(0423)(around 0600)
5. Moosh corner

4. Over at Jstack
Plus over at UHC:
3. DAD at 841
a) French anti-terror prosecutors said Saturday that an Afghan national is being investigated on terrorism charges over a suspected attack plot.
b) In an interview with Dauphiné Libéré and Vaucluse Matin, the presenter of “Secrets d’histoire” claims to have “the feeling of living in a country in ruins”.
c) A major new initiative has been launched in the UK that seeks to radically transform the food supply by replacing traditional meat and dairy products with “planet-friendly alternatives” such as insects.
2. Lainey with John Strand
A USCP officer working on J6 has reported malfeasance by government officials that directly led to the Capitol disturbance. This further shows J6 defendants are victims of entrapment.

1. Steve at 840
Evets 4: Social Media Users Erupt After Barack Obama Makes a Disgusting Joke About President Trump in Pittsburgh
Evets 3: Ingrassia: Under Kamala Harris, Americans Can Say ‘Good-Bye’ To Their Sacred Rights To Speak Freely, Worship, Assemble, Bear Arms, and Vote
Evets 2: Starmer breaks bad news to Elensky. Poland threatens St. Petersburg. Obama enters campaign – Alex Christoforou
Evets 1: Canada’s Toronto Dominion Bank Pleads Guilty to Money Laundering, Receives $3bn Fine