Saturday [14 till close of play]

(1506) Approaching evening all.

18. Screenshot of Sat-mat

17. Steve at 840

War Room snippets…

a. Natalie Winters Epic Takedown Of RINOs Pretending To Be Tough On Immigration

b. Brandon Straka: “So Many People Are Leaving The Democratic Party And It Has Them Panicking”

c. Brian Kennedy: “Too Big To Rig Is Going To Have To Be The Strategy For 2024”

d. Tina Descovich On Report That 3% Of High-schoolers Are Trans: “This Is An Epidemic”

16. This sort of thing really must stop


15. Tucker on Harmeet on Harris

14. Mixed signals beyond

(1506) Still reserving judgment on much of this but there are some very strange things going up. I took a dive into Badlands and the name most prominent was John Herold … which was the least opaque name there. Went to X, found his a/c and he’s pro-Harris Democrat. As well as his own posts, he retweets other Trump hating Demrats as well.

Just because much about DJT might be true, it certainly doesn’t excuse Biden or Harris and it certainly doesn’t forgive Obama and Holder for Fast and Furious.

The other pundits such as Burning Bright and Just Human are opaque … is one of them John Herold? Can’t see how, as Burning Bright has:

The meat of Trump’s proposed plan relies on placing tariffs on foreign goods and drastically reducing taxes on domestic production.

Here’s the thing getting lost in the noise: Trump is going to REWARD FOREIGN MANUFACTURERS for making foreign goods IN AMERICA. This brilliant bit of game theory is global in scale, and means foreign brands are literally going to be competing to hire American workers and build American manufacturing infrastructure.

He’s also going to force them to use American materials, such as American steel. It’s an infinite economic feedback loop. Foreign countries are going to fund the American Restoration. Almost like it was planned this way.

Excuse me but is that a bad thing? Explain that to me. Moving onto DAD and Ezra Levant, what’s with the apologetic “I’m not a religious Jew” thing and then he proceeds to do a heavily pro-Jewish mini-speech? As I wrote above, this is not a zero-sum game and as you get Talmudish and Kabbahlistic, that is very anti-Christian … so what gives? The thing we’re all agreed on though is once invite in the Ottomans and your society is dead … Ezra was not wrong on that bit.

I’m not taking any of it down because it’s your decision in the end … but it sure is confused and all over the place. Where am I, personally? For British workers in Britain, US workers in the USA, French workers across the ditch etc. etc.

One reply

  1. 14. This is Jon Herold aka PatelPatriot in homage to Kash Patel.

    He wrote the Devolution Series.

    He’s pro-DJT. He has complained before about fake accounts on various platforms using his name. Karli Bonne is another one often having to out fake accounts using her name. There are many out there.

    Burning Bright does not use his real name afa I’m aware but does show his face. He edits the News Brief. Just Human’s first name is Kyle and he concentrates on legal stuff, court cases and the like for Badlands.

    And no, the bit above in italics is not a bad thing. It is genius.

    All three of the above (JH, BB and JonH) can be seen on Devolution Power Hour on the Badlands channel on Rumble for those with access to Rumble.


    JH: Ah, got it.

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