Daily Archives: October 11, 2024

Friday [12 till close of play]


16. Moosh corner

15. Green steel

14. You remember the video parody The Expert?


It’s too painful for me to watch again, esp. the dumbo in the white shirt who opens it … how was she ever appointed? The others were pretty bad in their own ways too … here were two comments:

13. One would hope Roberts would learn, with maturity

… but no … forlorn hope:

12. Steve at 839

a. On Ron and hurricanes:

b. War Room

a. Natalie Winters: Retribution Is Clinton, Nuland & Biden At Least In Jail

b. Erik Prince On How War Room Arms Viewers To Resist Globalization

c. Lara Logan Calls Out Obama Iran Partner Ben Rhodes For His Vanity Fair Comments

d. Mike Benz Details How Trump’s Would Be Assassin Ran A Special Visa Scam Recruiting Afghans

Friday [5 to 8]

(1006) Tempus is truly fugiting sommit awful just now, getting away from me a bit.


8. Tom Paine

An old friend who started blogging when I did, was also in Russia, libertarian left, now part of this mass for humanity which we like to think we are … still very much for the freedom to speak out (Tom’s in blogrolls, right column):

7. James Melville

Formerly left in the Andy mould, good chap overall, has turned into quite a headkicker for us:

James is exactly the sort that, in 2010 say, we might not have met up, crossed paths, ditto with Sophie … now we’re part of this antiWokerati worldwide and much bonhomie there is too … new friends etc.

6. Sophie

One of two gals on the river that I know, this is the younger, was a nurse, was told jab or no job, started spilling the beans on the whole crooked medical system, lost her home, kicked off X many times, shadowbanned … a real Bernie but not a fighter … vulnerable, abused from above, genuinely so, as I explored. Her word means a lot, though one must ustd she’s not all there at the same time:

5. Kate Hoey

It became perfectly obvious long ago that Kate, despite being Labour, was essentially a good ’un … she and Nigel were in cahoots over the fisheries you might recall.

Friday [4]

(0829) Best get this one written now before the day’s interruptions start.


It struck me some time back … a long time ago actually … that we’re getting the “truth” about events, motivations, vile behaviour hidden away, only in an altered, overview form at best, out-and-out lies being probably closer to it.

It also struck me, partly age related, that we can be oh so narrow in focus … just on the day’s doings and that came through when my neighbour and I talked … he already knew of my prolific punditry and said he wasn’t interested in that sort of thing, no one in his circle really was (aged 29). Which is interesting to me … someone with the vote not being remotely interested in what he can, collectively, condemn that society to, in numbers.

This comes through in this YT thumbnail screenshot:

And just look at the preoccupation of these … yes, it’s a short film for a festival, so it’s contrived, granted:

Romantic? With that body language? But it’s not just the young, is it? The older normies oblivious, believing such guff through the Woke brainwashing portals … the karens … and then the Cheatles, Reeveses, Harrises, the fillies coopted to run censorship agencies, the Victoria Nulands wreaking havoc … godless and utterly into themselves … Rayner and Phillips.

And the so-called men of today … from HnH’s Lowles to Owen Whatsit … they’re not men … they’re some sort of emasculated mutants. And vicious little bstds too, like their bicycle chain wielding “professors” … at least these four from Massachusetts have learnt the first principle of men and women looking to work with each other, though Massachusetts is very much a blue state:

Very much so but still it lacks Southernness in some ways … music’s lovely though, very coastal, beach:

I particularly like the way the ladies are plonked up front in their virginal white, the men perfectly happy to take a back seat in western society but too many women have taken that to this feminazism extreme, unable to see that it’s not all about them, themselves as ones and ownlies. Same applies to vacuous, arrogant, narcissistic males, adonises whom 90% of women think are the ones to offer them a good life. Talk about recipe for disaster.

By the way, it’s the rhythm section of that band I like best, nice though the lead panner is.

At this point, I stop and consider that this is largely being read by the British and expat diaspora, with some Americans gazing on … just who is the type of patron of this tavern?

Well, it became apparent that it was NOT the Wokerati, the navel gazers … I have not the slightest desire to sit here arguing with the Wokerati. If someone says “climate” and they praise Net Zero, then I say bye bye … ditto for the feminazis and any form of socialist, giving rise to Thomas Sowell’s observation:

You’re going to see much of this alt-radical mindset in the screenshots to follow later today … and yet these people are mostly respectable … family, country, in many cases … God … and yet radical, dissident, not accepting the guff fed to us.

The problematic person in this mix is what I call the “true” Christian, as in our commenter JDC:

What commonality is there then linking the disparate stoppers-by at the tavern and chapel? Well, it’s an unwillingness to accept at face value that which special interests wish us to believe, accept, comply with, destroy ourselves by.

In that quote just now was a reference to Elmer Gantry:

Why would any Brit or expat or former colonist be interested in the Deep South? Well why would any Minnesota lady be interested in Kate Hoey, coming up next? Answer is … because the themes are universal, aren’t they?

Friday [1 to 3]

(0637) Slightly later start in the dark as I’ve been reviewing the material banked up for this morning … pretty powerful stuff, methinks and it immediately gives the day’s theme … “heartland thought”. More on’t in the numbered items as they appear. (0718)

Procedural note for non-regulars … 839 or whatever refers to the current NOWP post (see navbar above). The whole aim is “heartland thought” (people on the ground who live there … how they’re thinking) and to that end, while HQ welcomes comments on those items, longer reader pieces are maybe better at NOWP. You’re always welcome to drop comment at UHC or Jstack, sparingly posted on (see navbar).

Please note, reader … anything of interest to you below (1, 2, 3) is only a signpost, a skeleton look … the real meat, plus links, are at NOWP … the two venues of this site are, imho, inseparable … there’s much signposting going on … often for security reasons.


3. Steve at 838 (NOWP … see navbar above) … a JH selection

Evets 4: Epic Orbán: Hungarian PM Confronts Commissioner von der Leyen and Her Gang of Globalists, Denounces the Abject Failure of Their Policies in Fiery EU Speech in Strasbourg

Evets 3: West Virginia Lawmakers Propose Legislation to Prevent State from Recognizing Winner in US Election If GOP Candidate is Assassinated, Seriously Injured in Assassination Attempt, Jailed, or Barred from the Ballot

Evets 2: Victory Plan fails. Decisive Action Plan launched. EU fast track. NATO Bank. Stoltenberg new job – Alex Christoforou

Evets 1: US DoD issued contract for C-19 Research to a company in [The] Ukraine, 3 months before C-19 was known to exist

2. Andy over at 839 (reverse chronological)

Some time ago the BBBC became joined at hip with Al Jazeera. Do they regret that, have they severed that connection? |  Just asking like. The BBBC insist that there are no Nazis in The Ukraine and would get their pearls in a twist if they knew that bullets were smeared with pig fat. Somewhere I’ve got the 2009(ish) BBBC video about the Ukrainian Nazis. I’ll dig it out for your delectation and natural outrage. There wouldn’t be so many of them if Washington had supplied enough paperclips to Nuremberg.

1. DAD over at 839

a) After Yahya Sinwar, the man responsible for launching the Oct. 7 attacks on Israel, took full control of Hamas over the summer, Arab intelligence officials say he sent a directive to a senior operative: Now is the time to revive suicide bombings.

b) A ‘Manifesto’ by British activist Tommy Robinson became a top-seller on UK Amazon and sold out, leading to questions by an activist of the sometimes-Soros funded Hope Not Hate research group.

c) Auditors scold EU spiralling error rate in spending and EU debt of €458.5 billion …

d) France’s new centre-right government, led by Prime Minister Michel Barnier, has introduced an austerity budget aimed at addressing the high national debt …