Saturday [9 to 13]

(0915) We press on, chaps and chapesses. (1208)

13. TDS (blogrolls)

12. Dates

Juss sayin’ like.

11. IYE at 840

10. It’s not just this snippet or that

… but three or four combined which convey the issue, esp. if from both sides of the pond or ditch:

9. We see things in passing, don’t we

… need to record them, need somewhere to put them so others can see. Well here’s a snippet from Laura Dodsworth:

Last week, I found myself in a perfectly ordinary pub, trying to kill half an hour before a meeting and quench my thirst. I nearly choked when the barmaid told me my diet cola would cost £4.60. I could have purchased eight cans at Asda for less than that. But alas, there I was, in the gilded streets of Belgravia, not a budget-friendly supermarket.

I calculated that each sip was setting me back 23 pence. That’s reasonable for liquid gold or unicorn tears, but not cola. I glowered. It’s hard to enjoy your drink under such circumstances.

Ties in of course with the Cityunslicker post at OoL and in my own food buying … though I don’t often look for bargains because I eat so little, preferring to have some quality while I still can … nevertheless, I’ve noticed two things on top of the prices …

One is the sloppiness in choosing and packing at the other end, together with the poor IT involved, which we’re paying money for, along with the lower quality of even premium items, stuffed with additives, even on staples, e.g. milk.

The other is that the lines of products, the ranges, are steadily reducing. For a major supermarket not to stock 500ml or pints is pretty poor, running out of full cream is too … just basic things are not there. And not as a one off or out of season either … this is increasing.

Now what’s happening? Supply lines? Why? Just Euro-Brit road and boat issues? Or govt agency? Madness over 500ml causing global warming or excess carbon? Too much plastic?

And just on semi-skimmed which people warn us not to buy … I added it to the cup last evening (the new lot) and it was diluted … not just semi-skimmed but watered down … so you thought, on the shelves presumably, that you were getting more for less. Actually, we’re getting less for the same cost, thereabouts. Grrrrrrrr.

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