Daily Archives: October 12, 2024

Saturday [14 till close of play]

(1506) Approaching evening all.

18. Screenshot of Sat-mat

17. Steve at 840

War Room snippets…

a. Natalie Winters Epic Takedown Of RINOs Pretending To Be Tough On Immigration

b. Brandon Straka: “So Many People Are Leaving The Democratic Party And It Has Them Panicking”

c. Brian Kennedy: “Too Big To Rig Is Going To Have To Be The Strategy For 2024”

d. Tina Descovich On Report That 3% Of High-schoolers Are Trans: “This Is An Epidemic”

16. This sort of thing really must stop


15. Tucker on Harmeet on Harris


14. Mixed signals beyond

(1506) Still reserving judgment on much of this but there are some very strange things going up. I took a dive into Badlands and the name most prominent was John Herold … which was the least opaque name there. Went to X, found his a/c and he’s pro-Harris Democrat. As well as his own posts, he retweets other Trump hating Demrats as well.

Just because much about DJT might be true, it certainly doesn’t excuse Biden or Harris and it certainly doesn’t forgive Obama and Holder for Fast and Furious.

The other pundits such as Burning Bright and Just Human are opaque … is one of them John Herold? Can’t see how, as Burning Bright has:

The meat of Trump’s proposed plan relies on placing tariffs on foreign goods and drastically reducing taxes on domestic production.

Here’s the thing getting lost in the noise: Trump is going to REWARD FOREIGN MANUFACTURERS for making foreign goods IN AMERICA. This brilliant bit of game theory is global in scale, and means foreign brands are literally going to be competing to hire American workers and build American manufacturing infrastructure.

He’s also going to force them to use American materials, such as American steel. It’s an infinite economic feedback loop. Foreign countries are going to fund the American Restoration. Almost like it was planned this way.

Excuse me but is that a bad thing? Explain that to me. Moving onto DAD and Ezra Levant, what’s with the apologetic “I’m not a religious Jew” thing and then he proceeds to do a heavily pro-Jewish mini-speech? As I wrote above, this is not a zero-sum game and as you get Talmudish and Kabbahlistic, that is very anti-Christian … so what gives? The thing we’re all agreed on though is once invite in the Ottomans and your society is dead … Ezra was not wrong on that bit.

I’m not taking any of it down because it’s your decision in the end … but it sure is confused and all over the place. Where am I, personally? For British workers in Britain, US workers in the USA, French workers across the ditch etc. etc.

Saturday [9 to 13]

(0915) We press on, chaps and chapesses. (1208)

13. TDS (blogrolls)

12. Dates

Juss sayin’ like.

11. IYE at 840

10. It’s not just this snippet or that

… but three or four combined which convey the issue, esp. if from both sides of the pond or ditch:

9. We see things in passing, don’t we

… need to record them, need somewhere to put them so others can see. Well here’s a snippet from Laura Dodsworth:

Last week, I found myself in a perfectly ordinary pub, trying to kill half an hour before a meeting and quench my thirst. I nearly choked when the barmaid told me my diet cola would cost £4.60. I could have purchased eight cans at Asda for less than that. But alas, there I was, in the gilded streets of Belgravia, not a budget-friendly supermarket.

I calculated that each sip was setting me back 23 pence. That’s reasonable for liquid gold or unicorn tears, but not cola. I glowered. It’s hard to enjoy your drink under such circumstances.

Ties in of course with the Cityunslicker post at OoL and in my own food buying … though I don’t often look for bargains because I eat so little, preferring to have some quality while I still can … nevertheless, I’ve noticed two things on top of the prices …

One is the sloppiness in choosing and packing at the other end, together with the poor IT involved, which we’re paying money for, along with the lower quality of even premium items, stuffed with additives, even on staples, e.g. milk.

The other is that the lines of products, the ranges, are steadily reducing. For a major supermarket not to stock 500ml or pints is pretty poor, running out of full cream is too … just basic things are not there. And not as a one off or out of season either … this is increasing.

Now what’s happening? Supply lines? Why? Just Euro-Brit road and boat issues? Or govt agency? Madness over 500ml causing global warming or excess carbon? Too much plastic?

And just on semi-skimmed which people warn us not to buy … I added it to the cup last evening (the new lot) and it was diluted … not just semi-skimmed but watered down … so you thought, on the shelves presumably, that you were getting more for less. Actually, we’re getting less for the same cost, thereabouts. Grrrrrrrr.

Saturday [8]

A very peculiar harvest … Isilme’s harvest report Friday evening

Yesterday I started to gather the runner beans. They’d been neglected whilst we had all the visitors and I knew most of them would be too tough to eat, so I really gathered them to get the actual beans out.

Big bowl of runner beans

I didn’t quite realise how many beans we had. A handful of them are still okay to cook and we ate some last night with our chicken in white wine sauce.

All my tomatoes

In the end, I collected a large washing-up bowl full of beans – and haven’t even touched those in the front garden (which are only a few, actually, so it won’t make much difference). We’ll watch a film tonight and I’ll de-pod the beans instead of knitting socks.

As we had a frost last night, I thought it best to bring in all the tomatoes today. Sadly, most of them are still green. However, from past experience I know some of them will ripen. I will likely bottle those if we don’t eat them first – it depends on how many ripen at a time! If I do end up with a lot of green ones, I shall have to find something to do with them.

Pink flowering strawberries

I made green tomato chutney one year. I still have some of it hanging around. I wasn’t that keen on it to be honest. I have heard of fried green tomatoes (there was a film of that title….) but I’m thinking that the bigger ones will ripen okay and the cherry ones probably won’t. Green tomato fritters? I’ll have to try something….

(I have sent a photo of all the tomatoes. That’s my Beloved’s brewing bucket in the background. I think there’s cider in there. Well, it will be cider eventually. However, since we’re not great cider drinkers, he will most likely turn it into cider vinegar. Good stuff!)

Strawberries and thyme

As I was going around the garden, I noticed the strawberries were still going strong. The pink-flowering strawberries are blooming again. And I noticed a strawberry plant in amongst the thyme (don’t know how it got there) that has produced strawberries, but they might not ripen.

I spotted a ripe one in one of the other pots. Sadly, the woodlice found it first and although it looked good at first, underneath it was eaten away. Sob! That was MY strawberry!

Strawberry … ripe

The flowers in our chimney are still looking good, and the pots in the driveway are colourful, but most of the other flowers are gone. Apart from the marigolds and, weirdly, the nasturtiums which have flowered all over again. You can eat nasturtiums…

Flowers in chimney

We still have apples to bring in and will maybe do that next week. That is, if the jackdaws leave us any. They’re currently fighting over the Bramleys. But they can’t settle on the eating apple tree as it’s too difficult for them and all the branches are bent over due to the number of apples. It’s a pippin of some kind (not Cox’s) and the apples are gorgeous.

Flowers in the driveway

The raspberries are still bearing fruit, but they are usually fruiting until November anyway. But it’s odd about the strawberries. And all those tomatoes that have taken so long to develop! It’s crazy!

Pink nasturtium

Saturday [5 to 7]

(0709) Overslept, hope you did too. (0743)


7. More stricture … but not for them

By the way … why the Dr. and PhD in the moniker? Should I list my various qualifications too or stand on what I find? Does it endow gravitas? Just asking. The topic itself … well yes … one rule for them again … Swift’s airmiles whilst preaching carbon reduction.

6. One more on North Carolina

Nefarious conglomerates are one thing … always up to something nefarious in the public eye but this is curious as it fits the new global strategy of not even trying to hide it anymore … Gates’s snapping up 200 media companies to add to his farmland is another. I mean it’s not even mildly difficult now for sharp-eyed pundits to find, is it?

5. This is far from spurious

… though to nitpick over such a “trivial” matter does seem spurious indeed at first sight:

Were it not for my struggling with the last few tonic and lemon water buys, the last struggle immediately before reading Bob’s Xtweet … and were it not for reading something about someone “left-official” deciding that separated bottles and tops were anti Net Zero … plus in the context of all the other annoying, niggling, small additions, insertions in the minutiae of everyday life (Pharoah, Israelites, bricks, straw) …

… were it not for all of those and for the vow by someone up there to make human lives now abject misery, e.g. in the composing of blogposts today for pundits afflicted by “blocks” … then I may well have smiled at Bob’s sense of humour.

But to my mind, there’s nothing humorous about it at all, at this stage of the western journey. And once again, Them can laugh it away as tinfoil hat, even incompetence, when in fact it’s some tosser’s little way of scoring brownie points from his bosses.

Tell you why, in practical terms, unless you’ve already found out for yourself … if you twist the top off, the bit of plastic ring remaining is jagged and piercing, not just a harmlessly smooth plastic ring … even using scissors or blade does not fix it … plus it’s far harder to put the lid back on.

Plus there is that other universal decision about no more plastic lids for, say, tubs of creme fraiche … there’s a peel off tin film instead and then it requires cling film or some such to seal.

Saturday [1 to 4]

(0206) First break, more sleep later hopefully. (0705)

4. DAD at 840

a) [Has the new French Minister of the Interior spoken the unspeakable?] True to the political line he has long defended, in the Senate, the Minister of the Interior, Bruno Retailleau, put on the table, during his speech to the [Department] Prefects on October 8, a proposal that directly targets “political Islam.”

b) Communist senators Ian Brossat and Pierre Ouzoulias are calling on the French government to put a stop to what they describe as “fundamentalist” Christian protests following a [completely peaceful] street prayer organised by Catholics in Paris to “atone for the blasphemy” of the Olympic Games opening ceremony.

c) The police convoy for Taylor Swift through London for her Wembley concerts was an operational decision by the Met Police, No10 is insisting. [Sir kneeler was given tickets for the concert.]

d) The Roubaix city council had to interrupt for more than an hour this Thursday evening, after scuffles between the municipal police and opponents of the urban renovation of Alma.

3. IYE at 839:8-10

On weather modification … enjoy.

2. Steve at 839 (a selection)

MftWC 4: Volunteers Allege Kamala Harris Camp Ordered NC National Guard to Load Life-Saving Supplies on Plane for Photo-Op with the Intent of Never Sending the Aid

MftWC 3: Jamie Raskin and Other Dems Already Signaling They May Not Vote to Certify 2024 Election if Trump Wins

MftWC 2: Larry the Cat refuses Elensky No.5. UK troops Ukraine. Kursk incursion collapse. WSJ, Iran warning – Alex Christoforou

MftWC 1: Globalists Are Taking The Mask Off And That’s A Bad Sign

JH: The words by Svali on this in 2000, oft quoted by me at previous sites, were that they would come into the open around 2020 and your leaders would be announced. She also said that they agreed it might be a few years either way, what with world circumstances.

1. Inflation and artificiality

Over at OoL