up at Prime Minister’s Questions this week, our ears pricked up. Leader of the opposition, Rishi Sunak, asked Keir Starmer whether he would rule out hiking employer contributions at the budget. When he failed to do so, alarm bells were ringing in the TPA office. In a flash, John O’Connell, our chief executive, made it absolutely clear what Starmer should do: “The prime minister should stop searching for a cheap way out of his manifesto promise and rule out this rise for good.”

Why does this matter? Well, employer’s national insurance contributions are, quite simply, a tax on jobs. Every time a company hires someone, they have to factor in this cost. Everytime they want to give someone a pay rise, they have to factor in this cost. Higher employer contributions mean lower wages and fewer jobs. In the same way tobacco taxes are meant to put people off smoking, job taxes like this put businesses off hiring people.

Speaking of the national debt, a core part of our mission is to make sure politicians and taxpayers alike are informed about the issues, which is why we’ve published our latest factbook, The Indebted Kingdom. A compact, easy to understand explainer of the national debt and the interest we’re paying, this factbook provides all the information you need to hold those who spend your money to account. Download your copy here. “

8. At some stage, even Belinda must wake up

… but how? This island has already fallen to the enemy abroad at the ruling level and in every key position down through society, whilst those understanding that that has happened, that there’s an alien army of fighting males awaiting the word from above, still don’t all realise the full implications:

  • This is a murderous army, nothing whatever like what sheltered Brits and Americans since Boomers have enjoyed … intellectually, maybe, until the texts were rewritten by the locust army … but truly, not being insulting or anything but the sudden rush of collapse is going to take most by surprise.
  • The ruling class are satanic, no other word for it, mystic, placing great store by numbers … IYE has already posted on it many times, plus symbolism:

  • As I myself have said many times … while it’s important whether there even is such a thing as satanic or not … that’s nowhere near as important in the immediate, the short term, than the simple truth that Them believe in it devotedly … and there’s the rub. This Net Zero thing, for example, is only partly climate … it’s mainly demonic destruction … the ultimate goal STILL not understood by the unread, the determinedly secular (man is his own god) and those doing the three wise monkey thing.
  • Them will crash things when they feel they’re ready.

Oh … Belinda?

Belinda, within and controlling the Tories are the very people part of the Troubles, fomenting them. Stirring up Europe as well. Some of these monsters are right here beside us. They care about “country”?

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